Picnic Fun Begins!🙌 episode 6

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Shivaay was standing near a car whose dicky was opened and he was arranging the stuff in that…annika was enjoying music with a cup of tea in her hand standing right beside shivaay…rudra was checking everything of car opening the bonnet of car and bhavya was helping him…om and gauri were getting the eating stuff and robin tia were checking the camping stuff…

Shivaay: (thinking) here I’m struggling with the stepony’s and instead of helping me she’s enjoying her tea…what kind of friend she is? … I’m sure she is the weirdest creature on this earth…none can be weirder than her…bhavya is helping rudy and gauri helping Om but this madam doesn’t even care to ask if I need help…

Annika saw him looking at her tea cup which she was holding shivaay was lost in his thinking and wasn’t aware of staring her cup…

Annika snapped her fingers in front of his kanji eyes and he looked at her giving *what? * look…

Annika: billu ji If you want tea you can ask me I’ll give you but staring someone’s cup of tea and that too with so much intensity isn’t a good manner at all…
Shivaay: first of all, I’m not staring at your cup of tea and 2nd don’t you call me by that name…
Annika: I’ll only call you billu…and if not staring then what were you doing?
Shivaay: I was just lost in some thoughts and didn’t realized that I was staring the cup…
Annika: oh billu ji it’s okay I know you were imagining yourself instead of me having tea…don’t lie please I don’t like liars…

