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I'm just really in the mood to write rn💕👌🏻
It was getting late and we were still no where near close to home, but what worried me the most was Negan he hasn't woken up yet. I was getting tired so I pulled the truck over and decided to rest until dawn. I grabbed a lantern and lit it looking over at Negan I could tell he was still breathing but barely.

I got close to him and cupped his cheek, what if he wasn't going to wake up and he was just stuck like this...a vegetable. I didn't want to have to put him down, this was the second time he had tried to save my life. Tears rolled down my cheeks, god damn it why did I have to care so much for this cruel man.

But he wasn't always cruel he just shows his feelings in a different way. I put my arms around him and I heard his breathing becoming more normal. Maybe all he needed was comfort cause who knows what's going on inside his head right now.

Soon afterwards I felt two arms wrap around me. I jolted by surprise and looked up, he met my gaze. The biggest smile came across my face along with happy tears. "Oh my god you're awake" I remember to be gentle with him and hugged him a little tighter.

"Did someone actually miss me?" "Are you kidding you jumped off a roof for me?!" He smiled "and I'd do it again if I have too" I blushed. "Since you're finally awake please tell me what hurts cause I need to know the extent of the damage" he looked at me a bit surprised.

I smiled "if you haven't figured out already I was a doctor before all this" he smiled "god has sent me an angel" I giggled "alright but seriously what hurts?" "Everything" "that totally helps me out" "ok let me be more specific my right side hurts especially my shoulder"

I nodded "that's because you have a few broken ribs which at the sanctuary I plan on wrapping you up so those can heal and you have a dislocated shoulder I don't know if the joint is shattered though" he smiled "you're good" "by the way you also sustained a head injury which I'll be happy to stitch up for you" "awesome"

I smiled "I think you should get some more rest it's late" he looked into my eyes "I'm not tired, I'll drive instead" "oh no sir you need rest Doctors orders" he just smiled "I'm still in charge and you're gonna let me drive" I got a bit agitated with him "no Negan seriously you need to be still and rest I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore"

His angered expression softened "Wait are you actually caring for me?" I was surprised by that comment and then I realized I actually am caring for him. After all those fights and playing hard to get I was actually submitting to him. Oh my god I'm playing into his game, I'm catching feelings, after all the shit he's put me through.

But he's saved my life basically twice I can't just ignore that, he cares for me right? "Depends do you actually care and don't bullshit me cause I'll see right through it" he was still for a moment a bit speechless for once but he composed himself "I won't lie, you are replaceable for sex anyway but I wouldn't want to see you go I was thinking about dropping you to save my own skin but I couldn't bring myself to do it and ordinarily I wouldn't have a second thought and I would just drop the person but you're different that's all I have to say and that should answer your question"

My heart warmed a little despite that one comment of being replaceable. He did care and that's all I needed to know. I pulled him into a kiss which he whole heartedly accepted. Once again he was being a bit rough fighting for control but I gladly succumbed to him. I felt him smile knowing he had won.

I didn't go too much further considering he was still in bad shape so we'll save the rest for a later date. I parted lips with him but he still looked at me hungrily, I just pressed my finger to his lips "you're still hurt I don't want to be rough with you so let's just wait" he nodded in understanding.

"Rose if I were to give up my wives would you be mine?" I was shocked to hear this but I answered "yeah" he looked at me shocked "seriously?" I smiled "yeah I've always told you I don't like sharing my men" he smiled "too bad I have too high of an ego to give them up"

I nodded "I figured that you don't seem to be the type to give in so easily" he smiled "I'm a stubborn ass" his comment made me chuckle a bit. "That's alright you'll come around" He looked at me weirdly "you mean you'll come around" I just glared at him.

"Yeah right I keep my standards you're the one gonna go love sick since I'm not having sex with you until you get rid of your wives" he just laughed "honey if I want sex I can call upon anyone of my wives to take care of me I don't need you" I just laughed sarcastically "sure but I'm one of a kind I'm a fucking sex queen bitch"

He just started laughing "yeah sure" "you wouldn't be able to handle this anyway with your cripple self" he got pretty steamed off from my comment. "Oh sweetheart you have no idea the shit I could do to you with my fucking large cock you'd be crippled afterwards!"

"BET YOU'D BE SCREAMING WITH ME FOR HOW FUCKING TIGHT I AM" "I would have you moaning my name for months!" We were both getting heated eventually both of us were sexually frustrated but we refused to give in to each other since we were both control freaks wanting to dominate the other.

"You're the most fucking stubborn woman I've ever met" I winked "oh honey you have no idea" He just smiled and grabbed my waist forcing me into his chest. "Let's catch up on that resting shall we" I just smiled and laid my head against him, god how the fuck do we stand each other and how in the hell is he not beating the shit out of me like he use too?

I think he's growing a soft spot for me just like I'm growing one for him though we're both oblivious to it.
Is Negan going Soft?!! What???

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