The Journey was Rough

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-Author's Note-
Ehhh I'm sorry if this seems rushed. I'm trying to replay Undertale to refresh my memory of terrain and stuff, so that's kinda what's holding me up. I'm kinda surprised I have fifteen chapters done already though. And thank you so much for almost 500 views! That's awesome!!

-Flowey's POV-
When I let go of them I'm freaking out on the inside. Why the hell did I ask to do that? Why the hell am I freaking out so much? My feelings are getting all messed up again. I ducked into the dirt and hid my face from (Y/N), then emerged back to the surface and took in a breath of air. My breathing felt shaky. I stood still for a moment, trying to calm myself down a little.

"Is something wrong?" (Y/N) asked and I turned around, feeling a little flustered.

"Uh, n-no, everything's fine." I said quickly, and they looked at me a little suspiciously. It's like they can frigging see right through me.

(Y/N) pressed on. "You sure? You seem... agitated." I could tell from their eyes that they were concerned about me. That made me happy for some reason, knowing that they cared. Not happy, I can't feel happy, but... better, I guess. Why does that make me feel better?

"Y-yeah. Sorry." I replied. My mouth felt dry.

(Y/N) didn't say anything else, and I was kind of relieved to be honest. I just... didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. I feel so weird. I don't know what it is. I tried to think of something else as we went on through the hall, and what felt like a little too soon, we reached that arch that Undyne always stood on when Frisk came down this way. I watched the fight, and Undyne killed them a couple times. But of course, Frisk was able to reset. I'm kind of surprised that they never noticed me onlooking the battle. And by battle I mean Undyne attacking and Frisk running away.

"Woah," (Y/N) murmured as they gazed up at the arch of stone. I like how everything is new to them and they're always excited if they see something cool. It's kinda funny to see someone gawk at something I see almost daily. Well, I usually stick around the ruins because it's the most comfortable place, but I come down here a lot to make sure things are in shape. Just because.

I went ahead through the arch and we made our way down the corridors after it, and sure enough the "WELCOME TO HOTLAND" sign greeted us at its entrance. I could already feel the warm, steamy air seeping through it, and I knew that the next couple hours were not going to be fun.

Then I realized that I was kinda... scared I guess. Not scared of Hotland, but scared because I knew that (Y/N) would be leaving the Underground soon. There's something inside of me that doesn't want them to leave. I never realized how much I like their company. Being alone in the Underground was going to be hard to adjust to again. Who will I talk to? Who will try and comfort me when I'm not feeling good?

"I don't know what to do...."

"Huh? Don't know what to do about what?" I hadn't realized I said it out loud until (Y/N) spoke.

I turned around to face them. "N-nothing, I'm just... I don't really want to b-be alone when you leave." I murmured. I was embarrassed to admit it. I expected them to laugh, but they didn't.

"You won't be alone. I'm gonna get you out of this place. It's not fair for you to be trapped." They said, and my heart tightened. How many times did I have to tell them that I wasn't allowed up there? Frisk was not going to let me up there. My whole plan was to contact them when we got to Hotland and ask them to let (Y/N) out, but there was no way they were going to let me be free as well. I learned how to hack into computers and stuff from Alphys in another timeline, so I was thinking that I could hack into her phone or something from what she left at her lab and try to contact her. I don't know if it'll work, but I have to try.

"I can't go up there. I'll hurt people." I murmured. In that moment I felt less numb. A sudden flood of emotions pulsed through me and I tried to contain them, but despite my efforts I started crying like a little baby.

(Y/N) immediately kneeled down next to me. "Woah, woah, woah, it's okay," They tried to comfort me, but I was a mess. I felt tears rolling down the sides of my stupid flower face. It was humiliating, honestly. What the hell is wrong with me? Why the hell did I just break down and cry like a little wimp? What the hell were these emotions? I was literally shaking and gasping for breath. "Flowey...." I heard (Y/N) murmur gently, but I didn't look up at them. "It's okay...." They said again, and I sighed shakily.

"I... I'm...." I tried to speak, but my voice was shaking too much. (Y/N) wrapped their arms around me, and I instinctively sprouted vines from the earth to return the hug. Eventually the tears stopped coming, and I was just gasping for air. I raised a leaf and rested it on their arm. It was shaking like... well, a leaf. I started to calm down as (Y/N) held me, and I went quiet after a minute or two.

Then I found myself smiling. Why? I don't know. I felt... better. I haven't cried like this in so long that I've forgotten what it's like to have these emotions inside of me. I buried my face into (Y/N)'s sleeve and they let me. I shuddered, exhaling slowly.

"Thank you...." I whispered. (Y/N) didn't say anything back. They just gently squeezed me tighter, and that was enough for me. I savored these emotions that were swirling in my mind, knowing well that I was going to go numb again soon. It wasn't exactly pleasant, but it wasn't unpleasant either. It was... bittersweet, I guess. The feelings were already starting to go away, and in that moment I could have screamed for them to come back. But they were draining from my body, and as quickly as the emotions came, they were gone.

-Your POV-
You didn't really know what to do as Flowey leaned into your touch. You were honestly shocked at this burst of emotion from Flowey, and you didn't want to say or do the wrong thing. He had been hiding his face, his head pressed against your arm for almost two minutes now, and part of you wanted to pull away at this point. But you didn't. There was another part of you that wanted to keep holding him in your arms.

Flowey's vines were slowly slipping away from your body, and as he retracted them into the ground you felt a mix of relief and disappointment. He pulled away, and looked up at you. His face was a little red, and his cheeks were stained with tears.

"I'm s-sorry," Flowey murmured, his voice still a little shaky. "I shouldn't have br-broken down like that...."

"Shh... it's okay... it's okay, Flowey...." You shushed him gently and he gave you a small smile. You made a mental note not to say that you were going to bring Flowey up to the surface, because it clearly made him upset.

But personally, you were still determined to set him free.

-Author's Note-
...honestly I'm kinda tempted to write some lemon... shh... don't tell my mum...

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