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A couple of days after Y/N and I moved into the new house, as I got home from the store, Y/N called out to me telling me to just leave the groceries alone, because we needed to film a video for YouTube, so I listened, and went to the room Y/N set aside for filming videos like this, and when I walked in, I smiled as Hope squealed, and walked toward me, so when she reached me, I picked her up, settling her on my hip as I walked over to Y/N, who was fiddling with the camera, and the lighting, as I walk over to her, she turned, and met me in the kiss I leant in for.

"Hey." Y/N greets, and I smile.

"Hi." I say, and she points to the chairs in front of the camera.

"Sit there for me, please, so I can focus the camera." She says, so I sit where she wants me to, and sit still while she does what she needs to.

"Where's Kaycee?" I ask, and Y/N shrugs.

"Ash asked her to do a photo shoot of her, Ali, and Logan, so she's with the Harris Family." Y/N says, and I nod. "Got it." Y/N says, doing a few things before coming, and sitting in front of the camera with Hope and I. "Ready, Hopey?" Y/N asks, and Hope nods, holding her hands up excitedly. "Three, two, one." Y/N says before clapping at the same time that Hope does. "Good job, Hopey!" Y/N praises our daughter, tickling her, and I smile as I watch them. "Alright." Y/N says, turning to the camera. "Hi guys! And welcome back to the channel! I know it's been a while since we posted anything, but that's because we were moving out of the Aquarium." Y/N says to the camera. "But, now that things are kind of settled, here we are, with the Q&A with Tobin that you all have been begging for." Y/N says, gesturing to me, and I wave to the camera.

"Hi, guys!" I greet as Y/N grabs her phone, and pulls up the questions she's obviously chosen beforehand.

"Alright, so, the first question is; how does Hope interact with the girls on the National Team, and who is she closest to besides you two?" Y/N reads, and I look at Y/N. "Hope interacts with everyone we spend time with, and, I'd have to say that Hope is closest to Ash outside the two of us. It's either Ash or her namesake, Ms. Solo." Y/N says, and I nod, taking the phone when Y/N hands it to me.

"The next question is; how come we never see you two fight? You two are the perfect couple." I read, and Y/N laughs.

"Oh, honey, no. We're far from perfect."

"We're not perfect, but we hardly fight." I say, and Y/N nods.

"Our last fight was after the Olympics." Y/N says, and I hum.

"Yeah, that was the last actual fight. We almost broke up over that." I say, and Y/N nods. "Because someone isn't good with vulnerability, so, when she was waiting to get her knee surgery, she needed help with everything. Walking, showering, getting dressed, and it was hard for me to see her in so much pain, so I can't imagine how bad it was for someone as hardheaded as she is, so one day, she just snapped. Told me to stop, stop helping her with every little thing, and I snapped back, words were said, and she went back to Orlando. Then she disappeared, and ended up in Seattle getting ready for surgery." I say, and Y/N leans over to kiss my cheek, and as she does, she takes my hand.

"I'm sorry for disappearing like that." She apologizes, and I kiss her forehead.

"I'm just glad that you were alright." I say, and Y/N smiles at me. She quickly pecks my lips, and takes the phone from me to read the next question.

"How do you handle your hair, Y/N?" Y/N reads off, and I chuckle.

"She pouts." I say, and Y/N smacks my arm.

"Excuse you, Heath. I scowl as well." Y/N says, and I laugh. "But really, I just have to have patience. I keep repeating to myself that it'll be long again one day, and the hair in my eyes is just my hair helping me get used to that again." Y/N says, and I run my fingers through her hair, which was now shaggy as she grows it out.

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