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So during the games against Mexico, both Ashlyn and Aubrey got hurt, and the Pride had no other keeps.

"Babe, Tom is calling you." Tobin says, and I sigh, taking my phone when she hands it to me and answer the call.

"Tom, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask.

"As you know Ashlyn and Aubrey are injured."

"And you need me to end my loan early to get in goal for Orlando again."


"I'll need to talk to Tobin about it."

"That's fine."

"I'll call you back." I say before hanging up. "Baby!" I call out, because she wandered off, and I smile as I watch her come in with Hope.

"What's up?"

"Bad news."

"You're needed in goal for Orlando."


"Go babe, I'll be fine. You can take Hope if you'd like." She says and I look at Hope, then back at Tobin.

"You sure?" I ask, and she shrugs.

"I mean, you came to Portland to be with Hope, you could take Hope so you don't have to worry about her."


"Y/N!" I hear Ali call out as I walk out of the secure area of the airport and I sigh, Hope was asleep, but isn't now, and Liebe just ran straight for Ali. "Hello tattoo." Ali says and I sigh.

"Well, Ali has the pup, I'll actually be helpful." Alex says and I smile.

"Thank you Lex." I say and she smiles at me, kissing Hope's little head before hugging me.

"Of course." She says, walking with all of us out to the Jeep I left here in Orlando when I left, the bags are loaded into the back, and I put hope in the car seat that had been put in the back seat, Ali drove us to the house and as we walked in, I saw Ash laying on the couch with her leg up.

"Hey! There's my replacement! And her cute little baby! Gimme the baby." She says and I chuckle, setting Hope on Ashlyn's stomach, and smiling as Hope gets comfy with Ashlyn while I help Ali and Alex with my bags, once everything is in, they leave, and I sigh, walking into the living room to see Ashlyn passed out, still on the couch, with an equally unconscious Hope on her chest, so I take Hope, put her in the crib in my room before going back to the living room and tossing a blanket over my best friend. Once those two were all comfy and out for the night, I got into bed, and slept like a log.

In the morning, I took Ashlyn and Hope with me to practice, and I trained as a keep while Ashlyn played with Hope. It felt good to be back in purple, but that didn't mean I didn't miss Portland, and my fianceè, when duty calls though.


It's been about a month and a half since Y/N left to Orlando with Hope, and Orlando has been killing it. I've been getting those dance lessons from Jade, and just really preparing for the wedding.

"Okay, so you've finally finished the sketch of the cake, I want to see it." My mom says, walking over to me and setting her hand on my shoulder, so I show it to her. "I love it." She says and I smile. "Is your cake topper you and Y/N in your uniforms?"

"It's a place holder until I say yes to my dress. Because according to dad, Y/N has her suit all done and stuff."

"Don't sweat it, honey." Mom says and I sigh.

"There's just so much going on. Wedding planning is supposed to be easy when my two main distractions are across the country." I say and my mom chuckles.

"They may distract you, but they also keep you focused."

"They're the best distractions a girl could ask for." I say and my mom smiles.

"I'm so glad you found the one finally." My mom says and I smile.

"You're happy? How do you think I feel?"

"I know how you feel." Mom says as dad comes over and wraps her up in his arms, making me sigh. I miss having Y/N here to have that happen. She's always doing it and I swoon harder every time she does it.


"Y/N, we don't need you, your daughter is the perfect keeper." Ashlyn says tickling Hope as I get off the ground after finally getting back into the grove of flying again.

"Shut up." I say, going and taking Hope from Ashlyn and kissing her little cheek on my way over to Merritt to get some water.

"You're looking great." Merritt says, tickling Hope's stomach, and I smile, taking a drink and letting Hope hold the bottle when she reaches for it.

"Aw, look how cute they are." Ashlyn says, limping her gimp as over, her phone pointed at me, she's always filming Hope, because in her words, 'she's going to say her first word at any second and it wouldn't be fair to Tobin if it wasn't filmed'. My best friend is special. That's as far as I'm going to go. She's special.

"Ah!" Hope exclaims and I look at her to see her shaking the water.

"Ah!" I respond to her. "Water!" I say, kissing her forehead.

"Agua!" Hope exclaims and my jaw drops as I look between her, Ashlyn, Merritt, and the girls who had come over.

"That's my girl!" I say, kissing Hope's forehead and cheeks.

"And you thought I was crazy." Ashlyn says, putting her phone away, and I smile.

"Who taught you that baby?" I ask and she points over to Camila and Monica. "Of course." I say, and smile.

After practice, as I'm driving home with Ashlyn and Hope in the car, I get a call.

"It's your wifey." Ashlyn says childishly from the passenger seat and I sigh.

"Answer it for me, I'm driving." I say and she answers it. "Hello?" I say.

"Hey babe. I got the video Ashlyn sent me."

"Which one? She's always filming."

"Of Hope talking." Tobin says and I smile.

"Oh, yeah."

"I wish I could've been there to see it." She says and I sigh. "Tell her I love her." She says and I glance at Ashlyn as she turns around to face Hope in her carseat.

"You hear that, Hopey? Momma loves you!" She says and I chuckle.

"Ashlyn?" Tobin asks.

"Hi Momma Tobs." Ashlyn says and I chuckle again.

"I'll call you when we get home, okay babe? I'm driving right now."

"Okay, babe, talk you in a bit." She says and Ashlyn hangs up for me.

Once we get home, and we're all comfortable I FaceTime Tobin with Hope on my lap, and smile as Tobin answers. When Tobin's face pops up on the screen, I smile wide.

"Hi baby." I say and she smiles.

"Hey love." She responds as Hope makes her presence known. "Hi princess!" She says and I smile. "I saw you say your first word today, I'm so proud of you!" Tobin says and Hope giggles. "Yeah! I'm proud of you!" She continues and I just smile wide. I can't wait to marry that woman and guilt trip her into coming to Orlando with me. After a bit of Tobin paying attention to Hope and only Hope, the little angel falls asleep, so I put her down in her bed and talk with Tobin now.

"I miss you so much." I sigh out.

"I miss you too." She says and I sigh. "Three weeks, love, and then we'll be back together for a good week and a half." She says and I smile at the thought of the next Camp.

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