You Were Too

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-Author's Note-
Crap, I'm so sorry for the lack of updates! School had been really crazy and there's a lot of drama going on in my life at the moment, so there might be a bit of a delay on chapters. I'm really trying though. And God, thank you for all the support. I remember when I first started this story I only got 18 views in a week. And now I have 1K? It's insane. Again, I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. I've been feeling pretty out of it recently... life sucks :') Also happy Honda days (or Toyotathon XD)

-Your POV-
"It's so damn hot in this hellhole...." You heard Flowey mutter under his breath. You hummed a response, wiping sweat off your forehead. "At least we're headed towards the MTT Resort. That place has air conditioning.

You stuttered a little, "M-MTT Resort? What is that?" You asked.

"Oh, it's this hotel thing that was built because of this star named Mettaton. It's kinda stupid. Hardly anyone ever watched his show before Frisk showed up. He was pretty full of himself." Flowey snorted. He sighed, and you looked over at him. Your eyes met, and you both instantly tore your gazes away.

"O-okay." You said quickly, blushing a little. Your heart was racing as you tried to ignore that anxious, giddy feeling that was rising within you. Shit. You were really going crazy.

Flowey cleared his throat and spoke again. "When we get there... we, um... we're gonna be really close to the barrier. The Core is right past the resort. I... um, maybe we could r-rest there a little?" He suggested, staring at the ground and avoiding your eyes. To be honest, you'd rather not make eye contact with him.

"Y-yeah. I'm kinda hungry." You agreed. It was true; Slight pangs of hunger were starting to claw at your stomach.

"Alright, then let's go." Flowey replied, and you followed him. Luckily the puzzles were all deactivated, so it was never hard to get past doors.

It only took you two a half hour or so to reach the resort. You spotted a piece of paper on the ground and went over to it. You read it aloud, "Hey... go up the creepy alleyway on the right for some great deals...." You looked over at Flowey in confusion.

"They're gone." He said when you reached to put the note back down. "Let's just go in."

"Okay, I guess." You replied. "But what was that about?"

He sighed. "Bratty and Catty were a couple of tryhards that sold a bunch of junk back there. But they're on the surface, and I don't think you would really like to buy the stuff that they sold in the first place. Now let's go in, I'm dying of heat." Flowey explained, and you followed him in.

The lights were off, but with a quick search for a light switch you were able to activate the lights and air conditioning. Thank God.

As if reading your mind, Flowey muttered, "Thank God for air conditioning."

"Yeah." You agreed with a snort of laughter. Looking around, you saw a fountain--or what you assumed was a fountain; there was no flowing water--of some weird robot or something. A section of the carpet near it was a little moldy, and you wrinkled your nose at the smell.

"Stupid robot made the fountain spray all over the ground." He explained, seeing you staring at the moldy spot. You chuckled at the thought, able to picture it clearly. You wandered around a little more, checking out what looked to be some sort of place where you could get food. Or, rather, could have gotten food, when the monsters were still in the Underground. You wondered if there was still anything to eat here. It smelled like there might be something.

Your stomach growled as your gaze traveled around, looking for something to eat.

"Hungry?" Flowey's voice came from behind and you turned around, your face heating up a little. He noticed and smirked a little. "I'll take that as a yes. I doubt that there's anything back there. Anything fresh, at least."

"But they just left a couple days ago, right?" You pointed out.

Flowey shook his head. "You wouldn't want to know the things they put in their food."

You shrugged. "How would you know?" You pointed out.

"In a separate timeline--one where I wasn't such an asshole, of course--I pretty much helped run this place. The things that can happen when you experiment, right?" He chuckled.

"You're not an asshole." You replied, and Flowey looked surprised.

His expression changed and he scoffed. "Forget what happened when you first fell down here?" He commented, and you rolled your eyes. "Anyways, I can go get something from the ruins. There's probably a crap ton of stuff that's hanging around in that patch of flowers."

"Why would there be stuff down there?" You asked, confused.

"Oh. Every now and then Toriel or Frisk or someone comes and drops some things for cooking so I don't get bored, I guess. They felt bad about leaving me down here." He explained, and you nodded. You thought that was sweet of them to look out for Flowey. His voice brought you back to the present. "Anyways, I'm gonna go get that stuff now. I'll be gone for around an hour, maybe an hour and a half."

You nodded. "Okay. Take your time." You said, and the two of you stared at each other awkwardly for a moment. Flowey shook his head as if to clear it.

"A-anyways," he stuttered.

You cleared your throat, tugging at the collar of your shirt. "Yeah."

"I'll go now." He said, and walked off to the door and opened it. You watched as he planted his roots into the ground and disappeared silently. When he fully sunk into the dry, cracked earth you let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding. It felt quiet already. Without the little flower on your mind, you became more aware of how disgusting your clothes were.

I better take a bath. You thought, embarrassed that you were around Flowey like this the whole time. You walked down a hallway with doors that probably led to rooms and opened one. You peeked inside to see that there was a neatly made bed and a flatscreen TV. You were slightly impressed by the technology here, based of the fact that this whole place was in a giant cave or something underground. You went inside and headed for the bathroom, happy to see a bathtub and a shower inside.

You locked the door and turned on the water, taking a few second to adjust the temperature. You got undressed as the tub filled with water and tossed your dirty clothes to the side. You dipped your foot into the water, testing the temperature. It felt nice. You got into the tub and let the warm water caress your skin.

Bathing gave you time to think. And the thing you thought about was Flowey. You sighed. This place was driving you crazy.

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now