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I'm on a roll this weekend guys😁🙌🏻
It's been three days since we got back to the sanctuary and everyone was real fortunate for all the supplies we had brought back. Negan has taken charge again and is loving it but he's been real distant with me.

I think it's because I'm actually having an effect on him and he's trying to ignore it. Ever since we got back he went back to being a complete asshole and locked me in a cell for two days for all the shit I did while on that supply run. He's so two sided, I hate it. What happen to the sweetheart I saw a few days ago?

Today I've just been staying in my room listening to music, drawing since I had nothing better to do and I use to draw all the time in my free time since it was always a self expression for me. It was weird doing it again but I was happy I could still be civilized and get back to those old days when the earth wasn't being over run by the undead.

In my peripheral vision I noticed someone opening my door and coming. I'm guessing it was Negan considering he didn't even take the time to knock he just let himself in...fucking asshole. I look up and what do you know I was right, he just smiled at me but I didn't return it.

I took out an earbud to hear what bullshit was going to come out of his mouth. "Hey darlin where the fuck have you been?" I looked at him confused "what do you mean I've been in my room the whole day" he looked angry. "I've been fucking calling your name looking for you" "I didn't hear you probably because I'm listening to music"

He was definitely frustrated with me. "Give me the damn iPod" I looked at him angrily he was not going to take this. "Hell no" I saw his face turning red from anger. "What the fuck just came out of your little mouth" I stood my ground "I SAID HELL NO" I yelled.

He grabbed me by the throat I could feel myself suffocating. "YOU DON'T TALK BACK TO ME LIKE THAT" he raised his voice. He threw me to the side grabbing my iPod. Tears were all over my face "What the hell you are so fucking fake what happened to the Negan I saw on our supply run what the hell did I ever see in you! I take everything back you're a cold hearted bastard I hope you rot in hell!"

And that's where I drew the line he was pissed. He grabbed my arm and began dragging me down the hall, my body hitting every corner while the floor rubbed against my skin causing red marks all over. I screamed and kicked around to get him to let go but his grip was too tight.

The weird thing was he wasn't taking me towards the cell so I have no idea where we're going. He opened a door throwing me out onto the concrete road. Pain covered my elbow as I landed on it "FUCK" I yelped. I quickly look over at Negan waiting for his next move which I figured would be him beating the shit out of me.

Instead he just began angrily talking "Now you listen here I am in charge I do whatever the fuck I want when I want and if you don't comply with my shit then you get punished that's how this works, what you saw over the fucking supply run was me trying to get close to you which hello it worked, I got the info I needed from you"

I looked at him confused "what info are you talking about" he shook his head "did I say you could speak I don't think so, so keep your fucking mouth shut or I'll get some duct tape or better yet I'll shove my dick down your throat" he gave a sadistic smile. "Now that info was you, you're an open book, I can predict what you're gonna do because I know you pretty well"

"I'll be using what I know to break you down to pieces and soon enough I'll be on the fucking yes train in no time screwing your brains out" He just felt so high of himself right now like he's just solved the biggest mystery in the world. I learned a valuable lesson today trust no one despite how nice they are, you are all you have.

He's really fucked with me this time. He was just standing there swinging his bat around happy with himself. I don't like having my emotions toyed with but I felt totally defeated but then again I learned a lot of shit about him. I don't think that was a game it's hard to believe that. I feel like I actually saw a side of him that he doesn't like to show and he's just making an excuse for it.

I looked back up to him "you're just bullshitting me right now, that was a side of you and you're just making an excuse for it cause you don't want to let anyone in you want people to fear you but I didn't and I'm still not afraid of you" I stood up. "You cannot break me down Negan no matter how hard you try and you know it too and that's what you hate, you hate that you can't get to me, you hate how I don't bow down to you like everyone else, you hate that I'm a challenge but really you know you love it"

Negan was just standing there speechless "honey I think you have a screw loose" I smiled "no I think I'm just reading an open book" he got real angry with me it's probably because he knows I'm right but will never admit to that. He raised a gun at me.

Was he actually going to pull the trigger? No he doesn't have the balls to do it he couldn't even let me fall off a roof. I stood my ground "Rose I don't need you anymore you're a loss cause" my eyes widened as he pulled the trigger, the blast of the gun echoing throughout the sanctuary.

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