All in Mansion! (Episode-4)

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Hello this is ---ANNIE--- back with another part of {{WWMTBTF}}
Episode - 4
_________In Morning
As usual everybody was present in hall waiting for the trio to come with the breakfast and the trio were none other than our shivomru
Soon there wait got over as shivaay followed by rudra and om came with the trolley of breakfast… after sitting they started their breakfast…
Pinky – shivaay I need to talk with you…
Shivaay – yeah mom say na?
Pinky – why don’t you want to get married…
Jhanvi- yeah shivaay we understand; you don’t want to get married with tia…but you can get married to some other girl
Shivaay – but I’m not ready yet maa…
Dadi – but beta…now it’s your age to get married you should make up your mind…
Om – dadi actually you know what…shivaay want to get married but not arrange…he wants a love marriage…
Tej – really?
Rudra – yes papa shivaay bhaiya only told us…
*shivaay glared them*
Shakti – really shivaay?
Shivaay – no dad…actually they have gone mad…you know what mom…search a girl I’ll get married to the one selected by you…
Jhanvi – that’s fine we will find the girl for you…but
Pinky – let me complete it…shivaay we want your happiness only we will find the girl but still all the decision will be your as it’s the matter of your whole life and one wrong decision can ruin it so even after selecting the girl if you fell for someone we will not oppose you and will respect your feelings…
Shivaay – *smiles and goes to her side hug her* ofcourse mom I’ll surely tell if it happens but I don’t think it will ever happen…*kisses her hand* and I know you’ll never choose something bad for me…
Dadi – good give me a hug too…*extends her arms*
Shivaay walks to her and hug her
Rudra – dadi I think you don’t love me?
Om – even not me…
Dadi –  khoteyo{{donkey’s}} come here
They 4 share a hug and smiles…
Lady – don’t you all miss me?
Rudra – bua…
Saying this he runs to the lady standing near the main door of mansion with a small suitcase and in blue saree
Lady – oh my rudy *embrace him*
Shivaay and om too runs to her…and hugs her
Tej – why we will not miss you roop
Saying so he went up to her and side hugged her…
Shakti – I think you forgot us…
He too goes to her and side hug her…
Dadi – beta come here…
Roop walks to her and take blessings and hug her than Jhanvi…and then pinky…
Shivaay – what a pleasant surprise bua…
Roop – yeah actually vikram was on a business trip so I decided to visit you all…
Rudra – great…I missed you so much
Om – yeah even me but I’m sorry bua I’m getting late I’ve some important work so I’ll meet you in night…
Shivaay – same to same…so sorry
Rudra – I can take a leave after all there is no lecture today I’ll enjoy with you…
Roop – it’s okay shivom we will meet in night and this rudra *ruffles his hair* is here na he will give company to me…
Shivom hugs her and bids bye to all and leaves…
Om – shivaay I hope you would have apologized from annika by now?
Shivaay gets lost in thoughts how he hurt her again…
Om – *shook’s* did you apologized?
Shivaay – uhh, yeah but she…
Om – *cuts him* shivaay I’m your brother and knows you very well so don’t lie you didn’t apologize…
Shivaay – yes I didn’t but you know naw she forgave me…
Om – shivaay okay, I wanted to say you last night but I got no time so saying it now…she’s a nice girl don’t behave badly with her…her heart is so good that she took your side yesterday…she gave mistake the name 0f accident…she didn’t want to say anything bad about you to us because she got it how much we respect you and she took your side I hope you got it what I want to say…if not sorry offer her friendship…I’m sure she’ll accept it…I know you don’t read eyes but I do I’ve read it she’s alone shivaay she wants some love she doesn’t show but she need I don’t know why that’s so but I hope you’ll understand her more as she’s your working mate and even I know that soon you’ll also read that in her eyes…
Shivaay got into deep thoughts hearing om and left toward office…
Om too left for gallery as it was already 9 and he needed to reach at 8
((gallery is just 15 minutes away from mansion so first scene will be of galley))
Om entered the gallery to see a girl standing in ripped jeans with a long red shirt ((The one anushka wore in breakup song)) her hair were open and due to fan they were dancing…
Om – I’m sorry…
That was none other than gauri she turned to him and he gulped his own saliva seeing her…
She was hell angry with a stick in her hand...
Om – please…
Gauri – you’re 1 hour and 16 minutes late omkara…
Om – sorry but my bua arrived and got little busy in meeting her…
Gauri – is she running away…?
Om nod in NO
Gauri – did she came for the first time in your entire life?
Om nods in NO
Gauri – will you ever get back the time you wasted today?
Om nod in No
Gauri – om I told you yesterday too if you’re serious than only I can teach you otherwise it’ll be much difficult for you to learn and for me it will be hard to teach you…
Om – I’m sorry miss I’ll never get late ever again…
Gauri – it was your first time and thinking it as last too so forgiving you…
Om – thankyou…
Gauri – okay now let’s start…
Om – okay
Gauri – so where are your books…?
