Work to Earn

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Happy New year😍
A few days have went by and Negan hasn't really been bothering me which in my opinion is really fucking nice not having him around so much, like a vacation but it's also really suspicious.

Then again I haven't actually been at the sanctuary long, last time I was here I was in a cell and dragged off on a supply run so maybe this is how he always is here. I've been making my self useful and been helping people clean weapons and shit. I would help the farmers but everything I touch seems to die so I let them handle that.

Currently I was sharpening a beautiful blade from the supplies that was just loaded in today. I've been keeping track of who takes what weapons I'm pretty proud of all the hard work I've been doing, I don't really mind it either whatever keeps me busy I'll do it.

Working keeps my mind off of Negan and the situation I'm in. I was almost done sharpening this blade when I heard someone coming toward me, I look up but it's just Dwight I sigh in relief. He actually smiled at me for once and I returned the gesture.

"I'm guessing you finally decided to just obey to make your life easier" my eyes widened he understood "yeah basically" he smiled "yeah it's not too bad once you get use to it, you'll fit in just fine" I smiled "thanks" he smiled back and carried on his way.

I continued sharpening the blade until I was finished and happy with how sharp it was. "Looks good" I turned around quickly to the voice, since I didn't recognize it. He was a man with a mustache, his smile was creepy and tense at first but was a bit contagious "I don't believe we've met yet I'm Simon" I smiled back "Hello I'm Rose" his eyes lit up.

"Ah so you're the one giving Negan a hard time?" I was a bit stunned he was very bold to say such a thing to me. "Well your very blunt with your words" he just kept smiling "I can say anything to anyone I have no shame" "I see and yes I do give him a hard time but at least I'm working and providing for the sanctuary"

His smile was still glued to his face it was beginning to seem threatening "that's true we enjoyed getting all the supplies you had brought back despite what happened out there and I'm sure Negan appreciates you keeping track of the weapons"

"I don't think he even knows I'm working with the weapons considering my job is to go out and get shit" his eyes kinda lit up when I said that. "Oh so your a scavenger? You're not out there cause he doesn't trust you and I don't blame him" I rolled my eyes "to be honest I wouldn't trust someone new either nor would I trust someone who's being difficult so I understand"

His smile became more genuine "good you're smart now since you're being such a good girl I'll put in a good word with him and see if you can go on a run with someone sometime" I smiled brightly "thank you Simon" he winked at me "no problem now keep up the good work" he walked off in the direction of Dwight.

A devilish smile came to my face, gotta earn the trust of others, looks like the plan is working all I gotta do is obey and work for my keep here. Though it's not hard and I agree that people should work for their keep here, their can't be any free loaders though Negan has told me before that I didn't have to work but since I'm staying here I'd like to make myself useful, I want to stand out to Negan, show him I'm different and determined to earn my keep, maybe then I'll earn his trust.

It was getting late and people were going off to bed but in my opinion their was still loads of work to do, the weapons had to be organized, food needed to be put away and organized into categories, some of the fences surrounding the place needed to be tended to and not to mention this whole place is a fucking mess.

I sighed ill just have to do it, not like I sleep much anyway and maybe I'll impress Negan enough for me to actually go out and do my fucking job. Guess I'll start with the weapons since I'm already here.

I organized the weapons onto four tables blades, bombs, handguns, heavy duty guns. I also had a bucket under each table with the bullets to the guns. I smiled that looks a lot better I then headed out towards the food storage.

Going in their was just random food stuff everywhere. I sighed how the fuck do they keep order in anything? I thought Negan was better than this, first I emptied all the shelves of food that can't be eaten anymore, then I took all the food off the shelves and organized each shelf.

First shelf was canned food, next was veggies, then fruit, then I had the junk food at the bottom. The shelves were filled with food, the place looked a lot better, I smiled "Now that's satisfying" I said to myself.

Now to go grab some tools to fix the fence cause I'm not about to have a walker devour me in my sleep. Yes the fences are guarded but shit can happen I'd rather just have them fixed, I wonder why no one has fixed them yet? Probably because Negan just gets people to guard them anyway so theirs never a need to fix it since it'll be a waste of time and resources.

I walked over to the warehouse and grabbed what I needed. I started at the main gate making my way around the fence and greeting the guards. It sucked having to get down on my knees in the dirt and just having sweat rolling down my face having to hammer boards into the holes. The guards would just watch me and whistle as if I'm some fucking stripper, very annoying but at least they thanked me afterwards.

It took about three hours but I was able to fix all the holes and luckily there weren't too many. I headed back to the warehouse and put away the spare screws, wooden boards, and the hammer back. I decided to sit down for a minute to take a breather.

I thought about some other things I could do but there just wasn't anything else to do the place was finally organized. I smiled guess I could go take a shower that sounds so nice right now. I got up and began walking to my room. It was weird walking around the sanctuary with no one out other than the guards then again it was like two in the morning. It was way too quiet, finally making it to my door I opened it.

"Hello darling you've been quite productive today" his voice made me jump. "Holy shit you're still up" he just smiled. "Come and sit down we need to have a talk"
The fireworks are beautiful tonight 🎆🎇

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