But What Could You Do?

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(Author's Note)
For, like, the millionth time, I'm sorry I got this chapter out really late ;w; Life is really hectic at the moment and everything is spiraling out of control but I'm trying ;w; I don't know what else to put here so let's just get this crappy chapter over with XD

(Your POV)
You finished eating the spaghetti and dabbed the corners of your mouth with a napkin. After you were done you picked up your plate and brought it to the kitchen area near the lobby, just placing it on the counter. It wasn't like you were going to stay here very long, so you didn't see much of a point in washing the dishes.

You turned the corner to go back out to the dining room, and your heart skipped a beat as you saw Flowey. He jumped too and let out a funny yelp of surprise.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" You laughed, your heart rate slowing down as you both relaxed.

"Maybe. Maybe not," Flowey joked along. Your mind traveled back to when you had first met him, and you thought about how much he'd changed and how far he'd come in such a short amount of time. You smiled slightly to yourself and went to blow out the candle on the table so the resort wouldn't catch on fire.

Yawning, you went back out to the lobby. You suddenly realized how tired you were. "I'm gonna go to sleep," you told Flowey.

"Okay. Sleep well," he replied. You smiled a little and went to the suit where you had showered. You left the door slightly open, secretly hoping that you would wake up with a certain little flower next to you. You couldn't help but smile sheepishly at the thought. Jesus, the Underground was driving you crazy.

While you got into bed, you wondered how the monsters were doing up on the surface. You just hoped that another war hadn't broken out between monsters and humans. What if something had gone wrong? Surely that Frisk would try and prevent any conflict? And the humans would never hurt a child, even if they were defending the monsters? You pushed the thoughts to the back of your mind and pulled the covers up to your chin.

It didn't take long for sleep to engulf you in a peaceful void of unconsciousness. 

(Flowey's POV)
I watched them leave and close the door a little, but left it slightly ajar. The lobby of the resort immediately felt quiet. I sighed audibly and stood in the lobby, doing nothing. Well, I was... thinking.

I didn't want them to leave. I know that I couldn't go with them, even if they said that they would take me. Frisk wouldn't let me go. Nor would Sans, or Alphys, or anyone. I had destroyed so many people's lives. 

What would happen when they left? Would I just be alone here? Forever? Maybe Frisk would come back and reset. And I could see them again. But if they did, would the outcome of this timeline be the same? What if they did something different? What if the monsters didn't get to the surface? What would happen? Would I see (Y/N) again?

The thought of not seeing (Y/N) made the lobby seem even more quiet. I felt like they weren't here all of a sudden, and my pulse started racing. I knew they were here, but I freaked out. I quickly entered the room they went in to check that they were still there. 

They were there, sleeping.

I let out a sigh of relief, a little embarrassed for being so stupid. I didn't know why I just had that... that weird... anxiety attack? They can't leave me.

I watched them breathing slowly in their sleep. They looked so peaceful, their face expressionless. I felt a giddy sensation within me, despite my sadness and anxiety. This was love... wasn't it? I remembered feeling love before, towards Toriel and Asgore and Chara, but... this was different, somehow. I remembered loving them like family, but this was more confusing and weird. Not unpleasant, but weird. I didn't know how to describe it.

I wanted to be with them, to have them close to me. There was another sort of wanting, but I didn't know what it was. It stirred inside me, but I pushed it down and cleared my mind.

Without really thinking about it, I quietly went over to the bed and climbed on top of it. I held my breath, trying not to wake them up, as I settled down beside them. I let my vines grow and wrap around them. It made me happy. Like, not in... a sexual way, of course, but I liked being next to them like this. 

I smiled and curled into their warm body, and the giddy feeling came back. I know that they could never love me, and even if they did, it would never work out, but... at least I can be with them now, I thought.

It hurt to think like that. It hurt to think that in a day or two, I would be alone down here in this place. Completely alone. There wouldn't be a soul for me to talk to. I didn't know what it would be like to be completely isolated. Sometimes I was lonely in past  timelines, but there were still monsters in the Underground. Now... things would be so much different.

 My heart ached, and I squeezed (Y/N) gently with the vines, like a hug, and I felt them twitch a little.

"...Flowey...?" (Y/N)'s voice murmured groggily, and I instantly retracted my vines. 

"I--I wasn't--" I stuttered, blushing wildly, "I'm sorry, I d-didn't--" A feeling of this-is-the-end-of-the-god-damn-world came over me and I backed away anxiously.

They blinked in the darkness. "It... it's okay." 

I was filled with surprise as they reached out and gently pulled me back to them, and I found myself smiling as they hugged me gently. I felt warm all over. I could feel their heartbeat against mine, and the subtle rise and fall of their breathing. 

It was easy to slip into sleep with their arms wrapped around me.

(Author's Note)
I'm sorry this chapter is really short, I felt like I really needed to get something out ;w; Also thank you so much for 1.5k views <33

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