Falling In

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-Your POV-
Your eyes fluttered open. You couldn't see at first, but the blackness slowly faded from your vision as you began to regain your senses. Your whole body ached, and you stiffened against the dull pain. Your mind started racing.

Where am I? What happened? Why am I here?

A sweet, soothing scent was rising up, and you breathed it in, trying to calm down. Your whirling mind slowed down just enough for you to remember what had happened. You had climbed the mountain, looking for somewhere to escape the stress and business of the day. Looking for peace. You had tripped over a thick vine, and lost your footing at the edge of the gaping hole that was laying in the earth--a trap. A giant trap. You remembered falling, your hair blowing up to the sky as you fell headfirst into the deep pit. Then you hit the ground, and everything went dark.

You shuddered at the memory. I gotta find my way outta here.... You thought, scanning the opening that you had fallen through. You took a moment to appreciate the golden sunlight shining on your face, warming you up. You looked around at the walls of the pit, and to your dismay there didn't look like any easy routes to take in order to get back up.

You felt a knot in your stomach, helplessness clawing at your mind. What about your family? What about your friends? Were they worrying about you? You had told them you were going off on your own to get some quiet time, but would they still be worried? How would you get back up?

I'll find a way. I'll find another entrance. You thought, determination rising steadily. You were going to do it for the sake of the people you loved. But another voice in your head whispered back.

Or you'll die trying.

Whatever you did, you weren't going to give up. You loved your family and friends so much, and you weren't going to give up. Love is the most important thing in the world, and I'm going to fight for it. You shook your head to clear it of your doubts and got up shakily. Part of you didn't want to leave the warm patch of sunlight and venture off into the darkness, but you did it anyway.

You walked to a little corridor that looked like it might have been carved out by someone on purpose. Did someone live here? Maybe they could help you out. You entered the passageway, gazing at the walls and ceiling.

"Howdy!" Your heart lurched and you lost your footing as a cheery, high-pitched voice called out from the dark. You let out a squeak of surprise, and didn't have time to look and see what it was, you just closed your eyes tightly shut braced for impact. You didn't feel it though. Instead you felt the light, fuzzy touch of three... rope-like things that managed to catch you before you hit the ground.


"Sorry, buddy! Didn't mean to frighten ya!" The voice apologized, still sounding as joyful as it had when it had announced itself. You dared to open your eyes and peek at what it was. You gasped in surprise as you saw vines extending from the ground, gently placing you on the ground. As the vines retracted into the earth, you followed them with your eyes.

A flower. With a face.

A flower, with a face. You didn't speak, you just stared at it. It was a golden-colored flower, with a happy face and eyes that smiled with its mouth. It didn't have a nose, nor did it have visible ears. Would it even hear you if you spoke?

"What... w-what are y-you?" You stammered, your eyes wide open and your heartbeat racing.

"I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!" It winked at you, sticking out its little tongue in a cute manner. You blushed a bit at his expression, but you were still extremely confused about how a flower--a freaking flower--could speak. As if the flower... Flowey... could read your mind, he started talking again.

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now