Om – shit…*smiles seeing her* actually…
Gauri – you haven’t bought?
Om nods like an innocent child who forgot his homework notes at home…
Gauri – okay…today I’ll teach you the basic rules from tomorrow own we will start with books and after today’s lecture we will go to buy books…
Om and gauri sits in gallery and she starts teaching him and he was completely indulged in listening and understanding that…
((PS: I don’t know much so I won’t be writing in detail so that I won’t be the reason behind wrong info))
Shivaay enters the cabin to see it empty as annika wasn’t there as he expected her to be because from last 2 days he was late and she was first to come…
Shivaay went out and inquired about her but she didn’t come yet, he again goes back and settles on his chair…
Shivaay’s POV
Why she is late? Is she okay? Oh GOD what the hell is wrong why do I feel she isn’t okay…I should go to her home? No…! I can’t she never came to mine even after I was late much late…
Om was right I should offer her friendship…
After thinking this he dials a number and says something…
He started working and at nearly 10:30 she arrived and he was happy seeing her but she quietly went to her chair…
She wasn’t happy at all but seemed sad…
Shivaay – good morning annika…
Annika was surprised as he called him annika instead of miss mathur…
Annika – good morning
Shivaay – thank-you…
They both started working and in-between working he was staring her and she wasn’t aware of that completely indulged in her work…
_________@1 PM
Bhavya enters and rudy greets her…
Bhavya – thank-you, mam…I got the job and manager asked me to come to you…
Jhanvi – yeah actually you’ll be my personal Secretary and you need to be with me 24/7 I mean till I ask you to go you will be with me…
Bhavya – okay mam…mam can I have a talk with you in person…
Jhanvi nodded and they both went to her room
Jhanvi – what’s the matter? Do you need something or is there some problem?
Bhavya – no problem but mam, can I have accommodation too? Actually I don’t have a place to live where I live right now they have sold that flat and the job I lost they were giving me accommodation too so I left the flat now I need to leave that within a day and I won’t be able to find some place so quickly …
Jhanvi – that’s completely fair…actually our staff quarters are full, and your secretary so you can stay in mansion only to the guest side area I’ll give you one room with washroom…
Bhavya – kitchen…
Jhanvi – not to worry you can have food with us all…
Bhavya – but how can I eat sitting with my boss?
Rudra – common bhavya you are so modern and talking like an old generation lady…
Jhanvi – rudra tell her about food thing…
Rudra – okay mamma…
Jhanvi – from tomorrow you can start today change the house?
Bhavya nodded and Jhanvi left…
Rudra – I think we can be friends now?
Bhavya – why not…
They both smiled and rudra asked her to come and they both left in car…
_________@1:30 PM
Shivaay was wondering as she didn’t even look up and was working from last many hours without a seconds of break so shivaay decided to order something for her…
Shivaay called and ordered 2 shakes…
Annika – so you also started liking shakes from when? *smiled with raised eyebrows*
Shivaay – thank god finally you said something I got so worried…
And then they both looked into eachothers eyes for a sec…
Annika – actually shivaay…I’m sorry I shouldn’t have ignored you yesterday…
Shivaay – it’s okay even i... i.i... i
Annika – leave it *chuckles* you need not to apologize…
Shivaay – I didn’t mean to hurt you…
Annika – I understand…
Shivaay – s…
Annika – you can’t say that so don’t try…and yeah milkshakes had arrived…
Shivaay looked at the persons and then takes them from him…
Annika – btw you haven’t told me yet why you started liking milkshake?
Shivaay – because I don’t know I felt like having it so ordered it…
Annika – nice change not bad…
Shivaay – can I say something?
Annika – sure…
Shivaay – you should show it to doctor look it is still little bleeding *points toward the banded*
Annika – don’t tell me what to do…
She again starts working
Shivaay – weirdo
But she didn’t bother to look at him…
-----------@2 PM
Bhavya – thanks so much rudra because of you I got the job…
Rudra – no need to thank because of me you lost your job so it was my duty…
Bhavya – mistake was mine too I was busy with mobile…
Rudra – forget it…
They both putting her luggage’s in the dickey of car headed back to OM
--------IN CAR
Rudra – actually bhavya I have two more brothers…
Bhavya – really?
Rudra – yeah…shivaay bhaiya and O
Bhavya – that’s so good you’re so lucky to have a family 2 moms 2 dads dadi bua and brothers but some people don’t even get a single mother…
Rudra – don’t you have family?
Bhavya – no I lost them when I was small…I do have my friends and they’re more than a family to me…
Rudra – sorry…
Bhavya – no need to be sorry…that’s a bitter truth and I’m not afraid of facing it as the it is a fact and it can never be changed so it’s better to accept it and stop getting hurt with everyone’s same question…
Rudra – your thinking is nice…
Bhavya – don’t you have friends?