Om came from mansion: who lied and why?
Annika: billu ji…
Om: shivaay don’t you remember I hate liars…
Shivaay: I wasn’t lying she is assuming anything…
Gauri: I think there’s some misunderstanding
Annika: no he was staring my tea and when I caught him he lied, if he wants he can ask…
Om chuckling: annika shivaay never drinks tea…
Annika friendly hugs shivaay from back like friends usually do: I know om I was just teasing him…btw billu ji what you were thinking?
Shivaay: that you’re not helping me like bhavya and gauri are helping omru…*bites his tongue* I mean …
Annika laughs: shivaayyy you could have asked me I’m not some magician that I’ll know you need my help…
Shivaay thinking: Awww so cute…she takes my name so cutely…she should call me shivaay every time and all the time…
Rudra comes: bhaiya it’s done we can leave…
Shivaay coming to the present: sure…
Annika: om and gauri did you checked everything twice?
Gauri: not twice we checked it thrice and we have everything present…
Tia comes: so the plan is to reach the forest without any stop?
bhavya: no we need to stop at some supermarket for some stuff so then we can go without stopping…
Robin: so it’s 4:30 by 5 we will reach the last supermarket of the highway, after that there will be no markets or anything so we need to buy everything from there only that will be the last petrol pump…
Shivaay: make sure not to miss anything…
Om: shivaay you did great by arranging one big car only… (I don’t remember the name)
Annika: praise him later we will get late…
Shivaay: Khanna
Khanna comes: yes, sir?
Shivaay: we are going on some picnic make sure nothing happens here I need full tight security of mansion for next 2 days…and stay focused
Khanna nodes and they leaves setting in car…
Nearly @5:10 they reached the last petrol pump and giving the car for final check and petrol filling they entered the supermarket the last and biggest supermarket of highway…
They took a trolley and started to march toward the water fridge…
Annika: so this water isn’t enough I think we should buy in cartons instead of bottles…
Om: you’re right…
They called the worker and asked him to bring 5 cartons of water
Gauri: water checked!
Bhavya: next is snacks…
Soon they arrived at the stall of chips cakes and many more and started throwing 3,6 packets of everything in the trolley…
Gauri: snacks checked…!
Tia: next is cold drinks, juices and some milk?
And then they arrived at the fridge of these things rudra stuffed the trolley with many cold drinks and other things…
Gauri: liquid checked!
shivaay: next is torches and other stuff…
And they went to the shelf where various types of torches were present… everyone picked up their type/liked torches and added in the trolley…
Then they saw some other camping stuff and added that too in the cart…
Gauri: camping stuff checked!
Rudra: breads…eggs…jams?
And they added that too in cart
Gauri: eating things checked!
Robin: it’s more than enough now let’s leave we spent nearly 1 hour here only…
Om: yeah…
And they started walking toward the counter and in the distance to counter they added many more things in cart there were 4 full carts and the counter person was looking at them in a shock…and the counting started…
Man: 20,000
They all looked at eachother
Annika: I never bought so many things mean things only to eat for 20,000
Gauri: neither me…
Tia: bhaiya please add the box of those chewing gums…
That’s it then they started adding those childish things forgetting that they are no more children
Man: now it’s 21,000
All again looks at eachother and turns into fits of laughter…
Shivaay: I’ll pay here… you go out and arrange this in car…
Om: okay
Rudra whispering: bhaiya please 1 bottle of protein shake?
Robin whispering: some cans of bear I forgot…
Gauri: now what is happening here?
Bhavya: leave it na…
Annika: okay but shivaay buy some extra AAA batteries for torches…
Shivaay: okay…
And they leave to the car
“they will never change” thought shivaay “what was the bill?”
“no man, add two cartons of bear…2 bottles of protein shake…and some extra AAA batteries” said shivaay “24,000 sir…” man finished the calculations paying the bill he walked out of market followed by a worker with the trolley of the things he purchased…on reaching car he saw annika talking with a lady standing near the café shop of pump curious shivaay went to her and saw her giving the lady some thousands…b4 he could reach to them they lady walked away giving her blessings and annika seeing shivaay came to her “what you doing here?” annika looked up in his eyes “you should help them in arranging the stuff” “yeah I was doing that only” smiled shivaay “btw why you were giving lady money?”  “yeah, she was begging from the coffee man so I just helped her…” smiling with proud “I just helped her in saving her son” “do you really think that her son is in some problem” smiling at annika’s innocence “you didn’t even think that how come she here when there are no houses or anything in kilometers…just empty roads…” “I don’t really care if she was saying truth or lying I felt like helping so I helped her” cupping his face “if we can waste so much money on these eating stuff which we won’t be able to finish till months than this is some small charity” “you’re so sweet annika, but world is not be careful what if she was of some” jerking off his bad imaginations “I’m happy if you’re happy” “sainty singh oberoi” hugs him “I think we should help them now” “btw I was going to buy some coffee for me” looked at her “do you need anything” “always thinking about me and yourself” points toward others struggling in arranging things “they are also with us…and for your kind information I’ve already ordered coffee’s and sandwiches so let’s just help them first…” “as you say” shivaay agreed with her and they both started helping them
Rudra thinking: Picnics are not that easy as I thought it will be and it’s not at all easy when you don’t have your servants with you I wish I could go on picnic along with mansion so no worries about things or need not to arrange them with this much struggle everyone is doing it happily how can they? Common rudra be like them try it…!
Bhavya “I don’t think this all stuff could be arranged in this only car so easily we bought much stuff”
gauri “yeah even I think this is impossible”
om “nothing is impossible in this world you should give your best tries and it will turn into possible”
rudra “oh deep meaning oberoi please don’t make it more difficult with your talks give some suggestions instead of lectures”
annika “om is right we can do this but if we think wisely…”
robin “idiot’s look this cooler is empty”
tia “we thought there Is something in it”
shivaay “it’s okay I know what to do”
rudra “bhaiya its management not business”
shivaay “shutup rudra”
robin “now say shivaay”
shivaay “yeah so first arrange these cartons in an order like there are 5 water cartons and 2 beers so on 2 water cartons placed 1 beer carton and on 2 cartons of water place the beer one and then water one in this way water will be also reached easily along with beer…”
annika “next put other drinking beverages in the cooler so they will be chilled”
gauri “next…this *shows an empty carton* we can arrange the snacks in these kind of empty cartons”
rudra “I’ll arrange place for my shakes don’t touch them”
tia “it’s all settled so do it…”
annika “I think the sandwiches will be ready I’ll bring them” bhavya
“I’m coming with you” gauri “even I”
tia “I’m a girl too I’ll also come”
boys “so what about help?”
girls “boys never need any help”
they leave toward the café….
After nearly 15 minutes’ boy’s arranged all perfectly and sitting in the car drive toward the café where girls were chit-chatting while drinking water “get in girls” shivaay horned “we are already late”
Girls gets in with the sandwiches and coffee’s and settles down on their respective seats…
They reached their destination while chatting then eating and then some sleeping…
Soon after reaching the forest they were overjoyed seeing it there were all green in kilo-meters just green, green and green…
Rudra “umm di do you know anything about this forest?”
annika “yeah this is the best forest…on the end of this forest which is very far from where we will be camping is a lake…that lake is really beautiful…”
robin “something more please?”
gauri “there are many beautiful animals especially birds there even some panther’s but that’s also very far from where we will be camping…”
bhavya “and also many interesting things to see”
tia “dangerous animals”
shivaay “they will be far so let’s proceed so that we can arrange everything b4 night”
They go in forest and on reaching the point where they wanted to camp they started their work…
Nearly after 1 and half their place was fully set…
They pitched the tents …lights attached with battery were set…cooking spot was set sitting arrangement was set near the bonfire…
“it’s all set everything is arranged perfectly…” said tia
“yeah but now arrange your bags…” annika told them and soon they all took out their backpack’s and arranging things in that accordingly and it took nearly one more hour…
“I think we are forgetting something” said shivaay
“yeah something is missing in this camp area” added om
“I know fire woods” told robin
“yeah exactly…” said tia
Rudra “this is the most important thing we need, really need b4 night”
annika “I’ll go and get that”
shivaay “no way’s it’s not happening I’ll go and get that…”
annika “wait I said first so I’ll be going…!” 
shivaay “I don’t care if you said first or second I’m shivaay singh oberoi and shivaay singh oberoi hates listening to NO so I’ll be going”
annika “it doesn’t make any sense billu”
shivaay “don’t call me that”
annika “I’ll call that only and even I’ll be going not you”
om “guys stop it! You just need a time to fight?”
gauri “you both GO!”
shivika “we NO!”
tia “guys you both want to go so go together”
shivaay “she will eat up my mind with her billu thing”
annika “so you think I’m a brain eater?”
shivaay “no I don’t think! I know that you’re a brain eater”
bhavya “I think I should go”
annika “not happening...I’ll not let you go alone”
rudra “now what’s the problem in that?”
annika “no problem because I’m ready to go with shivaay”
shivaay “but…”
robin “not again go now only”
Shivika wearing their backpacks marched toward the deep forest in order to get the fire woods…
Om “I want to have a close to the creatures which are in this forest so I’m going with gauri”
Gauri “yeah so I think we should leave?”
Rudra “O but why?”
Gauri “he is an artist rudra, for paintings he need inspiration which comes from these kind of things”
Rudra “okay come soon”
Om “if shivaay and annika gets late turn the lights on so we could reach camp easily and animals will also not come here and one more thing you can lit up little fire by these dried leaves and some dried tree’s branches for short time you must lit it up as soon as it starts getting night?”
Tia “sure!”
And they both left with their backpacks…
Rudra “what about us 4?”
Bhavya “I like photography and here are many beautiful sites little far we can go there for some time”
Tia “I think you and rudra should go”
Rudra “but”
Robin “you’ll enjoy and we can use the pictures for social sites?”
Rudra “yeah come we will go but we will return in an hour only”
Bhavya “okay fine”
Tia “make sure to be back b4 night”
Bhavya “sure”
And they too left with their backpack and camera’s…
Tia “so now we need to take care of this camp”
Robin “yeah and we will even do something else”
Tia “eating”
Robin “romance”
Tia shies away and robin hugs her…

