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It's been a few hours since our appointment with that tailor, and we went to bed early, exhausted, since we had found a 24-hour access gym, and paid for a day pass at it and worked out like we usually do, it was fun, and just what we needed, because as soon as we got home, we died, we showered at the gym, just a random stroke of confidence on both of our parts, but I wasn't sleeping right now because the sound of Y/N tossing and turning woke me up, and I knew it was a nightmare, so best friend to the rescue, I get out of bed, and hop onto Y/N to keep her from moving, grabbing her wrists as she swings at me and hold them at her sides as I use my feet to keep her legs down and call her name. The fifth time I call her name, she sits up, flinging me onto the back in the process.

"Dad! No!" She yells out and I scramble to hug her tight.

"Hey, Hey, shh, shh. Your dad is fine. He's fine. He's alive. He's alright." I tell her and just let her sob into my chest, her hands clutching for the shirt I wasn't wearing before her arms wrap around me and sigh as I sway, trying to get Y/N to relax. Which helps after a while. Fucking ab workout. But I don't care. "Do you want to call your dad?" I ask and she nods against my chest and I grab her phone and open it, I've got my finger print in her phone, privilege of the best friend, and call her dad on FaceTime. It's cute though, she has her parents under Mama and Papa bear with the bear face emoji behind their names.

"Y/N? What's wrong are you okay?" He asks and I watch Y/N poke her head out from my chest and wipe her teary eyes with my thumb.

"I am now." Is all she says, so I elaborate.

"She had a nightmare about you." I say and he sighs.

"What happened?" Ethan asks and Y/N sniffles, taking her phone from me and pushing me over to snuggle up with me as she talks with her father.

"You didn't survive that crash." She says and I hear her dad sigh.

"I'm right here honey. I'm alive and well, so is your mother, we're both fine, we both love you too much to die on you like that." He says and smile when Y/N does.

"I love you too, dad." She says sleepily and I rub her back to help her relax because I could feel her tensing up.

"Are you okay now?" He asks and Y/N nods. "Okay honey, get some rest, I'll see you in the morning." He says and she nods. "Ashlyn?" He says, so I take the phone from Y/N who was already asleep again.

"Hello, Mr. Y/L/N.

"Thank you for being there for my daughter through thick and thin. She's always needed a friend like you I'm glad she has you." He says and I smile at him before looking at my best friend who's drooling on my chest.

"I'm glad I have her." I respond and look at the phone when I hear Ethan chuckle.

"You get some sleep, too. You look exhausted. I'll see you girls in the morning." He says before hanging up, and I plug her phone back in before relaxing into the before tugging the blankets over Y/N and myself. Y/N's parents flew out to New York to meet up with Y/N, myself and Tobin's father. He was present to make sure Y/N sorta matched with Tobin. He says that so far Tobin is satisfied with the choices he's made. But we invited him to stay anyway and spend time with all of us, because Y/N knew for sure that her father would love Tobin's father.


In the morning, we met with the parental units and got breakfast before getting everything done that we needed to do before spending the day exploring the city with the whole group.

"You girls are going to get hurt!" Y/N's mom says, chuckling, holding her hands out in case we fall toward her, since I had Y/N on my back giving her a piggy back ride.

"Nah, I got her." I say and both fathers look at me.

"If you hurt Y/N, I swear." They warn and I roll my eyes, but they can't see that because there's this magical thing called sunglasses.

"Please, I could probably bench press Y/N. How much you weigh Baby Shark?" I ask.

"550." She says and snorts out a laugh in my ear and I smile at my best friend's laugh. "Nah, I'm playin', I think maybe like, 195."


"No. I'm 142."

"Damn, how?" I ask, she's like four pounds lighter than me.

"I dunno. Maybe it's Tobin being good at controlling my diet." She says and I chuckle.

"Yeah, probably." I say, setting Y/N on her feet and walking beside her, my arm slung around her neck while her hand rests on my side.


"Hi Hopey!" Y/N says to her phone, which was displaying her daughter and fiancèe. "Hi love." She says, obviously to Tobin.

"How's your trip to New York going?" Tobin asks and I decide to drop myself on Y/N to scare her.

"It's going great." I say for Y/N, smiling as Tobin rolls her eyes at me.

"Get off of my fiancee, Harris. We don't need to break her." Tobin says and I sigh, but roll off of my best friend and doze off as the happy family speaks over the phone.


"Is she asleep?" Tobin asks and I look at my best friend before nodding.

"Out cold."

"So how's everything? My mom told me that my dad was in New York with you guys. How's that going?"

"Great. My dad has found his dad match. They're like Ashlyn and I already. It's awesome." I say and Tobin smiles.

"I miss you." She says and I smile.

"I miss you too, but I'll see you tomorrow, we're all flying home tomorrow, your dad is coming to Portland with me to meet up with you and your mom. I'm kinda freaking out because you know how I get in airports. Your dad likes to savor things. I'm scared I'll walk off without him and he'll hate me forever. Call off the wedding and just glare at me every time he sees me." I say and Tobin laughs.

"Babe. Chill, I've told him that he can't go all ADD on the way here, that you'll leave him behind and if you do it's his fault and not yours." She says and I sigh.

"Sorry, I just can't lose you."

"You're not gonna." She assures me and I smile.

"Alright. I love you. I love you baby girl!" I say, making sure Hope knows that second part was to her. "I'm gonna get some sleep too, early flights." I say and Tobin nods before hanging up and I sigh. I can't wait to be back in Portland with my loves.


When we got to Portland, I walked with Jeff to where Tobin says her and Cindy will be waiting for us. When we see them, I walk over to Tobin and kiss her before greeting Hope happily before taking my daughter from my fiancèe and hugging Cindy.

"How are you?" She asks and I smile, kissing Hope's cheek rapidly to make her giggle.

"Amazing now that I'm home." I say and Cindy smiles.

"Come on, let's go back to the house." She says and I nod, walking with everyone out and getting in the back of the car with Tobin and Hope, who was strapped into her car seat, her hand grasping my thumb, occasionally playing with the wooden ring my dad got me before my mom was diagnosed with cancer. It felt so good to be home, yeah, it was only three days, but still, I missed my loves.

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