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"We can't just eat donuts at the reception because they make you, your sister and your niece sick to your stomachs. They're also not good for anybody's health." Tobin argues over our FaceTime call. She was currently at the store and I was at home with baby Hope.

"I was joking, babe." I say and Tobin gives me that stern look.

"You weren't and I know you weren't." She says and I sigh.

"It was worth a shot."

When Tobin got home, I had just put Hope down for a nap in her crib, so I went down and helped with the groceries.

"I'm gonna miss this when I go back to Orlando." I sigh out as Tobin wraps her arms around my neck after we had put everything away.

"Well, they've offered you a season loan back here to be with Hope and I." Tobin reminds me and I sigh.

"But you and I both know the politics of the NWSL nowadays. It isn't 2015 anymore, where we get shitty paychecks and absolutely no attention unless we're on the cover of ESPN's Body Issue. We're just as big as Men's Soccer now and we get paid better than them for better play, and if I came to PTFC on loan immediately following my immense victory over this exact club not even two months ago, Orlando fans will see that as betrayal to the club. It'll hurt the club." I say and Tobin raises a brow at me. "I'll play a month in Orlando and then sign to accept the loan offer so I can come back home and be with you and our little one." I say and smile when Tobin does.

"We're actually doing this. We're getting married and raising a child together." She says and I chuckle before pulling her in for a kiss, which doesn't happen because we're startled by Hope's cries from the nursery. "My turn?" Tobin asks and I nod.

"Oh yeah." I say and she smiles before disappearing to go get Hope. "She's hungry babe!" Tobin calls out from the nursery and I go make her a bottle of formula for her, handing it to Tobin when she appears with Hope in her arms.


Later that night, as I get out of the shower, I groan as I realize that I forgot my towel in the room.

"Shit. Tobin!" I call out and watch as Tobin pokes her head into the bathroom.

"Forget something?" She asks, holding up the towel and I sigh, walking over and trying to grab it but give Tobin a stern look as she yanks it away from my reach. "A kiss for a towel." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Never become a poet." I say and Tobin raises a brow at me.

"If I don't get my kiss you don't get your towel." Tobin says and I roll my eyes at my fiancée before grabbing her by the chin and pulling her into a kiss. I get my towel from her and wrap it around myself as she keeps me in the kiss, and once the towel is secure, I grab her hips and pull her closer to me.


Y/N grabs me by the hips and pulls me a little closer as I deepen the kiss, so I wrap both arms around her neck and back her up against the counter, letting my hands roam her towel-clad sides, which elicits a gasp from my fiancée, who doesn't pull away as I trace my fingers along her stomach under the towel, the only reaction I get is a sigh and her abs flexing under my touch, most likely surprised, but not panicking yet. So I bite her lip gently and slip my right hand along her stomach and side under the towel, which only pulls a groan from Y/N before she lifts me by the back of my legs and carries me to the bed, where she lays me down gently, hovering over me as she pulls away, leaving me on the bed as she gets dressed, slipping her shorts on mere seconds before Hope begins to cry, making me wonder how she did it. How she always knew when Hope would wake up from her naps. After a few minutes, Y/N came in with a fussy Hope in her arms and came to sit beside me, still giving her undivided attention to the baby in her arms.

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