Rudra – I do have but they’re not talking with me now…
Bhavya – okay…name?
Rudra – romi…Kapoor…
Bhavya – okayyyyyyyyyy…
Rudra – so you got it na you’ll sit by my side when eating? So you’ll not feel alone…
Bhavya nodes and smiles messaging someone “successful”
--------@4 PM
Gauri – this is it for today…we should leave to buy books that will take much time…
Om – okay fine…let’s leave?
Gauri – okay…
And they both sits in om’s car and leaves…
------IN CAR
Gauri gets a call ((HITLER CALLING)) oh god she needed to call me now only?
Gauri – yes?
POC – gauri I need rent…
Gauri – but I paid you 10 days b4
POC – okay fine than leave the room…
Gauri – ufff fine I’ll pay you tomorrow…
POC – why tomorrow?
Gauri – let me arrange…
POC – fine…
Hang up
Om – everything fine?
Gauri – yeah just need to pay rent…again…
Om – again?
Gauri – yes she’s NUMBER 1 witch but her home is good and is in good society that’s why I just don’t want to leave otherwise due to these 15 and days rents I would have left it along back…
Om – don’t you have your house here?
Gauri – no actually I’m not a Mumbai resident I live in Delhi but due to some reasons I shifted here and also because my institute’s investors were willing to invest in Mumbai only…
Om – I think I can help you…
Gauri – no it’s okay I’ll manage…
Om nods and they gets in a book store…and starts shopping and after shopping they were leaving when from last three stairs gauri slipped down and her foot gets twisted badly…om makes her stand but she wasn’t able and was wincing in pain so om leaving books in car came and lifted her up in his arms and she held his kurta tightly…
He looked into his eyes and she looked back and they both got lost into eachothers eyes…
{{Saathiya plays}}
He walks up to car still lost in eyes and makes her in front seat and occupies the other and silently drove off to OM
A man enters in cabin and gives him a box and leaves…
Shivaay – annika…
Annika – yeah?
Shivaay – you’re going?
Annika – hmmm
Shivaay – wait… *he goes to her and opens the box* annika I’m like this only even I don’t know what I’m really but I think.... I want to be your friends I want to enjoy your company as a friend too…you’re different from all the other girls I have met till now so thought to do friendship with you…today Is friendship day and no other day can be more good for this… *forwarding her a band* will you be my friend?
Annika was very happy and overwhelmed
Annika – wow I never thought you will say this… well ofcourse why not?
Hearing it shivaay gave her a band same as he was holding and forwarded his hand annika made him wear the band “MY FRIEND ANNIKA” it was written on shivaay’s band
And then shivaay asked her to forward her hand and he made her wear the band “MY FRIEND SHIVAAY” written on annika’s band
Shivaay’s face reaction turns from happy to worried…
Shivaay – you’re burning like hot stove annika…
Annika frowned and took aback…
Shivaay – let me check…*again held her hand*
She winces in pain and he being worried checked her hand and found a burnt on her hand…
Shivaay – what’s this annika?
Annika – nothing…
Shivaay – come with me I’ll show you to a doctor you really need that…
Annika – no need I’m fine…
Shivaay – annika please *tries to take her but she struggles to free herself and wasn’t that strong* annika look you are having high fever so don’t argue come…
But she being stubborn tries her best and fails to free herself and shivaay holding her arm takes her out of cabin while she wasn’t still ready to go shivaay looks at her…
Shivaay – what?
Annika – please na…
Shivaay ignored her and started walking toward the door of office and soon he felt that she stopped struggling
And he looked back to see her fainted…
Shivaay got worried as hell and picking her up walked fast to his car and rushed to hospital…
---------In Hall
Om entered lifting gauri…
Jhanvi – who is she?
Om – rudra bring the bam
Pinky – what happened?
Om – actually she is gauri my friend…she helps me in gallery and while leaving she slipped and got hurt…
Tej – ooh okay…
After applying bam
Gauri – I’m fine om I think I should leave now…
Dadi – beta it’s late and you’re not able to walk properly so it’s better you stay here…
Gauri – but how I can…
Jhanvi – it’s fine beta you can stay here and rest…
Om – yes gauri and even your Hitler will not let you rest so better rest here…
Gauri – okay…
Bhavya – come I’ll take you…
After bhavya and gauri left…
Om – who is she?
Rudra – my friend…and mom’s secretary…
Om – nice…
Rudra – not your type…*whispers*
Om – OMG! Don’t behave like shivaay…she isn’t your type *mimics shivaay from episode 2*
Rudra – HA…HA…HA Very funny…
Om – fine see you after freshen up…
@bhavya’s room
Bhavya – gauri I don’t have your size clothes but it’ll be fine on you it’s my night dress…
Gauri – it’s okay I’ll manage with it only…
Bhavya – thank god I got some girl…
Gauri – mean?
