They Were Kept for the Best

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-Author's Note-
I'm sorry if this chapter is short and lazy, I needed to get something out XD I don't know what else to put here, so... axolotls :>

-Your POV-
You took a step back slightly. What did they mean by that? Had they done bad things? It seemed like they were a good person, but were they really? You looked over at Flowey, struggling to grasp some sort of answer, but he didn't say anything. No one else said anything either.

"I know things," Frisk repeated finally. Sans and Flowey both wore the same expression. They looked nervous. Did they know something as well? What were they hiding?

You drew in a breath. "I... I'm not sure what you're talking about, and I have a feeling you won't tell me," you said, your voice edged with nervousness. "But Flowey changed. He changed," you murmured desperately. "He's not the same person as he was then. He's... he's better."

"He's killed," Frisk retorted darkly.

"Well then why didn't he kill me? He had an awful good chance to get rid of me when I fell on those spikes. But no! He made sure I actually lived. He's saved me multiple times! Once I fell in the frozen lake, and he saved me. I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for him!" you threw your hands in the air. "I...." not knowing what to say anymore, your voice trailed off and your heartbeat slowed.

Sans sighed. "You can't really confine him to the Underground because you're scared that he'll make the same mistakes that he did in the past. And the same mistakes you made," he pointed out to Frisk.

"But I promised Asriel...." Frisk trailed off.

"Asriel is gone," Sans said. "He's dead. I understand that promises are difficult to keep. That's why I never make them," he murmured, and eyed Frisk warily.

They know something, you thought.

Frisk sighed. They looked at Flowey regretfully and murmured, "I promised... I promised that I would keep humans and monsters safe. What if there was another war? What if monsters were trapped Underground again?" Frisk explained desperately. You could tell that they didn't like the choice they were making, but they felt it was right.

"Things change," Sans reminded them gently. They looked at him, their eyes shimmering with regret and guilt. "You've changed."

Flowey cleared his throat awkwardly. "I..." he trailed off, his voice shaking. Then he closed his eyes for a moment and opened them again. He spoke up, his voice unfaltering. "I want to go to the surface.... I know I've done a lot of really... really shitty things in the past, but... you can't keep me hidden from the sunlight forever. I... I was...." Flowey took in a shaky breath.

Frisk looked like they were thinking. Then they smiled guiltily and scratched the back of their neck. "I... I f-feel like a big jerk now," they laughed painfully. You felt a pang of sympathy. You knew they were only trying to protect the people and the monsters on the surface. Frisk continued. "I shouldn't have promised Asriel... in that fleeting moment, I just wanted everyone to be safe. But... I guess... w-well, I mean, (Y/N) seems just fine," they chuckled.

"I've been through hell and back," you sighed in mock exasperation. Frisk smiled slightly.

"I know you can't stay down here forever. I don't know what I was thinking," they admitted to Flowey, and you felt your chest swell with hope.

Flowey looked up at them, his eyes wide. "D-does that mean...?"

"I... I guess. Just--don't try anything. I'm not afraid to lock you back up," Frisk gave him a sideways glare and chuckled slightly. Their expression changed and their eyes darkened. "I'm serious. I'm only giving you one chance."

"Th... th-thank you!" you exclaimed, your heart light. "I... I don't even know what to say, I'm just--" you stammered, smiling awkwardly. Your mind was racing. You automatically bent down and hugged Flowey. The flower sprouted vines up from the earth and wrapped them around you in return.

Flowey wriggled free of your grasp after a moment and smiled up at Frisk. "Th-thank you," he stuttered, his face flushed slightly. "I-I'll be careful," he promised.

Sans chuckled. "I have a feeling that Flowey won't mess this up. As long as (Y/N)'s up here," he winked, a teasing smile etched across his face. You felt your cheeks heat up and you crossed your arms. "Hey," Sans added, "you're not the first one."

"Are--are there other monster-human couples?" Flowey stammered, blushing. "I'm just--I'm just wondering."

Undyne snorted. "Of course. There's this Snowdrake and this human dating, and heck, even Muffet's already got someone. So, it's okay. I mean, it's weird, but it's okay," she laughed.

You and Flowey glanced at each other. He smiled sheepishly, and you smiled back, shrugging slightly. He cleared his throat and murmured, "well, that was easier than I expected."

Chuckling, you turned to the group. "What... where do we go now?" you asked.

Sans shrugged. "You should prolly get back to your family."

"Oh my God," you exclaimed, realization creeping over you. They must be worried sick. "D-do they know that you guys were coming to get me?"

"Y-yes, of course," Alphys reassured you. "When, um, when you c-called me I told them be-because everyone was looking for you. The police were involved, and o-once they heard that you were okay they were overjoyed," she explained, fumbling her weird claw-like hands.

You let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks," you said, smiling with gratitude. That was one less thing to worry about.

"As I was saying," Sans continued, "you should get back to them. And hey, keep an eye on Flowey there. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up living with ya. I can see what's going on," he smirked, winking.

"Oh, shut up," you groaned playfully. You had a feeling that you would enjoy this new life. Everything seemed at peace, and the dust was settled. Now, every monster had been let up to the surface and all had been forgiven.

You took in a deep breath of fresh air. This was it. You were finally going home.

And you were going home with Flowey.

-Author's Note-
This isn't over yet! I'm sorry if that seemed like the end XD Anyways I need to get some sleep--

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