Your Heart Started to Swell

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-Author's Note-
I'm trying to pump these chapters out as fast as I can! I'm also trying to have the chapter names written like poetry because that's fun XD You can see the list of parts if you wanna read it I guess. So yeah, it might take me a bit to come up with names for chapters.

Also this is a short chapter. I am ashamed ;w;

-Your POV-
You drowsily opened your eyes, your back aching from sleeping on the hard wooden floor. You stretched, raising your hands up to the sky with a massive yawn. You felt something moving and looked to see Flowey blinking up at you, his leaves rested on your arm. There was a moment of silence.

"We should get going." Flowey said immediately before you had the chance to tease him about sleeping next to you.

You nodded. "Y-yeah."

Why was he sleeping there? You wondered, pondering the possibilities. He seemed so mean and sarcastic. Maybe he was cold. Or maybe... maybe he was sleepwalking. Do flowers sleepwalk? You didn't mind the fact that he was sleeping, curled up against your arm, it was just... why?

You pushed it to the back of your mind as Flowey waddled over to the door. He turned around and looked at you expectantly, and you hastily walked over to open the door.

The cold hit you like a truck.

"W-woah!" You exclaimed. "It's really c-cold!"

Flowey shrugged. "It's Snowdin, wh-what do you expect?" He shivered in the cold, scrunching up his face for a second. You couldn't help but smile at the stupidly cute expression.

"Well... let's g-get going." You murmured, feeling chills run down your spine as the cold pricked at your skin.

"Yeah." Flowey stopped for a moment to plant himself in the ground so he could travel easier. Once he was in the ground he didn't move for a second or two. Then slowly he turned around to you, blushing a little. You couldn't tell if it was from the cold or from something else. "By th-the way...." He began almost hesitantly. "Sorry."

You shrugged. "Sorry for what?"

Flowey sighed. "I was cold. You were... w-warm I guess. So I... I rested for a while and I fell asleep." He explained, staring at the ground as if he had done something wrong.

"N-no, it's okay. It's r-really okay." You were trying not to stutter, but your teeth kept chattering as you two exited the little building that you had slept in. "I was cold too. I mean, not as much as I am now but... you get the point." You added sarcastically.

"G-good... I didn't wanna upset y-you or anyth-thing...." He murmured. Then he burrowed himself in the soil and reemerged a couple yards away. "Let's go, (Y/N)."

You followed him quietly, still freezing to death as you made it through Snowdin.

After a couple minutes of walking you noticed a patch of ice with a flag sticking up from the ground. There was a round snowball placed in the corner of the ice.

"What's that?" You asked, gesturing towards the strange setup.

"It's a game." Flowey replied simply, reappearing from the ground. His petals were already stiff with frost.

You looked at the ice patch again. "How do you play?" You asked, walking up to the edge of the slippery floor and crouching down to draw your finger along the ice, tracing an invisible picture of a heart.

"You have to get the snowball into the little hole by the flag. If you get it in, you win." Flowey explained, watching you as you poked the snowball with your finger. It started shrinking for some reason.

"What the-?" You jumped a little as the little ball of snow started growing smaller.

Flowey shrugged. "I never understood it either. Must be some sort of magic that makes it shrink at the touch." He said. Suddenly he burst out, "But you gotta get it in!"

It sounded like there was a note of happiness in his voice as you quickly pushed the snowball along, trying to get it towards the little hole. It was growing smaller by the second, and you were starting to panic. You know, that rush if adrenaline that you get when playing a game.

"You can do it!" Flowey called, smiling. You slipped and slid around on the ice, clumsily trying to get the snowball in.

Too late. About a foot away from the flag, the snowball dissolved entirely. Disappointment settled itself in your chest and you stamped on the ground in frustration.

Your blood turned cold as you heard a tiny cracking sound, and you looked down to see the ice was breaking where you had slammed your foot down. You barely had a second to run before you were plunged into the cold depths of the water underneath.

Shock seized your body and water got in your eyes, nose and mouth. You tried to scream, to breath, to cough, to do anything, but every time you opened your mouth it would only fill with water. Your lungs were screaming for air and you tried to swim up towards the sun.

Suddenly you saw something slither down underwater and you felt a vine wrap around you and pull you up to the surface. You broke out into the air, and Flowey picked you up with the thick, fuzzy vine and gently put you on the ground. You shivered from cold and from shock, and Flowey immediately popped out of the ground beside you. He looked flustered and panicked. You started coughing and vomited out some water along with bile, and you grimaced.

"Wh... what sh-should I do?" Flowey was freaking out a little, waving his leaves in the air as his vines retracted into the earth. "Are you o-okay?"

You hacked and coughed for a moment until answering. "I'm... I'm alive, so I g-guess I'm s-sort of okay." You cracked a smile between your coughs. Flowey relaxed a little, but he didn't fully calm down. Heck, he was never completely calmed down.

"I'm... I'm sorry, that was really stupid...." Flowey murmured. He looked really guilty.

You coughed up some more water, and Flowey drew back a little. "It's... it's not your f-fault." You stammered, starting to recover from your little 'swim'. "I shouldn't h-have stomped on th-the ice."

"No, but I-"

"Listen." You cut him off. "Not everything is your fault, you know." You said gently, brushing his golden petals. They were cold and stiff from frost.

Flowey looked at the ground for a minute. "Okay." He replied after a couple seconds. You smiled at him and gave him a gentle hug. Flowey jumped a little bit like the last time but didn't pull back.

You heard the sound if cracking earth and suddenly a vine was wrapped around your arm.

Flowey was you hugging back. You smiled, happy that you could make him feel better. And happy that he just saved your frickin' life.

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now