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When we landed in Chicago for the game, Hope was asleep on my shoulder, so we proceeded as quietly as possible. But fans didn't realize that Hope was with me instead of Tobin, and woke her up in all their excitement, so I had to carry on, to the bus, and calmed her down, once she was calm, she yawned and put her head back on my shoulder, falling asleep again as fast as she woke up.


"What was that all about?" Ashlyn asks as we get to our hotel room. "You never ignore fans."

"Yeah, but my daughter is more important." I say, kissing Hope's head as she plays with my Beats, I put my hand between the headphones and her nose as the hinge folds and the headphones swig at her.

"Supermom much?" Ashlyn says and I shrug.

"When you got it you got it." I say, giving Hope her stuffy after taking my headphones from her.

"So you're saying that your daughter is more important than the fans?" Ash asks and I nod, smiling as Hope giggles.

"Wow wow!" She says and I chuckle, kissing Hope's cheek.

"That's right, beautiful. It's a wow wow, a puppy."

"I fuckin love you, man." Ash says and I roll my eyes.

"First off, don't cuss around my baby, we've discussed this. And second, slow your roll, you have a girlfriend and I'm about to get married."

"But I proposed first."

"No, that was me, and you laughed at my offer."

"But I got your favorite food." She argues and I look at my best friend. "Okay, Yeah." She says and I shake my head.

"You're too much sometimes."

"Sharky!" Hope exclaims.

"Hi, baby." She says, coming and scooping up my daughter, kissing her cheek.

"Okay, you have fun with her, I'm going to bed."


In the morning, I wake up to my phone ringing, so I answer it without checking the Caller ID.


"Uh, Hello? Babysitter on duty? I'm about to be escorted out of the hotel if you don't get your ass down here and claim me." Hope says into the phone, so I sigh.

"Yeah yeah, just tell them that you're a recently adopted orphan and you ran off in the middle of the night."


"Aunty Hope has arrived!" I hear and groan.

"Y/N. Shut up. I'm sleeping." I say, turning over as I sit up, ready to sit on my best friend if she smarts off to me, but stop when I see Hope standing there with Hope in her arms. "Oh my god, Hope!" I say, getting up and hugging her.

"What's got you so excited to see me? We see each other every month." Hope says and I give her a hard look. "Literally every month, Ashlyn."

"It's because we love you, you big jerk." Y/N says and Hope looks at her.

"So I'm a big jerk?" She asks, handing the sleeping baby to me.

"Guys." I warn, knowing the commotion to come.

"Yes, you are." Y/N responds, smirking at the terminated keeper.

"Guys." I try again, bouncing slightly as Hope stirs in my arms.

"Wanna say that again?"

"Seriously, you two." I say, but of course, they ignore me as Hope catches Y/N in a head lock, rubbing her knuckles against her scalp.


After about fifteen minutes of those two just being children, Hope gets off of where she was sitting on Y/N's back.

"Wait, what are you doing here?" Hope asks as Y/N comes and reclaims her daughter. "You're injured."

"Moral support." I say and Hope furrows her brow.

"So why am I here?"

"I called you before I knew Ash was coming, and then when I found out, Tom wanted Ash down on the field with the team, so you're still needed." Y/N says and Hope nods.


"Hey, where's Y/N?" Hope asks, looking up from the sleeping baby in her lap.

"Good question." I say and Hope sighs.

"I hate when she runs off like that." She says and I nod. 

"Let's go look for her." I say an she nods.

"I'm sticking with you because you know where to find her." Hope says and I nod, getting up and heading to the gym to see Y/N dancing, so I tell Hope to stay out in the hall with Hope, and go over to Y/N.

"Hey, you." I say, leaning against a treadmill.

"What's up, Harris?" Y/N asks, turning to me, using her shirt to wipe the sweat off her face.

"You just ran off."

"Yeah, sorry, Jade texted me asking me help with some choreography, so I decided to come help her out." Y/N says and I nod. "Wanna see?" Y/N asks and I shake my head. "Oh, come on."

"No, Y/N, the game is in the morning, you need to rest." I say and she groans.

"Yes, mother." Y/N says, grabbing her phone and sighing as she follows me out of the gym, smiling when she sees Hope sitting on the floor with Hope in her lap, playing with her hands.

"Mommy!" Hope exclaims, reaching up for her mother, so Y/N bends down and lifts her daughter onto her hip, kissing her cheek.

"Hi, baby." Y/N says, still smiling and I sigh, grinning.

"Difficult child." I mumble, walking behind Y/N with Hope.

"What was she doing?"

"Working on a piece of choreography for her dancer friend, and I told her she needed to rest, but wanted to keep going."

"Sounds familiar." Hope says and I raise a brow. "It's literally all of us." Hope says and I nod.



"Y/N, come on, wake up, it's game day."

"No, leave me alone."

"Don't make me go get the ice."

"I'm up." Y/N says, sitting straight up and I smirk.

"Get dressed and meet everyone down in the meal room." I say before leaving to said room.


I sigh as I get to the meal room and stop when I see the team all looking at me as I walk in, so I stop dead in my tracks and step back out, fearing that I'm about to be pranked by Ashlyn or Hope or Ali or Alex, literally anybody on the team could prank me.

"Y/N, it's safe, come in." Tom says and I sigh, but step into the room and look at him.

"Why's everyone looking at me? Do I have something on my face?"

"No, but you're missing part of your uniform." He says and I raise a brow.

"All of it, actually, I'm literally in just a sports bra and sweats." I say, holding my arms out to my sides and looking down at my half naked self. Blushing when I see a fading hickey just above the waistband of my sweats.

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