Pinky was sitting in the living room watching her favorite baba’s show tough the baba was famous with the name of GURU JI but his name was swami naren…roop saw her alone and get to her and started chit-chatting with her…
Roop “pinky you know what I need your help”
Pinky “sure say?”
Roop “you know my husband’s business is of fruits and vegetables import and export”
Pinky “yes I know”
Roop “every time our tempo filled with the stuff reaches the Mumbai check post for pune police man’s disturbs them a lot and due to them we are facing a loss”
Pinky “how can I help you in that?”
Roop “you’re an oberoi but now I’m not… your one call can save us from this loss”
Pinky “okay I’ll ask shakti ji”
Roop “pinky even you can call they will be reaching the check post anytime soon”
Pinky “but I don’t have number”
Roop “I have call them please…”
Pinky “okay’s”
Roop gives her the number of truck and police man on duty…
On call
Pinky: am I talking with inspector saxena?
Saxena: yes…
Pinky: hello inspector I’m mrs. oberoi talking
Saxena: yes, mam?
Pinky: actually my one tempo will be reaching the check post in dew minutes last time it got checked and many things got damaged so now I don’t want this to happen so let it go…
Saxena: can I have the number?
Pinky: sure…7925NTB is the number inspector…
Saxena: your work will be done…
Hang up
Roop “thank-you”
Pinky “it’s my duty to help my sister-in-law”
Roop leaves smirking and pinky again starts watching GURU JI’s show…

