It was Only a Dream

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-Your POV-
You woke up suddenly as a sharp pain pierced your body from all different places at once. You opened your eyes and saw vines that were studded with thorns wrapped around your body, constricting you. You gasped as a menacing, evil-sounding laughter sounded in your ear. You whipped your head around.

"Flowey?!" You exclaimed, the panic in your chest rising. What the hell was he doing? Flowey didn't reply. He just smirked as his thorns dug into your skin, causing a gasp of pain from you. Why was he doing this? Was he actually going to kill you? Was this a trick from the start? Your mind swirled. "Please stop... Flowey... you're not like this...." You pleaded.

"Oh, really?" Flowey growled, summoning a vine from the wet earth below. It had red thorns pricked out all over it and you squirmed against the vines.

No.... You begged in your head. Please don't hurt me! You let out a silent cry as the vines tightened suddenly, leaving you breathless. Flowey snickered. Then, without warning, the thorned vine lunged at you, piercing your chest violently. You let out a scream of pain as it ripped through you, blood spurting from the wound he had just torn open. Tears pricked at your eyes and you choked on your own breath.

"Wake up,"

You could have sworn you heard a voice.

"(Y/N), wake up!" The voice said again, and the searing pain only lasted a half second longer.

You opened your eyes, jumping up from the muddy ground. Flowey jumped too, startled. You shrieked at the sight of him and slammed yourself against the wall behind you, trying to get some distance between the two of you. Pain shot up your ankle at the sudden movement. Confusion sparked in Flowey's eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked. He didn't sound annoyed, just concerned. "Are you okay?"

Your heart rate slowed as you came to your senses. It was a dream.... You thought. Even though you knew it was a dream, you didn't budge from your place against the wall.

"Hello? Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Flowey repeated after a couple seconds and you realized that you hadn't answered.

You stuttered, "U-uh, I g-guess."

Flowey blinked. "Did you have a nightmare? You were screaming...." He asked gently. You didn't know how to respond. How can you tell someone that you had a dream of them killing you? And such a vivid one, too. You had thought the dream was reality when you were in it. You struggled to speak before he could ask again.

"Um, y-yes." You stammered, still calming down. Slowly, cautiously, you backed a little off the wall and forced yourself to make eye contact with Flowey.

"Do... do you wanna talk about it? You seem really shaken up...." He murmured, sprouting a vine from the earth. It tried to curl around your ankle as an offer of comfort, but you quickly jerked your foot away, remembering your horrible dream. Flowey looked almost... hurt.

You shook your head and said, "N-no, you wouldn't want t-to hear." You replied.

"Please tell me... I care about you...." He insisted tactfully. I never thought that he would ever admit that. You thought, a little surprised.

You couldn't find the words. "I... I can't."

Flowey made another attempt to comfort you by reaching out his vine. Your body grew tense as he wrapped it around your ankle once, but you didn't pull back. After a second or two you relaxed a little, but you were still wary. He gulped, then took a breath. "Was it... um... did it have to do with me?" He asked.

You nodded slowly, afraid that you were going to make him upset.

"I see why, I guess." Flowey murmured. He pulled back the vine that was wrapped around you ankle. "But I just want you to know that I won't hurt you." He assured you. You wanted to trust him, but you weren't quite sure about it yet. Then he asked the one question you didn't want to answer. "Do you trust me?"

You struggled to find the words. "Well, I... I want to trust y-you... but I just... I don't kn-know yet. I trust you--sort of... I guess. I don't know--"

"You have every right not to trust me." Flowey shrugged it off like he didn't care. "After I hurt so many people, I don't think anyone would." He said almost coldly. His tone wasn't directed at you, but rather himself. You immediately felt guilty. Had you said the wrong thing?

"I-I'm sorry if I said something I shouldn't have--" You tried to apologize frantically.

"No." Flowey interrupted. "It's not you." He said quickly. "I just... I'm messed up."

You swallowed. "You're not messed up." You replied.

Flowey snorted. "What do you mean I'm not messed up? Of course I am. Do you even know about the horrible things I've done? Hasn't Frisk or someone told you?" He asked.

"I, uh, actually never met Frisk." You informed him. "I've heard that they broke the barrier or something." You blinked and went back to the subject. "Anyways, even if you did do some... things... in the past, people change, right? You deserve a second chance. You're not messed up--you're just a little confused about who you are or something, and I'll try to help you if I can." You tried to support him.

"I've had so many chances that I don't deserve anything but death." Flowey said blankly.

You quickly collapsed down to his size, leaning down next to him. "No, don't say that." You murmured, swallowing. You hoped he wasn't... suicidal or anything.

"Why? It's true." Flowey replied.

You reached you hand behind his little flower head and stroked the back of his golden petals. Flowey didn't react. "No. It's not true. You can be a good person." You said.

Flowey didn't respond in words, he just sighed and leaned into you gentle touch. His eyes looked clouded and tired.

"You matter, okay?" You insisted. "When we get out of here, maybe we can find someone that can help you. But for now, I'll try my best." When he didn't reply, you continued. "I know your feelings might be... confusing, but everyone goes through times where they're sad or lost or...." You tried desperately to comfort him. "But the point is, it's okay. I'll try and help you sort things out." You didn't know what else to say, so you were quiet.

Flowey shifted slightly. He opened his mouth to say something, but he hesitated. Then he swallowed and took in a slightly shaky breath. "Can I... can I hug you?" He asked awkwardly.

You let out a snort of laughter. "S-sure," You replied, blushing a little bit. The little plant sprouted vines from the ground that wrapped around you, and you hugged back gently. It only lasted for a few seconds before Flowey pulled back.

"W-we should be moving on." He stuttered, not meeting your gaze. "Is your ankle okay?"

It still hurt a little, but it was just a dull ache instead of the sharp pain from earlier. Oh, the wonderful things that sleep can do! You nodded. "I'm fine."

"Alright." Flowey murmured. "Let's go."

-Author's Note-
Hi, just checking in, I'm still a piece of garbage~

Yeah, I dunno. But anyways, I'm so sorry this chapter took forever! Life's been really busy lately. I don't wanna talk to much about it or be an attention seeker or anything, so I'll leave it at that. But just... expect a slight delay in the release of chapters for the next couple weeks ;w;

Also thank you so much for 400+ views! That's insane!! I'm really surprised honestly :'D I'm glad that you guys are enjoying this! Welp, that's pretty much it for updates. Bye!

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