He was Confused

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-Author's Note-
Ahhhh thank you for all of the support!! I'd honestly never thought I'd get this far omg--! Like seriously, almost 900 views?! And almost 100 favorites?! Like, how?! Thank you so much! Anyways, here's another chapter for you amazing people!

-Flowey's POV-
That was awkward.... I thought to myself, my face still heated up from the conversation of Alphys's inappropriate manga. The lazy scientist had let me read one in another timeline, and it was horrifying. How was I supposed to know it was hentai? Lesson learned; Never read books that are owned by Alphys.

A strong urge to curl up and hide struck me, and oh boy, I wished I could. But I needed to figure out how these computers work. I needed to focus on contacting Alphys. For some reason I kept thinking about (Y/N). I mean, I always think about them, but this time it's... it's different. When I think about them my stomach gets all fluttery and my pulse starts to get faster.

Snap out of it, you idiot, I told myself. I drew in a shaky breath and waddled downstairs, using the roots at the base of my stem as legs. Well, sort of. When I reached the bottom, I saw (Y/N). They were sitting on the couch, looking a little flustered. Just the sight of them gives me butterflies. I felt my face heating up again, to my dismay.

"U-uh, (Y/N)...." I murmured shakily, and they jumped a little.

I couldn't help but notice their face flushing. "Oh--uh, hi! Wh-what is it?" They stuttered a little bit as they said it, avoiding making eye contact with me. It was kind of... I was embarrassed to admit it, but to me it was kind of adorable. Dammit. My face was even more red than it was before.

"I, uh... I'm going to start working on trying to c-contact Alphys. She can notify Frisk and the others from there and we can get you out of h-here...." My voice shook a little, and I felt a pang of sadness at the thought of (Y/N) leaving.

"Oh, okay. Cool. If there's anything I can do to help, I'll can t-try." They replied, smiling sheepishly. I gave them a tiny nod and quickly went over to Alphys's desk. I hauled myself up onto her chair and with a leaf I pressed the power button on her computer. It took a second for the screen to light up, and once it did I typed in the password to Alphys's account. I knew it because in another timeline, I was her assistant. By the way, that password was 'Undyne'. Just throwing that out there.

Thinking about Alphys and Undyne being together makes me think of (Y/N). I let out a shaky breath, starting to realize what I was feeling. Dammit. I think I like them. A lot. Crap. I blushed a little; This was the first time I was actually processing that thought.

It's probably a phase that will pass through. This is all weird. I thought, but there was a part of me that knew I wanted them. But I knew that I couldn't, I mean, I'm a flower! In what other timeline would they ever want to be with me? I snort at the thought, but it still hurts a little. I turned to look at them, and they were sitting on the couch and drawing on that sketchpad of theirs. My mind floated back to that time when they were drawing me. I wondered what they were drawing now. I shrugged and got back to work.

With (Y/N) in the back of my mind, I messed around on the computer for ten minutes or so before finding what I think may have been a way to communicate. It was some texting application or something, and Undyne was at the top of the list. Of course, since I was on Alphys's account, I couldn't contact Alphys alone because that just doesn't work. But maybe I could call Undyne and ask for her.

I moved the mouse over and clicked 'video call'. I heard the sound of a ringtone that repeated for a couple seconds before someone picked up. Undyne's face went up on the screen once it connected, and I knew that on their side, they were seeing me.

"Wait--Flowey?" She said immediately, and I heard (Y/N) shift to look over now that I had made contact.

"Uh, yes, it's me, um... could you get ahold of Alphys for me? It's kinda important." I replied, smiling apologetically. I don't know why, but I felt kind of guilty. I felt like I wasn't supposed to communicate with monsters on the surface. No rule had been set against it, but I felt like everyone had enough of me.

Undyne gave me a suspicious stare. "Alright, punk, but you better not try anything!" She said, her tone sounding playfully angry. She chuckled softly after that. "But hey, I really hope you're doing okay down there. Here, I'll hand you over to Alphys now."

"Thank you." I replied. I waited, and heard Undyne call Alphys from another room, and Alphys's slightly distant voice reply, "coming!"

I saw Undyne disappear from the screen and Alphys take her place. She spoke up, "Uh, h-hi Flowey, is everything okay d-down there?" She stuttered nervously, and I don't blame her.

I gave a tiny nod. "Yes. Well, sort of. A human called (Y/N) had fallen down here, and I need to get them out of here. Can you bring a patrol of monsters to break that wall down so the human can exit the Underground?" I explained, and Alphys listened.

"Y-yes, I can. Thank you for notifying me. I'll get Frisk and the others as s-soon as possible." She replied.

"Thank you very much, Alphys." I glanced over at (Y/N), who is looking over. I call them over, "(Y/N)! This is Alphys. She's going to get you out of here." I signaled for them to come here, and they do.

They waved at Alphys. "Hi. Thank you for helping me and Flowey."

"J-just them. (Y/N)." I said quickly. "N-not me, of course. That would be stupid." I gave a fake chuckle, feeling another pang of sadness pierce me.

"Of course." Alphys smiled. "I best be going now, if I'm going to get that wall torn down. You should hurry too." She said, and I waved goodbye with a leaf. She then disappeared from the screen and I looked over at (Y/N).

They blinked. "What wall?"

"Oh," I said, "I'm not allowed out of the Underground, as you know. Just to be safe, Frisk and the others built a little barrier of stone bricks so I couldn't escape. It was for the best, and they will repair it once you're out of this place. That's why we need help." I explained, and they nodded.

"Okay." They said.

I felt my heart flutter for a second. Without thinking, I speak up. "Uh, (Y/N)?" I looked up at them, and realize what I'm about to say. My face heated up instantly.

"Yeah?" (Y/N) replied.

"A-actually, n-nevermind. Let's just get moving, o-okay?" I said quickly, my face still flushed.

They tilt there head in confusion. "Okay...?"

"S-sorry. My mind was dr-drifting a little." I murmured, and they reach out and stroke my petals comfortingly. I leaned into their touch. It feels nice and relaxing. I shook my head a little to clear it. "A-anyways, let's start moving."

"Alright." (Y/N) replied, and we both walked to the back exit of the lab. (Y/N) stopped right before they were about to open the door. They looked down at me, and I blushed. "Flowey...." They murmured, "Th-thank you."

No. Thank you.

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now