Wake up call

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Note: sorry had a bit of writers block and school had been getting in the way now where were we...
I awoke to him still holding me, his arms snaked around my waist one of his hands was on my breast. I gently moved it not wanting to wake him cause I wasn't dealing with his shit this early in the morning. I slowly turned myself to face his sleeping face.

He looked so peaceful for once, his hair all matted and his beard had a few curls twisted together. I then noticed he was shirtless my face reddened it's been a longtime since I've seen a man that way so yeah I was a little shy.

I was mesmerized by each of his relaxed muscles. He even had a few tattoos I smiled at the thought. I wish he could stay like this forever I then noticed his eyes start to twitch he was waking up! I closed my eyes making it seem like I was still sleeping.

I heard him yawn and after a few moments I felt his hand on my face. I flinched and opened my eyes to see his brown ones staring back. He just smiled "good morning beautiful" he said in his husky morning voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"Mornin" we sat their for a bit in awkward silence "might wanna get dressed since we still have to get shit cause we can't come back empty handed" he said. I rolled on my back "UGH but I don't wanna get up!!" He laughed "sorry sweetheart as much as I would love to lay in bed with you all day we have shit to do"

I finally got the energy to roll out of bed I was still in my bra and panties *flirting whistle* "Damn I almost forgot how fucking sexy you are and last night was a fucking blast too bad you had to cut it short" "sorry but I like my men loyal"

I could tell he was pissed off by my remark. I just ignored him, putting on an old Nirvana shirt along with shorts and converse. I looked over to Negan as he put on a red shirt with long black pants with his belt and of course his leather jacket.

"Not in the mood to grease my hair back today" "alright what's the plan for today?" "Look into a few stores to find some supplies maybe even try the Grocery store on the corner" "alright" we left the hotel room and made our way down the stairs. I slowly opened the exit looking around for nearby walkers.

There were some stragglers but other than that not too bad. Negan came out from behind me taking charge and leading the way towards the grocery store. "Are you sure theirs even going to be anything left?" He looked at me and smiled "doesn't hurt to try" I nodded. We turned a corner only to be faced by a hoard of walkers.

They spotted us and began coming toward us. "SHIT RUN TO THE STORE" he called over to me. I tried to run but my sides still hurt from his beating the other day my ribs felt like they were on fire. I collapsed onto the ground, I was gonna die here. Accepting my fate I closed my eyes waiting to be chewed on by the dead. I felt someone's arms around me, picking me up.

I opened my eyes to see Negan carrying me towards the store. He was running pretty quickly even with me in his arms. I looked up at his face it wasn't full of panic at all despite the situation we were in, in fact he looked pretty calm he must've been in a similar situation before or he's just not scared anymore.

We were almost at the store when Negan tripped and fell on his head knocking him out. I looked towards the walkers that were quickly catching up, this was my chance to escape and he would die meaning I would be free without him trying to find me. I looked down at his face, blood trickled from his head but he did risk his life to save me despite me being a complete bitch to him. Ugh why do I have to have emotions, I made up my mind I owed him so I couldn't just let him die.

Picking up his arm I swung it around me using up as much strength as I could muster even though I was in a lot of pain, to drag him over to the store. I quickly used my foot to bust in the door throwing him inside and quickly locking the door behind me.

I took a deep breath of relief, the walkers continued to bang on the door. I looked over at Negan I should probably check on him. I crawled over to his body checking his wound. It wasn't too bad he wasn't going to need stitches but I needed to find some bandages. I looked around, the store wasn't fully stocked but it did have a few things.

Most of the food was rotten, I went to the aisle with medical supplies. Thank the lord their were bandages along with some medicine I could use, I also grabbed some Advil for myself. I came back to him and cleaned up his wound and put a bandage on it. Who knows how long it would be for him to wake up.

I laid against the wall tired and fell asleep.

I woke up to Negan shaking me, "ugh what the hell" he looked at me "what the fuck happened?" My eyes widened as I realized he was awake "oh hey you finally woke up" he looked so confused it was out of character for him. "While trying to save me you tripped and fell on your head giving yourself a nasty wound, you were knocked out so I dragged you in here"

He looked at me shocked "you saved me?" "Yeah" he smiled "you could've let me die and escaped but you chose to save me why?" I rolled my eyes "well I couldn't let you die since you tried to save me so I figured I owed you one and it's something called kindness which I think you should try more often" he just chuckled.

"I knew you would come around" I glared at him "this doesn't mean anything I payed my debt next time it happens I'm leaving you for dead" he just smiled "sure you would" he knew deep down that I wouldn't, he knew he was slowly breaking her.

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