He Wouldn't Accept it

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-Author's Note-
I'm sorry I haven't been posting very much. I've been struggling with depression for a while now, and things went downhill. I didn't have the time or energy to write, so I didn't. But I'm okayish, just ignore me, I don't wanna be an attention seeker or anything. Hopefully I can update this more, and when I'm finished with this I might do a Napstablook x Reader because why frikin not? Idk but that's it I guess... enjoy!

-Your POV-
"It's r-really cold he-here...." You shivered and hugged yourself tightly in attempt to warm up.

Flowey rolled his eyes. "I told you it was g-gonna be cold." He muttered sarcastically, and you looked down at him to see he was shivering as well, his cheeks red from the freezing cold.

"Yeah, b-but I didn't kn-know it was gonna b-be this cold!" You stuttered, your teeth chattering. Flowey disappeared into the ground and came up a couple yards away within a few seconds.

"Let's just k-keep moving, idiot." He shivered, and you could see that frost was starting to form on his petals and stem.

Didn't flowers wilt when it became winter? Was Flowey gonna be okay?

You hesitated. "Is... is this g-gonna hurt y-you? F-flowers die in the w-winter...."  You asked, giving Flowey a concerned look. "At least s-surface flowers do...." You added, trying to keep your teeth from chattering and messing up your words. Maybe Flowey was different. Or maybe he was a type of flower that could survive harsh conditions. Or maybe you were overthinking this.


"It doesn't m-matter." Flowey muttered, hiding inside the earth and reemerging farther away. He looked at you with an unreadable expression on his face. "Like I s-said, we need to keep g-going before you f-freeze to death."

You held his gaze. "But wh-what about you?"

"I'm fine." He turned his back to you and kept moving, and you followed him. Was he just saying that?

You gazed upon your surroundings as you traveled hastily through Snowdin, following Flowey as he went along. You were starting to get used to the temperature as you walked, leaving footprints in the blanket of snow that covered the whole town. Everything looked empty without the monsters. The lights were still on, and you imagined that they were left on for Flowey. But it still looked lonely and abandoned.

You noticed Flowey was shivering even more, and you couldn't ignore it this time.

"Flowey, we sh-should take a break." You said, quickening your pace to stand beside the little golden flower as he shivered in the cold.

He glared at you, and you took a step back out of surprise and alarm. "I t-told you, I'm f-fine." His voice faltered at the end of the sentence, which was further proof that he wasn't really fine. You knelt down to his level and brushed his petals gently with your fingers, feeling how cold and stiff they were from the frost. He didn't pull back, but he jumped slightly at your touch.

"Let's t-take a break." You insisted calmly. You gestured to a building and said, "Only f-for a little. I want to g-get some rest m-myself." Flowey sighed heavily, looking annoyed, but not angry as you kept stroking his golden petals.

"Fine." He growled. He uprooted himself from the ground with a bit of difficulty and hopped around uncomfortably on the freezing snow. He made a funny face as the cold touched the little roots that sprouted out from his stem. You smiled slightly at the way he moved across the snow, jumping around and trying to touch it as least as possible.

You two made it over to the building and a couple seconds, and you turned the doorknob to find the door unlocked. With a mental "Yeah!" you walked in, shaking off the snow on your shoes. The building looked like it was some restaurant or bar. You sat down on the ground with your back leaning against the wall and opened your bag.

"What are you doing?" Flowey asked, waddling over to see as you pulled the sketchpad from you bag. He stared at it wide-eyed, and you were surprised from his reaction.

You blinked. "What? I'm j-just gonna draw a little." You explained, rummaging around in your bag for a pen until you found one.

"That... that used to b-belong to me--or Asriel rather...." Flowey stammered, and you could detect a shiver of fear and pain in his voice. Why?

"Can I see what's in it?" You asked.

Flowey looked uncomfortable. He gazed at the ground for a moment and then muttered, "Um... sure... I guess...."

You flipped the cover up and looked over a few pages. They looked like random doodles that a child had made. You had flipped a couple pages before you saw a colored drawing of a goat-like creature that looked like Toriel and a human that were hugging each other.

A human?

"Who's that, Flowey?" You asked him, pointing to the human.

Flowey gulped. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. You put down the sketchpad and leaned closer to him.

"Hey, you don't have to say. But I'm always here, and if you've got anything on your mind you can always tell me." You reached out your hand to stroke his petals again, offering comfort.

Flowey pulled back this time. "I don't want your pity." He muttered, looking frustrated.

You sighed. "I know, but sometimes--"

"Sometimes what?" Flowey sneered, cutting you off. "Why do you keep trying to help me? Why do you think you can help me?" He raised his voice and you shrank away, pulling your hand back. Why did he never accept your attempts to comfort him?

"I'm only trying to help--"

"Yeah, I know!" He wheezed, laughing slightly. "You're trying to help me. News flash: you can't." His voice hardened and he glared at you angrily.

You rolled your eyes. "Fine." You said, leaning against the wall. You suddenly felt really tired, whether it have been the warmth of the building or the unnecessary exhaustion of arguing with Flowey, you didn't care. You felt your eyelids drooping slightly and you let yourself drift off into a dreamless sleep.

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now