Annika “look shivaay apple’s”
Shivaay “they look yummy”
Annika “yeah, I think we should eat them”
Shivaay “no way…I don’t think it’s hygienic…”
Annika “I’m not asking you if we should eat…I’m asking you if you want it or not because I’m Gonna eat it now only”
Shivaay “what do you mean?”
He turns to see her climbing up the apple tree leaving her backpack…
Shivaay “are you mad?” what if you fall down?”
Annika “I trust you…you’ll catch me”
They share an eye-lock from far…
“tanha adhoora sa khamosh lamha sa tehra hua hai dill yaha” plays in BG…
Eye lock brakes as annika was going to slip…
Annika “you’ll catch na?”
Shivaay “I’ll surely catch you…but what about me?”
Annika “If I’m not wrong only I’m the one climbing the tree?”
Shivaay “yeah but what will happen of me after catching you? my back will break down lifting fatso, then who will take me back to camp”
Annika “you called me fatso?” *throws an apple on him
Shivaay “ouch…it hurts annika”
Annika “you deserve this billu ji”
After sometime she comes down with many apples on ground…
Shivaay “I don’t think you’ll be able to eat them all”
Annika “dadi calls you right…you’re, number one billu…these are not for me only it’s for everyone back there at camp”
Shivaay “okay”
Putting them in the backpack equally and holding one in hand they start walking again…

Om “that’s not so far I can see that from now only”
Gauri “ufff we have walked a lot that’s why you’re able to see that”
Om “is it?”
Gauri “yes…”
And after sometime the reached the lake side of forest
Rikara “beautiful”
Om “I’ve never seen such a beauty in my entire life”
Gauri mummers “I’ve seen a lot”
Om “I would like no…I would love to spend my whole life here…”
Gauri “none can do this in reality om…I’ve heard these a lot but it’s very difficult to live here without family”
Om “you’re right…but still it could be awesome place for some farm house”
Gauri “yeah”
Gauri walks toward the lake which was getting filled with the water fall coming from the above mountain falling directly in river…
Om “these kind of sites gives me so much inspiration…”
Gauri “let’s start the lesson of today…”
Om “I would love to learn here”
They both sat a little far from the waterfall on a stone dipping legs in water…
Gauri started teaching him and enjoying the view…

They both reached the top of the forest climbing a small mountain from where they can clearly see the waterfall but not the lake…
Rudra “I think this is the lake about which annika di was telling”
Bhavya “yes…! Let’s take pictures of this”
Bhavya started clicking pictures of the view with every possible angle in some pics it was only waterfall and in some there were some birds…
Rudra “now take mine pics with this”
Bhavya turned to see rudra holding a baby rabbit…
Bhavya “aww… where did you find this?”
Rudra “he wasn’t able to walk so I picked him up”
Bhavya “okay…first we will do his first aid”
Rudra and bhavya did the small bandage on his injured foot and then took some pics and selfies with him…
Bhavya “now let’s move toward the forest area there we may found some deer if my information is correct”
Rudra “and what if they hurt us?”
Bhavya “they’re scared of humans and will not harm us…”
Soon they reached a place where many deer were present
Bhavya “sshh rudra we need to lay down and reach the best angle by crawling to there so they don’t run away”
Rudra “okay”
They start crawling and rudra’s hand gets injured and he was about to shout but bhavya puts her hand on his mouth stopping him from screaming “ssshhhh rudra it’s not a big injury”
Rudra “it’s bleeding and you’re saying it’s not big injury…”
Bhavya “look at the scene rudra you’ll forget this”
They both looks up together…to see many monkeys’/ chimpanzee on the trees and many deer in front with their babies and other small animals (rabbit’s and squirrels)
Rudra whispering: front scene is aww and above scene is ahh mummy save me…if they will see us they will kill us…
Bhavya: if you will follow what I say we can get out without their notice this time they are sleeping…
Rudra: so we should go na…
Bhavya: no rudra we will not leave without taking pictures otherwise our hard work will get wasted…
Rudra thinking: here it’s the matter of life and she is caring about hard work…which hard work? We did nothing except crawling and If once even a single monkey sees us we are finished…my bhaiya will miss me than…what O will do without me? No I don’t want to die…
Rudra: bhavya if we get save than we can come again…
Bhavya: no we can’t look these scenes never comes back
Rudra: if life will be saved I’ll create this scene at my house only
Bhavya: that will be not real
She takes many pictures still down to the floor…
Bhavya: rudra it is done let’s leave
Rudra tries to stand
Bhavya: have you lost it?
Rudra: only you said let’s leave…
Bhavya: the way we came here we will leave from here in the same way…otherwise these monkeys’ will chase us till the camp and we will be dead…
A snake fell on rudra…
Bhavya whispering: rudra calm don’t move otherwise he will bite you…
Rudra rolls his eyes: wow now all the troubles are for me today
Bhavya takes a picture…
rudra: bhavya he will bite me
bhavya: rudra if you’ll put these pics on your social site you fans will get double
rudra: than I should smiles
he smiles and snake moves then he makes crying faces…
Bhavya: I’m going to catch him don’t move otherwise we may get trapped…
Bhavya holds snake’s mouth as he was not facing her and throws it away and they silently crawl back and stands rudra starts running
Bhavya: rudra wait…

