Rainy Weather

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-Your POV-
"Better grab an umbrella." Flowey suggested as you almost passed the little barrel of them. You obeyed silently and grabbed your favorite color one.

You and Flowey had been walking through Waterfall for a while now. It was a pretty strange place. The places that stood out to you the most were the weird areas with stands or tables that looked like they should be displaying something. The monsters had probably recovered most of their precious items when they had returned to the surface.

In the corridor the two of you were about to walk through, water fell from the ceiling and many waterfalls cascaded down majestically. The air was misty and it felt nice and cool on your face. You opened the umbrella, being careful not to hit Flowey.

You noticed that Flowey looked strangely distracted. "Are you okay?" You asked.

Flowey blinked, and his eyes grew less distant. "Y-yeah, just thinking." He murmured, shrugging.

"You sure?" You prodded.

"Yeah." He said. "Let's just keep moving."

Flowey ducked Underground, and didn't come up for a good twenty seconds. You were starting to get worried, but you squinted through the mist and you were able to see him reemerge from the mud on the other side.

You stepped out into the rain-like shower that was dripping from above, your foot making a splash noise. You cringed as the cold water seeped through your shoe and dampened your socks, but you kept going. You stared at the ground because there was nothing else to look at, and if you looked ahead of you, you'd be looking at Flowey. You were nervous to make eye contact all of a sudden.

It was a rather long walk to be honest, compared to the other short passages in Waterfall, and it took you about a minute to cross. The only thing that broke the awkward silence that you and Flowey shared was the dripping of water from the ceiling and the constant whir of the waterfalls. When you reached the end of the long corridor, you shook the water from your shoes and accidentally flicked some mud onto Flowey.

"Watch it, idiot." Flowey muttered, shaking the mud off his petals. He didn't look or sound too annoyed, and you were honestly surprised by how calm he remained.

You looked down at him. "I'm sorry, Flowey. I didn't mean to." You apologized, and he shrugged. Well, 'shrugged' as best as a flower could.

"It doesn't matter, I guess." Flowey murmured.

Okay... You thought. You tried to turn and walk, but your foot caught on a stone and your tumbled to the ground. A sharp pain shot up your ankle as you shut your eyes tight and braced yourself for the impact, but something caught you before you could land. You opened your eyes and saw Flowey's worried face as he gently put you to the ground.

"T-thank you." You said. The little bit of shock that remained made your voice quiver. Your ankle throbbed with pain and you gritted your teeth.

Flowey rolled his eyes but smiled slightly. "You're such an idiot." He teased, flicking you with a vine before retracting it into the earth.

"You've called me an idiot so many times that it doesn't even mean anything anymore." You retorted playfully, poking the spot in the center of his face where his nose would be. His eyes widened and he blushed slightly at your action before replying.

"Alright, dumbass." Flowey crossed his 'arms' and huffed. He smiled slyly. "How's that for a change?"

You giggled, despite the pain in your foot. "Better." You replied, being light-heartedly sarcastic. You cringed suddenly as another fierce stab of pain struck your ankle like a lightning bolt.

"Are you okay?" Flowey asked, concern fluttering in his voice.

You clenched your teeth and it took you a few seconds to respond. "I messed up my ankle." You muttered. You looked down on it and you saw a purple bruise already swelling up. You gulped at the sight and tried to erase it from your mind. You never liked gory things, and even though the bruise wasn't horribly bad, it still wasn't a pretty sight.

Flowey sprouted a vine from the earth and gently prodded your leg. You flinched as pain flashed in your foot for a half second. "Why do you always get yourself into situations like this? First you fell down here, then you fell again, then you got hurt on the spikes, then you--"

"You don't have to remind me of all my screw-ups." You prodded him, a little bit of annoyance edging your voice, though you weren't really mad at him.

"In case you haven't noticed, every second I spend with you reminds me of the giant screw-up I made when I decided to help you." He joked. You weren't hurt by the retort because you could tell he was only kidding.

Still, you slapped him playfully on the cheek. "Shut up, petal-face."

"Nice insult." Flowey commented, smirking.

"Why thank you, Flowey." You took a sarcastic bow--or tried to, considering the awkward position you were in due to your ankle, which was still throbbing with pain, mind you--and cringed inwardly as you realized how stupid the insult actually was.

Flowey smiled, and genuine content glittering in his eyes. You smiled back. He seemed a lot happier than usual. You had been noticing little moments when he was feeling okay, but most of the time he either seemed sad, annoyed or angry, the typical Flowey emotions.

The pain in your leg brought you back from your thoughts. You sighed, realizing that this probably meant you'd have to rest. Again. At this point you kind of just wanted to get out of here and see the sky again. With Flowey, of course. You spoke up. "Hey, uh... I know I'm probably being really annoying, but can we rest just until my ankle feels a little better?"

"Sure." Flowey shrugged. "And don't worry, you're not being annoying." He said. You were kind of surprised by that one.

"Yeah, and you don't call me an idiot about every hour we coexist?" You joked.

Flowey shrugged again. "Eh." He leaned back against the wall. "I'm tired." He muttered, completely off-topic of the current conversation.

"Join the club." You replied, resting your back on the wall as well. You tried to position your ankle so it wouldn't hurt, to little success. You rested your eyes slightly when Flowey didn't respond, and you felt yourself slipping into sleep and you realized how exhausted your bones were. The pain in your leg almost kept you awake, but soon enough you let yourself drift off.

-Author's Note-
Eh, sorry if this chapter seemed a little rushed. I feel like I'm not really posting enough so I wanted to pump something out real quick for you guys. But I'll have better chapters coming soon XD

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