Bhavya – actually I’m new here and fist night at new place so was disturbed little but now I’m feeling comfortable…
Gauri – STS
Bhavya smiles…
--------In hall {{after sometime}}
everyone was settles to have dinner but were waiting for shivaay and soon he entered with a girl in his embrace her arms were encircled around his neck and her head was laying on his shoulder…
Pinky – OH MY MATA it’s 3rd girl…
Jhanvi – I hope so it’s not any accident…
Tej – I think I know her…
Omru – annika di… and runs to shivaay…
Gauri and bhavya looks at eachother – di? They didn’t tell us…
Dadi, tejhanvi, shinky, roop – DI?
Shivaay – sshh…
Om – what happened to her?
Shivaay – long story…
Rudra – tell we have time…
Shivaay – idiot I don’t have I want to lay her down…
Gauri – I think…
Bhavya – we can take her care if you don’t mind…
Shivaay – who are they now?
Omru – our friends…
Shivaay – fine…
Shivaay went to the room of bhavya and lays her down on the bed…
And leaves the room…
Om – tell us what happened to her?
Tej – wait…who is she?
Shakti – yes exactly we want to know…
Jhanvi – why she’s unconscious?
Pinky – it’s 3rd girl came here in arms of obro’s…
Roop – and why you both called her di?
Dadi – why you’re quite billu…
Shivaay – ufff everyone stop it let me speak… she’s annika mathur my project partner…bade papa and papa…she’s unconscious because she was having fever and fainted…they called her di because they met her and rudra wanted to call her di that’s why di…
Om – but why you didn’t drop her to her house her parents must be worried…
Rudra – let it be na Om…
Shivaay – they’re out of town…
Saying so he left to get freshen up…
Pinky – is she really just his project partner or something…something?
Shivaay – just a partner…
He sits in-front of omru by the side of gauri and bhavya…
They were busy in eating…
Rudra – hawww *holding band of shivaay* what’s this bhaiya who stole you from us…
Om – there’s something written on it…
Shivaay – it’s nothing …
Gauri – no there’s something written really…
Bhavya – annika?
shivaay looks shocked at her…
Shivaay – no its not annika…
Gauri – *holds his hand* look bhaiya it’s written MY FRIEND ANNIKA…
Omru – friend….
Shivaay – yeah… I mean no…
Being confused he left in a huff
Soon they all dispersed to their room’s
@pool side
“shivaay we know you’re hiding something…” om said sitting beside him dipping his foots in pool
“yes bhaiya how can a person faints due to fever…?” rudy said sitting by the other side of shivaay…
“yeah…actually we are friends now I gifted her same band with my name…and while wearing her that I got to know she having high fever…” said shivaay while looking at om “than?” asked rudra while patting his back… “actually she is very careless…she didn’t take proper or I should say didn’t even took little care of her wound and lost much blood…doctor said she fainted due to weakness and fever…” said shivaay looking at rudra “weakness?” asked om “yes…her wound was still bleeding…and got infection doctor cleaned it you know what?” stopped shivaay… “what bhaiya?” rudra asked… “doctor took out little pieces of glass from her hand” again he stopped “are you serious?” asked om “yeah that could have pained a lot” rudra asked… “maybe…only she could tell us that…doctor said she’s having anemia…in which there is deficiency of red cells or hemoglobin in the blood. Resulting in pallor and weariness…that’s why she was weak and fainted” shivaay cursed himself for hurting her… “and her parents are they really out of town?” asked om… “yeah I called his dad and he said sorry I can’t come to pick her as we are not in town and disconnected the call” shivaay brushed off some tears… “weirdo…they were not worried?” asked rudra… “I don’t think so they behaved normally” said shivaay while standing up… “okay by the way who is gauri and who is bhavya?” asked shivaay “gauri my friend helping hand in gallery” said Om while standing “and bhavya mom’s secretary and my new friend” said rudra pulling them in a HUG and they reciprocate…

Soon they 3 also disperse to their rooms where shivaay take out a diary  from his cupboard and sits down writing in something… om started sketching as he has some paining orders… rudra lays down trying hugging the whole bed…

--------In a Well decorated and furnished room
Lady – don’t worry I’ve reached where I wanted to tomorrow the work will be done…
POC – …
Lady – have trust on me…
POC – ….
Lady – fine I’ll be more careful…

--------in guest room
All were sleeping…after sometime someone starts caressing annika’s face and crying “don’t worry I’ll not let anything happen to you… get well soon” saying so the person kissed her forehead and left…
Guys this is it for today hope you’ll also like it…
Thanks for reading it… stay tuned…
Annie signing off bye sweeties TC SEE YOU SOON STAY SAFE.

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