Out of Reach

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-Your POV-

You woke up in that patch of yellow flowers... again. You cursed yourself for being so stupid. How could I fall in once? How could I fall in again? Why am I so stupid and ignorant? Your mind was whirling, and you needed to calm down. You felt an aching pain all over your body, and your leg wasn't bleeding anymore but it still hurt. You tried to lay down and close your eyes for a moment.

Wait a minute... You stiffened. Toriel isn't here. No one is here! What am I going--

"Wow. Looks like you were stupid enough to fall down twice." A sarcastic and all too familiar voice sounded from close by. You dared to open your eyes, and as you gazed upon the yellow flower your heart twisted with fear and you felt tears burning the back of your eyes. "Did ya miss me?" He smiled, but it wasn't a normal smile. It was mocking you.

"Please don't hurt me...." You begged, your voice cracking. You couldn't help it, tears started to stream down your face as you broke down. I snapped... You thought. "I-I'm stuck... I have no way out...." You trembled in fear before Flowey; you had witnessed what they could do.

"Join the club." Flowey muttered, and they shifted their gaze away from you.

You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out for a few seconds. You tried to speak again, and this time your voice would let you. "What... what are you doing down here?" You regretted it as soon as the words spilled out of your mouth. Had you upset them?

"I couldn't go to the surface." Flowey said simply.

You pressed on. "Why n-not?"

"I turned back into a flower. I can't trust myself not to hurt anybody and no one else would in the first place so it was better for me to stay down here. This way I won't get in anyone's way or..." Flowey snickered coldly. "Try to steal anyone's soul again." You didn't fully understand.

"But... but you saved them! You broke the barrier!" You cried. Why am I defending them when they tried to kill me? You questioned yourself.

Flowey gave you a hard stare. "I'm not Asriel. He's not me. I'm my own person."

"Oh... u-um...." You didn't mean to upset them. However, you did take notice that Flowey had called Asriel 'he', so that must mean that as a Flower that he was still male, right? Were you overthinking this?

"Well then..." Flowey muttered under his--at least you thought that 'his' was the right word--breath. "Good luck finding your way back to the exit." He snickered, giving you a teasing look. Wait, was he seriously just going to leave you to figure this out on your own?

"But... isn't there anyone to help me get back to the exit?" You felt tears pricking your eyes again. You couldn't go alone, heck, you didn't even know what to expect on the journey since you had fallen asleep the entire way with Toriel.

Flowey shook his head, his petals swaying slightly. "Not a soul." He gave you that cold smirk again.

"But... but what about you? Could... y-you help me...?" Your voice trailed off into barely more than a whisper.

"I don't even have a soul." Pain flashed in Flowey's eyes but he wore that same harsh grin. It seemed like he was making fun of himself and purposely torturing himself by saying these things. Was he that upset? Was he depressed or something?

You gulped. "But... what...?" You stammered, trying to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. "How... how do you n-not have a soul...?" You asked.

"Well, I'll explain it as best as your tiny brain will be able to understand." He snickered, and you felt your cheeks heat up with anger and embarrassment at the 'tiny brain' insult. "I was Toriel and Asgore's son--"

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now