• Game Over! •

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Everyone were waiting for king to come. They were eager to know who Is he. Whom none saw till now. They were walking like a pendulum in the hall of mansion

Guru samar and ragini were tied up to the chairs while dadi was seated on the couch followed pinky Jhanvi and tej shakti mrs. Malhotra was also sitting by their side…shivomru were standing behind the couch on which everyone was sitting they adjusted themselves on one couch only as they were scared of the upcoming situation while Aniriya were pacing in hall to and fro waiting for his arrival…

{now I’ll be showing everyone’s POV Not so long but neither too short to show their state of mind}

Mrs. Malhotra’s POV

“thanks to god that today king’s revelation will be happening. God paralyzed me this is the only reason he is alive till now otherwise by now he would’ve been dead…and nothing would’ve happened. My children’s started doing these things because of him but it’s still not too late if today they get to know his reality I’m sure they will return to the right track…”

Jhanvi’s POV

“I told that we will face this together but now I’m scared I know they are officers and will handle everything but this fear is overpowering me…whatever it is he is mafia not someone local he may have kill lot of people’s which none even know and he will not mind killing few more…what will happen now…I’m losing the strength to face the coming situation how much ever I try I can’t be more strong than them”

Pinky’s POV

“I don’t what will happen in next minutes. He will be coming anytime soon, I’m eager to know who is he how he looks but fear is also there he is a gangster and what if he shoots someone? How they will handle this situation than… I’ve so many thoughts running through my mind but what to do… will I be able to face the situation though I need not to fight or shoot but still it is Gonna take place right in front of my eyes and by any chance they need any help than will I be able to do that…this will be decided after seeing king’s face how scary he looks…”

Shakti’s POV

“I’m not a violence lover person I should’ve gone to mandir instead of being here they all are looking so calm and here my blood is burning due to fear…I never even killed a fly and never even let anyone kill in front of me but now it is Gonna happen and not any fly but human’s…when she shot samar I nearly lost my senses and breaths…what will happen when shootout will occur here…I should’ve left GOD save me”

Tej’s POV

“I’m a business man and stuck here in mafia and all…just because of diamonds…I don’t need this kind of money which risks everyone’s life…well that’s not even mine…but why he is after our money and how he knows about diamonds…where dad got that? Why he named it to the wife’s of his grandson’s ufff so many questions and no answers but what will happen when king will arrive he’ll be scary…we may know him that’s why he knows about these diamonds…btw how we will know him we never met someone who is so close and with whoever met they are no more I think whom we know personally…”

Naren’s POV

“I hope king got my clue otherwise it will be our last day on this earth. I was a fool to trust vikram immediately and didn’t even doubted them why they wanted to get married immediately…I was wrong to say that anger messes up the things in our brain…even excitement and greediness messes up too…we were feeling as none will know but we had no idea about military behind us…but why military?”

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