You Were Ready to Leave

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-Author's Note-
You know that really addictive show Stranger Things? Well, I had a shitty idea to make a Demogorgon x Reader fanfiction just for the heck of it XD I might actually do it because it's so stupid XD Anyways, here's a new chapter of this heap of trash. Enjoy! Or don't. I can't tell you what to do.

-Your POV-
You blinked open your eyes and yawned. It only took a second for you to become aware of the vines that were wrapped around your body, almost like a hug. You looked down at Flowey who was sleeping next to you with your arms around him. Your heart fluttered and you blushed.

Last night was... strange. For Flowey. But you didn't mind. Not at all.

You wondered for a minute. What if Flowey did like you? He had been different lately, acting shy all the time. And last night he tried to sleep next to you or something. He seemed so flustered when you woke up. You didn't want to trust that he might like you, because he might not. And boy, would that be embarrassing if you had confessed your love to a flower only to get rejected.

But what if?

It would probably never work out but... you were tempted to say something.

Maybe you and Flowey could go to the surface together. Surely there would be other human-monster couples in time, right? You sighed quietly, and Flowey stirred.

"(Y/N)...?" Flowey mumbled, opening his eyes.

Your face flushed instantly. "S-sorry, I... I didn't mean to wake you up," you stuttered. He blushed and looked embarrassed when he realized the situation as he woke up, and you unwrapped your arms from him, and he did the same with his vines.

"N-no... it's fine," Flowey murmured, avoiding your gaze. "We... we need to get going, anyway. You've been down here longer than you had to be... your friends and family are probably worried sick," he pointed out. You noticed that his eyes sparked with sadness as he talked about the fact that you were going to leave soon.

It was then when you really started to consider the possibility that you might not be able to take him to the surface. The monsters might be too suspicious of Flowey to let him come with you. You remembered that Toriel had seemed very protective, and she might not want him to go to the surface for the sake of other monsters and people. When Flowey had contacted Undyne and Alphys, Undyne had seemed kind of... scary? You could easily imagine that she would say no. You had never met Frisk, or any other monsters, but you guessed that the majority of them would not approve of bringing the flower out of the Underground.

"(Y/N)?" Flowey's voice brought you back to the present and you cleared your throat.

"S-sorry," you apologized.

Flowey got out of the bed, his face still flushed. "I'm ready to get going when you are," he said, and you got out of bed too. You didn't bother to straighten out the covers.

"I'm ready."

He gave a tiny nod, meeting your gaze for a split second.

You hesitated for a second. "Flowey... if you want I can try... I can try to help you get to the surface...."

"I... I think that's pretty much impossible, but... thanks...." Flowey murmured. He straightened up slightly. "Let's get you home, okay?"

You nodded, and got ready. You would have been hungry, but the nervousness and anticipation that was fluttering in your stomach like butterflies caused you to have zero appetite. You took in a breath and readied yourself. You could only hope that you weren't the only one going home.

-Author's Note-
Sorry this is a really short, crappy chapter ;w; It's like one in the morning I need to go to bed--

(Edit) I just realized that this is 28,299 words long XD Holy crap XD

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