-----at camp…
They both had collected enough leaves and sticks and were sitting on the cushions
Tia “I’m little scared now it’s been 1 and half hour and none has come back”
Robin “it’s forest baby…none returns so fast they will be coming anytime soon”
Tia hugs him and he caresses her hair…
Annika: so we have collected enough woods now we should go back…
Shivaay: yeah…it’s already getting night…
Annika: shivaay be careful there are many dangerous animals nearby so be careful…
They start walking when annika sees some ropes hanging on the trees…
Annika: shivaay stay focused… there are traps for the animals…
But it was too late…
Shivaay was hanging upside down his legs were trapped in the rope…
Shivaay: it’s too late…
Annika: I told you to be careful…
Shivaay: free me please…
Annika: let me find a way…
Shivaay unable to breath: annika please fast…
Annika getting worried: shivaay what happened are you okay?
Shivaay: dammit do it fast…
Annika worriedly takes out the hunting knife from her bag and follows the rope and cuts it down then hold it and slowly…slowly let it go so shivaay won’t fall…
She runs to shivaay who was facing difficulty in breathing…
Annika rubbing his back: what is happening to you…where are your medicines?
Shivaay signs toward his bag…annika takes out his medicine and gives it to him…
After sometime he gets normal and annika starts hitting him with her hand on his shoulder…
Shivaay stopping her:  hey why are you hitting me?
Annika: can’t you see and walk what if something happened to you?
Shivaay: nothing happened to me so now stop hitting me I think we should leave…
Annika: okay
They start leaving…
Shivaay: now what your hand is bleeding again?
Annika: due to rope
Shivaay: let me do bandage…
Annika: no let’s reach the camp first otherwise we may lose our ways…
Shivaay nodes and they start walking

