Secrets Remained

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-Author's Note-
Ooooof thank you so much for 2k views! ;o; Also, I have a new motivation for writing this: finishing it so I can get started on a Bill Cipher x reader fanfic XD I just binged on Gravity Falls and now I have a tiny crush on a goddamn triangle. But yeah, I really wanna get this story done so I can start that! I want there to be at least 30 chapters in this story, so it's not ending too soon. Also, sorry if this chapter seems rushed or has any errors. It's been a long day XD Remember, reality is an illusion and the universe is a hologram! (forgive me Bill ._.)

-Your POV-
You and Flowey walked towards the barrier, or where it once was. Now stood a wall of mossy stone bricks in the place of it. You felt like your heart was fluttering. This was it.

"(Y/N)..." Flowey murmured suddenly. "If... if I can't come to the surface with you...." he drew in a shaky breath.

"I'm staying with you," you told him without really thinking about it. But it was true. "I love you, Flowey. I don't want you to be alone down here. And I don't want to be without you up there."

He gave a small smile, his eyes shining. "R-really? You don't have to... I mean, look at this place, it's a dump," he chuckled softly. Then his eyes darkened and he sighed. "I don't wanna take your future away from you. You're gonna have a whole great life up there on the surface. You shouldn't waste it down here with me."

"It wouldn't be a waste," you murmured. "I love you. I want to be with you, and I would feel really guilty leaving you down here. Let's just hope that Frisk and the others will change their minds."

Flowey blushed slightly, smiling again. You secretly loved his adorable expressions. He blinked. "Okay. I'll--"

"Flowey! Is that you?" an echoey voice called, and you both jumped. The noise seemed to be coming from the wall that had been build to 'Flowey-proof' it.

"Y-yes! It's--it's me! And (Y/N)!" Flowey replied loudly, his voice shaking a little.

You heard an exasperated sigh and a rough feminine voice rose up. "This better not be a trick to escape from the Underground, punk! I'll kick your--"

"U-Undyne, it's fine," a shaky voice interrupted Undyne mid-swear. "I talked to them. R-remember?"

You tried to hold back a giggle, and you could see Flowey smiling as well. You remembered Alphys from when Flowey had contacted her in the lab, and you remembered that Undyne had first answered.

"Listen kid," a calm male voice echoed through the cracks in the stone wall, "we're gonna get ya outta here. Just stand back, okay? Hang tight."

"That's Sans," Flowey informed you, and you nodded and went to the far end of the room.

Without warning, a huge white bone crashed straight through the stone wall, and you jumped, letting out a weird yelp of surprise. Flowey snorted and you lightly hit him on the head. Another bone crashed through, attacking the wall. With that, it collapsed and dust blew everywhere. You coughed, and it took you a while to see, but the sunlight shined through the dust and illuminated five figures.

There was Undyne and Alphys, who you knew, and two strange skeleton people.

"Heya, kid," one of the skeletons who was wearing a blue hoodie waved to you. You guessed he was Sans.

And there was Frisk, the human.

You shivered from joy as you felt a slight breeze touch your face, and you walked out to stand beside the five of them. You noticed that Flowey had hung back, and you turned around to look at him. The dust had cleared, and he was now staring wide-eyed at the rays of sunlight that were slanting through the trees and shining down in the undergrowth of the forest that coated the mountain. His eyes were slightly glazed.

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now