Going Out

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-Your POV-

As Toriel guided you through a corridor you took a moment to take in all that was happening.

Okay, so I fell in a hole, a flower tried to murder me, but then he didn't.... You were suddenly very confused. Why didn't he finish you off? You couldn't quite remember what he had said before he had disappeared into the soil, but you could tell that he might have been upset with himself of something. It was weird, the sudden mood swing from Flowey. One moment he's trying to kill you, and the next--

Just stop thinking about it, (Y/N). It's not gonna do anything for you if you sit here and ponder why a murderous flower decided to spare you. You stopped thinking about it pretty soon.

"Here we are, my child." Toriel's voice broke your thoughts. You had barely noticed that you had arrived in front of a cozy-looking house. "This is your new home."

You didn't hold your tongue. "But... aren't I going to go to my real home? And uh... by the way... I'm not really that much of a child, so maybe it would be better if you just called me by my real name, (Y/N)."

Toriel stiffened. Then she chuckled lightly, but you could tell that it was out of nervousness. "Sure, (Y/N)!" She forced out another giggle, completely ignoring your first question.


"Anyways," Toriel continued rather quickly, interrupting you before you had a chance to speak up about returning home again. "This is your new home. I'll show you your room in a second. Also... for no reason in paticular, do you prefer butterscotch or cinnamon?" She asked unexpectedly.

"Well, I um.... I guess I would prefer (insert your choice)." You replied, shifting uncomfortably. Toriel seemed to be hiding something. Why didn't she answer you when you talked about going to the surface?

Toriel nodded. "Come with me," she said caringly, and once again took your hand and led you into the house. It was rather nice looking on the inside to be honest. It was very tidy.

Toriel must have a lot of spare time. You thought, looking at the interior that were squeaky clean. Toriel led you into a small room with red wallpaper. It looked okay.

"This is your room." She explained, and you nodded absentmindedly. She stayed for a couple more seconds, silence between the two of you. "Well, I guess I'll just... leave you to it. Try to rest up... (Y/N)." She sounded worried somehow. Why? You didn't know. Why any of this? That you knew even less. You had heard about monsters that had been trapped underground by humans, but you never really believed the tales. Humans couldn't be that cruel, right? You weren't so sure anymore.

You walked over to the bed and plopped down in it. This is weird. How come she has a spare room just waiting like this? Do other kids fall down here every once in a while? Why couldn't they return to the surface? Why did Toriel want to shelter them so badly? You stopped yourself. You were going to go down the 'why?' path again.

You got up from the bed walked over to a small desk. It had a vase of golden flowers in it. They looked exactly like Flowey. Except, well... they were lifeless. No face, no voice. Just plain old flowers. They were still pretty though. Is that saying that Flowey was pretty? You snorted at the thought. He tried to kill you. He didn't... but he certainly tried.

What should I do? You were kinda bored all of a sudden. You scratched your neck, suddenly feeling the strings of the bag that you had brought with you. Your bag! You had completely forgotten! You reached into the bag, feeling around. Now you could just call up your parents/guardians on your cellphone, and then you could get help and you would be able to--

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now