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I got y'all don't worry cliff hanger is over now
My eyes were glued shut but I felt no impact, no pain, where did the bullet go? I open my eyes he was standing close to me, still holding the gun up. I turn around to see a walker's body laying lifeless behind me, a bullet in its skull, fresh blood pouring out.

I looked back at him confused of what just happened. He just looked down at me with no emotion showing from his face, it was intimidating. His eyes pierced into mine we were having an eternal battle fighting for control, dominance.

He finally broke the silence still staring into my eyes "if I couldn't throw you off a damn roof there's no way in hell I could shoot you in cold blood" his voice was deeper then usual obviously showing how serious he was. I was still trembling from what just happened "but if I have to I will shoot you dead so stay in your place and behave"

His serious side scared me cause I couldn't read him at all, his eyes were threatening, voice deep in anger, he moved around slowly and as if he were about to kill at any moment. Like a cobra about to strike, it sent shivers down my spine.

He got real close to me again his forehead almost touching mine. Sweat dripping down my back from how nervous I was. I couldn't stare into his eyes any longer I looked away and he took that as a victory cause he backed away and smiled a bit. "Like I said just takes time for you to understand who's boss"

How could I let him win this, why was I being so frightened? I look back up to him as he motions for me to follow him. But I can't move I'm stuck as if someone has glued me to the floor. My breathing was becoming shaky again, oh no my anxiety was kicking in.

My eyes became watery and I couldn't control myself anymore. I haven't had one in a long time, I just stood here shaking. Negan had finally turned around and noticed this but all he did was smile. He soon shouted at me "you better move princess don't make me drag your ass across the concrete"

Couldn't he see that I was suffering right now? Can he show no compassion then I remembered it's Negan why the fuck would he do that. I heard his footsteps coming closer to me, I knew if I didn't move things will become a lot worse. I used all of my will power to make the first few steps trying to breath normally and calm myself down.

But what really scared me the most was wondering where we're going and what he plans on doing with me at this point. He saw that I was beginning to walk towards him little by little I knew he was mocking me in his head.
He's fucking sadistic, "next time better be quicker don't make me use Lucille on you cause she's a hungry girl"

I nodded my head, I wrapped my arms around myself to try and comfort myself. It seemed to be working since I could finally get my breathing under control again. Negan led me back to my room. "Now you're gonna stay here unless I tell you and only me no one else, that you can come out, I own you, you listen to me, everything you had is my shit I own that"

He was getting all in my personal space. "Look at me" he threatened. I slowly lifted my head towards his gaze. He smiled "good girl" he put his hand up to my face, I flinched away. "No don't do that" I recomposed myself as he put his hand on my cheek bringing my face closer to his.

He smiled "you're so cute when you're scared, I like this a lot" I hated him so much. "I could do whatever the fuck I want with you and you couldn't do shit about it, I fucking love having this kind of effect on the ladies, it turns me the fuck on"

He grabbed my hand and pulled it towards his dick "feel that shit that's what you just did I fucking want you" he licked his lips. I wanted to vomit he's disgusting. He pulled me closer into his chest and whispered in my ear "let me take advantage of you" I didn't want anything to do with him but what would happen if I said no would he beat me again?

I hate how he's asking me this at my weakest point but that's how he does it, that's how he's had sex in the past cause girls are too afraid to say no after the shit he's put them through. Fear is what keeps him in control, I shook my head and looked him dead in the eyes angrily "No" He was taken back a bit.

"Excuse the fuck out of me but what did you say I didn't quite hear it correctly did you just say no?" "I told you no" anger flared in his eyes once more. "What if I decided to take you anyway" I raised my eyebrow "you're against that shit" that just seemed to piss him off more and I was losing my confidence again.

He noticed this and decided to shrink me down some more by bringing up my insecurities. "You know what I don't want you and I don't fucking need you, you're too fat for me anyway I like my women thin with a nice plump ass and tits, you should stop eating like a pig and lose some weight fat ass" I tried to ignore it.

"I don't know why, I ever saw anything in you you're pathetic, worthless, and stupid" tears rolled down my cheeks I tried so hard over the years to lose weight and think of myself as beautiful and he was just destroying me. "I'm not gonna waste my fucking breath on you anymore, you don't deserve anything you can sit here and rot"

He turned away and slammed the door but I heard him whisper under his breath "I hate to do this to you." I just laid in my bed covering myself in blankets and curled into a ball. He had broken my spirit.
Emotional chapter guys

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