The First Sparks

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-Your POV-
You shivered in the extreme cold, now even colder since you had fallen in the water below the ice of the snowball game. Your clothes were beginning to get stiff as the water soaked into them froze, and there were literally icicles dangling from the end of your sleeves. You hated it.

Flowey sighed heavily. "We're almost out of S-Snowdin." He announced. "It'll b-be about a half hour or so when w-we get to the exit. Next i-is Waterfall." He added, shrinking into the ground and reemerging a few yards away.

"Good." You snorted, shivering. Your stomach growled a little bit and you blushed as Flowey turned to look at you?

"H-Hungry, kid?" He smirked.

You turned your nose away from him. "Hard to tease wh-when you're getting frostbite." You retorted, even you were stuttering as well.

"Tch." Flowey muttered, turning his head away as well. "We can stop and eat if you want." He suggested in the same annoyed tone, not even bothering to look back at you. Not that you cared. You didn't care that much anyway.

You shrugged. "Only if you w-want to." You murmured.

"M'kay." Flowey replied, and he dug into the ground and reappeared a few feet away from a wooden bench that sat in the snow. He uprooted himself from the ground and climbed up onto the bench, and you walked over and plopped down beside him. You opened your bag, reaching in to grab some food.

Your heart sank as you realized it was all wet.

"Dammit." Flowey muttered, seeing the soaked food. "They must have been r-ruined when you fell into the water." He sighed. "Oh well...."

You sighed too. "We'll find s-something to eat." You swallowed. "I hope."

"There's p-probably something here in Snowdin. I mean there is something here. We can s-stop by Grillby's or something." Flowey suggested. Then he frowned. "If you d-don't mind eating half-spoiled food." He sighed and rolled his eyes, but perked up again in a second. "Or I could go back to the ruins." He added, and you looked at him, confused. "I can tr-travel there and back in an hour or so. If you don't m-mind being alone."

You shifted nervously. "I mean... if you w-want you can..." You murmured. You didn't really want to be alone in the Undergound. I mean, who knows what was down here?

Flowey narrowed his eyes. "What, are you afraid to b-be alone?" He asked, snickering. Mischief sparkled in his eyes as he tilted his 'head' teasingly to the side a little.

"N-no," You said quickly, "I just... I don't kn-know. I guess I don't know what's down here and I'm probably gonna end up killing myself before you get back." You chuckled and scratched the back of your neck, feeling a little nervous all of a sudden.

"Aww, what would ya do without me?" Flowey patted his cheeks and blinked at you innocently. Then his expression shifted dramatically. He frowned slightly, and his eyes were a little dull. "If you're t-too afraid to be left alone, we might as well just keep going."

You shook your head. "No, you can go I guess. I'll d-die of starvation if we just keep moving!" You threw your hands in the air dramatically.

"Mm, hmm." Flowey hummed. "You also s-said you'll end up killing yourself before I get back." A teasing, obnoxious smile formed on his stupidly cute face. "So you'll die either w-way."

You sighed heavily. "I guess I will die either way." You shrugged, and got up to keep going.

"Wait--" Flowey said quickly. "I was j-just kidding..." You turned back to him. He looked as if he were honestly sorry that he had teased you. One of those weird mood swings again.

You chuckled a little. "It's f-fine." You replied, reaching out to stroke his golden petals. Flowey knelt into your touch and purred. You couldn't help but smile. Damn, he could be quite a jackass sometimes but he was pretty cute. When he wasn't being a jackass of course.

Or maybe he was cute either way.

Yeah. Pissed-off flowers are still frickin' adorable.

The question came out of nowhere. "How come your mood sh-shifts so frequently?" You asked. "Like, how come one moment y-you're all pissy and then you're--" You quickly stopped yourself from saying 'adorable'. Instead you stuttered a little and then continued. "One m-moment you're pissy and then the next you're nice."

Flowey frowned. "I told you, I can't feel r-right." He muttered. "Sometimes that... I guess it's... I d-don't know! I'm all messed up...." He sighed. Then he shook his head to clear it and looked back up at you. "I'm g-gonna go get food now, if that's alright with you."

"Um...." You still weren't sure about him leaving you alone. But you didn't wanna look like a wimp in front of Flowey. Wait, how come you cared if you looked like a baby? You pushed the thought back and said, "Sure. G-go ahead."

"Alright, I'll be back in an hour." He dipped his head and disappeared beneath the ground.

You leaned back on the bench and let go of a breath you didn't know you were holding. Flowey... You couldn't stop thinking about the little golden plant for some reason. Why? I mean, there were a lot of other things to think about, like how the hell you were ever getting out of this place.

But you thought about Flowey.

It wasn't that thinking about him was a bad thing, it was just weird.

But he just kept appearing in your mind. The Underground felt so lonely without the little guy. Even though he was only gone for a minute, you already felt alone. Snowdin seemed almost... creepy when you didn't have Flowey by your side.

"I'm going insane." You muttered, closing your eyes, wishing the world would go away.

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now