You had Doubts

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-Your POV-

After a minute of sitting there in silence with your back against the cold wall, you picked yourself up with a heavy sigh. You might as well go back to Toriel's house to see if there was any leftover food that you could survive on until you found a way out of this hellhole.

"Which way was it again...?" You wondered out loud, scratching your chin. You shrugged to yourself and started walking in the direction that you thought she took you in. After a minute of walking you came across a puzzle with spikes, the same one that Toriel had taken you across the other day.

"I think I remember how to...." You remembered the almost zigzag line that Toriel had walked in to get across. You placed your foot on one of the spiked squares and it retracted, letting you step on it without being impaled. You felt almost smarter in that moment, and you put your foot on the next set of spikes. The spikes retracted again. You kept going, careful at first but you slowly went faster, more sure of yourself.


You weren't paying attention to where you were going, and accidentally put your foot down on a spike. Hard. You squealed in pain and became unbalanced, tripping and falling onto the other spikes around.

"Dammit!" You screamed, and you felt blood welling on your back where the spikes had sunk into your skin. You hobbled out of the spikes, stepping on some as you did, and managed to collapse on the ground. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" You cried, clutching your leg. The cut from the fall earlier had reopened and worsened, and you were bleeding all over the place. You kept screeching out for help, even though you knew it was useless. Flowey was the only one here besides you, and he definitely wasn't going to help.

You kept cursing up a storm, which you wouldn't usually do if you were home, but nothing like this had ever happened.

I guess Flowey was right about me hurting myself so badly and starving slowly to death--

"Will you just shut u-" a voice--Flowey's voice--was quickly cut off. You held your breath for a moment, trying to keep quiet. You tried your best not to, but you whimpered slightly from the pain. You swallowed your voice down, but it only came up again.

"Help me...." You whispered, and you didn't hear his response. You felt the world going dark for the third time in the span of three or so days, and you didn't fight it. You let yourself slip into unconsciousness.

But before you went, you felt something soft and fuzzy wrapping itself around you. You didn't bother to look up.

Then there was darkness.

You woke up in a bed.

"Oh, thank goodness it was just a dre--" You cut yourself off. The pain of the dream was still very real. You pulled the covers off of you and a feeling of horror turned your blood to ice as you looked upon your leg. It wasn't bleeding anymore, but a huge gash was stretched across your leg. You felt sick.

You then gazed upon the room you were in. It wasn't your room. It was the one that Toriel had put you in. You gasped. Was Toriel still down here? She could help you get out! She could--

You broke off into a coughing fit, and suddenly realized how warm your body was. You kicked off the blankets as best you could. Did you have a fever?

Suddenly the door creaked open.

"Are... are you okay?" Of all people, plants, or any being in the galaxy to save you butt, it was the flower. It was Flowey.

Flowey saved you.

You almost burst out laughing at the thought. You would have, if you weren't in such pain. You realized that Flowey was right below the bed, staring up at you with round, worried eyes. Did he... care about you...? No, surely not.

"Um... are you okay...?" Flowey repeated his question, and you realized that you forgot to answer.

"Oh... uh, not really." You murmured, gesturing towards your leg. Flowey extended out a vine towards you. You jerked away from his touch.

He didn't tear away from your gaze. He looked so innocent right now, and you had to admit that it was slightly adorable. Flowey reached out his vine again. "I won't hurt you, I'm just checking your temperature. I promise." He tried to reassure you. It didn't really help, but you let him rest the vine across your forehead. You flinched as it touched you. Not that it hurt, but you were just scared.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

You swallowed. "I'm... I feel really hot... and a little nauseous...." You replied quietly.

"You have a fever." Flowey said almost too calmly, lifting the vine from your forehead. The spot where it was felt cold now, and you almost wished that the vine remained there. "Just... just get some rest, okay? I'll make something for you to eat. Don't try to leave." He instructed.

"O-okay...." You stuttered a little. Great, now the talking flower's going to poison me. You said in your mind, accidentally making a sarcastic expression.

"What is it?" Flowey asked, noticing the look on your face.

You stiffened. "Nothing. I'm okay." You said. I'm also an idiot.

"Tch." Flowey snorted. "Humans are weird." With that he retracted the vine completely and left you alone.

Talking flowers are weird too. You retorted in your mind. You sat in the bed, humming quietly to yourself, hoping Flowey wouldn't hear you for some reason. You looked around for something to do. You picked at your fingernails as you realized how dirty they were but you got bored of that pretty quickly.

You let out a heavy sigh, staring up at the ceiling.

And once again the question came.

Am I ever gonna get out of here?

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now