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Y/n's POV

"Y/n!!!!Get dressed!We leave in 10 minutes!"My father yells from downstairs.

When he yelled that out,I was already done.My hair,makeup,and dress was looking very nice.

I grabbed my belongings for tonight until I felt my phone vibrate.

I read the message and it was from Taehyung.

Taehyung:Hey,I'm sorry about what happened at school earlier.I just wanted to make sure your ok.And btw,I told my friends that I have a girlfriend(which I don't),so that why I used you.And I would need you and I to be in a "relationship".

Me:Ok.So were just friends but pretending to be a couple.

Taehyung:Right.It was probably awkward for you when I kissed you.

Me:Yeah,it was awkward.

Uhm,It wasn't awkward.It was more passionate and unforgettable.

Taehyung:Well I'll need you to keep a promise about this.Please!

Me:Sure.We are friends now so why not?

Taehyung:Thank you so much Y/n!I love you☺️

Did he say he loves me?

No No No...NO.

Why am I thinking he loves me?

He did say that "right" when I mentioned that we are friends.

Wow.It hurts.I got FRIENDZONED!!!!!!

I got friendzoned by an attractive guy.

As I was making my way downstairs,there was a group of people.Maybe about 9.Including Seokjin and my parents.Then I noticed.

"Jimin!!!!"I cheerfully screech.I ran up to him and squeezed him tight.

"Hey princess,how's it been."Jimin said while looking down at my now red face.

"Good.Really good.Uhm,how's Seulgi and you?"I replied back.Which I now regret,seeing him in almost tears.

What the hell happened?

"I uhm,don't really want to talk about that.For now,let's just go out."He gently grabs my hand with his and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"Oh and Y/n,when did you tell me you have a boyfriend."He brought up.

Oh My God!!!!!!!

Oh No!!!!


Panic Mode.Panic Mode.Panic Mode.

"Uh,how did you know?"I answered.

How did you know?How did you know is a really good excuse Y/n.


"We'll Jin told your parents and I that you were holding hands with a guy and kissing him.I think his name is Taehyung."Jimin questioned.

"Oh uh"(State Of Panic.State Of Panic)"He's my boyfriend."I stuttered.

There you go,Y/n!You blew your chances with Park Jimin.Now you will really be a single fool.

"Oh.Cool."His voice was kind of upset.

As soon as everyone entered their cars,Jimin and I sat next to each other.The whole car ride to the restaurant was silent.

Whenever I looked at Jimin,he was staring at the opposite way.

This is what happens when I open my mouth.

Does Jin sell duct tape at his restaurant because if so,I wouldn't be bleeping out words that eventually leads to hate or hurt.

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