He Decided to Help

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-Author's Note

Meep, I know I said I was gonna stop putting in author's notes but I don't really care anymore... anyways, I'm sick while writing this and I've missed out on school for a couple days so maybe I'll update this more than usual? I don't really know. This wasn't really important but ye.


-Your POV-

Flowey checked on you a couple more times that day. He even tried to feed you some soup, which you refused because God knows what he put in it, or how the hell he made it in the first place. He was a flower. How can a flower make soup? Who knew.

"Um... hello...." The door creaked open and broke your thoughts. You propped yourself up to see Flowey sticking his head--head right? Was that the right word?--through the crack in the door.

"Howdy." You mocked.

Flowey didn't respond to that. He glanced up at the soup that he left on the little desk near your bed since you wouldn't eat it. "You're still not eating? I thought that you would get hungry and eat it anyway despite the fact that I made it...." Flowey murmured, looking almost disappointed.

"Well, in my defense you did try to kill me before Toriel saved my ass. How can I trust that you're not trying to... trying to poison me or something?" You pointed out.

"I know." Flowey sighed. "You have good reason not to trust me. After I've hurt so many people...." He swallowed. "After I've hurt so many people it makes sense that you don't trust me." He turned around to exit the room.

You leaned forwards, reaching out your arm. "Wait!" You said quickly, and he froze.

"Yes?" Flowey turned his head around to face you.

You hesitated. "When... when am I going to get out of here?" You asked reluctantly.

Flowey didn't answer at first. He looked down at the floor, and then back up at you. "Okay, I know that you really wanna leave. I'll help you get to the surface as soon as you're better, but just to get rid of you." He muttered the last words with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Thanks." You replied.

Flowey blinked. "Well... I'll just leave you to it." He murmured, shuffling out of the room and extending a vine to shut the door behind him. You stared at the door for a couple seconds before tearing you gaze away. You sighed heavily and put your head back down on the pillow.

What if I never get out of here? What if I die trying to get out of here? What if--You stopped yourself, knowing that you would keep thinking 'what if' for the next hour. Maybe I can sleep.... Was that all you were ever going to do in the Underground? Probably.

So, you tried to sleep. But you couldn't. You had felt really hot earlier but now you were freezing. What was it with sickness that made you never comfortable? You had already pulled the blanket up off the ground, but you were still kind of cold. You looked up at the ceiling to see if there was a fan or something, but there was none. You flopped back down into bed.

You noticed the soup. What if I just ate a little? You thought. No, that's a bad idea. It's probably cold anyway.... Ugh, whatever. You were hungry anyways. Even if Flowey was trying to poison you, you'd probably end up dying anyways. It would be nicer to die without the pain of hunger. Your stomach growled at you as if to say, 'I'm waiting!'

"Okay, okay!" You spoke the words aloud and approached the soup. It looked like normal broth. It reminded you of a time when you were sick and your guardian had taken care of you and fed you broth. You smiled at the memory. You loved them and you missed them. You were determined to get back to the surface. You picked up the bowl in your hands. It felt like it wasn't completely cold but it wasn't that warm either. It was better than nothing.

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now