Om was done with his today’s lecture…and was enjoying the waterfall from far while gauri was enjoying it being just some steps away from it…it looked like as it was raining on her as some water drops were falling on her…
Om: I think I should do some painting…
Gauri: really?
Om: yes…
Gauri: you can’t it’s turning dark we should head back to the camp otherwise we may lose our way even if we have mark it on trees…
Om: wait…
Takes her pictures in different poses
Gauri: now why these pics?
Om: so it’ll be easy for me to make a painting…
Gauri: okay let’s leave…
Om: yeah everyone will be waiting…
They both march back to the camp when in-between their way the fell in the PIT
Gauri: phail gaya raita…
Om: what?
Gauri: nothing…how we will go out now?
Om: I don’t know I think I can push you up and then you can lift me up?
Gauri: idea isn’t that bad but I don’t think it’ll work…
Om: without giving it a try we can’t come to any conclusion so let’s try…
Om tries standing up but wasn’t able to…
Om: my foot is twisted very badly…
Gauri: om try please…we can’t stay here I can’t risk your life…
Om: it was me who asked you to come so according to that I’m the one who risked your life…
Gauri: stop it and try we can leave I know…
Om tries standing and falls
Gauri: let me see it…she twists it to left right and he was now able to stand at one place…
Gauri by his help of pushing reached the top and asked him to wait she will pull him she ties the rope with the tree and pulls him up with the rope…
Om hugs her after coming out…
Om: I got so scared but you are brave…
Gauri: okay now we should go…
Om: but what if we again get trapped?
Gauri: not happening now I’ll go and you’ll follow me…
Om: okay…
They switch on the torch and om with the help of gauri starts walking as his foot wasn’t that fine still…
In the way gauri gets tired and she falls down with om on top…they share an eye lock
{{saathiya plays}}
Gauri: I’m sorry…
Om: I should be sorry because of me you are here and fell…
Gauri: no need we are friends na so no sorry no thanks…
Om: we can rest little here…
Gauri: but you were scared…
Om: but if you are here than why will I be scared?
Gauri: okay…
They sit there only on some stones beside eachother while eating some cupcake…om hears the sound of some wolf and held gauri’s arm tightly…while gauri hugs him and they both looks at eachother…
Gauri: I think we should leave from here faster…
Om: what if he shows up…
Gauri: om don’t waste time in talking and let’s leave the voice was from far but it’ll not take much time to come close so get up…
And then again they start walking toward the camp…with fast steps and open eyes…
Om’s heartbeat was clear to gauri and hers to Om but they didn’t even stop for a minute and kept on walking…

Rudra was running without any stop while bhavya was following him stopping him and soon he got trapped but bhavya didn’t let him go alone in trap she jumped at the place and the both were caught in a net trap…rudra got really scared and hugged her in the net only…
Rudra crying: bhavya I know I’m so strong but now I’m getting scared these night shades are scary these noises are giving me mini hear attacks take me out from here I want to go back to bhaiya and O…please…
Bhavya: look rudra I can’t reciprocate in this state…I can totally understand you…it’s not really easy to enjoy this forest…I’ll surely take you out and we will meet everybody…
Rudra: but how…we are trapped here none knows and no signals…
Bhavya: rudra instead of hugging me carefully take out my hunting knife…
Rudra nodes and took out knife…
Rudra: what next?
Bhavya: now carefully cut the above attach of the net…
Rudra: okay…
After the 5 minutes of struggle he got successful and they both fell down on ground…
Rudra: are you okay?
Bhavya: yes…
Taking knife from him she puts it back…
Rudra: thank god
Hugs her and now she reciprocates…
They hear some bushes moving sound…
Rudra gulps his own saliva and looks at bhavya and bhavya silently takes out her torch and turns it on and a cat jumps out of the bushes…
Rudra first got scared and got his clutches tight on her arm but seeing the cat he gets relieved…
Rudra smiles: it’s just a cat…
Bhavya: idiot run…they are not normal cats they’re wild cats…
Rudra: what?
And they start running from there…but this time with open eyes…

@office somewhere in Delhi
A man and women are talking with a lawyer…
Man: are you sure na after the death this will be ours?
Lawyer: 100% sure…
Women: what kind of death?
Lawyer: any except murder and even if you kill make sure it should look natural…
They shook’s hand…


Shivaay: I think we came from here…
Annika: no from here look marks are here…
Shivaay: marks are here too…
Annika: we are lost?
Shivaay: what the wuck?
Annika: no signals…
Shivaay: what we will do now…look I’m getting scared…
Annika raises eyebrows: great shivaay singh oberoi gets scared too?
Shivaay: yes, I’m a human too…I too have a heart…
Annika: but why you’re getting scared?
Shivaay: because…leave it find a way…
Annika: I don’t think I can sort it out both ways look’s same how can I remember from where we came…
Shivaay: did you heard that?
Annika: yeah it’s wolf…
Shivaay: run annika…
Annika leaving the woods bag there only starts running holding shivaay’s hand…
While a wolf is chasing them soon they see a bush which was big enough for them to hide for some time and increasing their speed the turns and runs to that…b4 wolf could reach them they were hidden in the bush…
Shivaay was hugging annika so they could adjust there but annika was wincing in pain silently because a thorn pricked her bare back…she somehow controlled her scream and didn’t even gave any expression after 5 minutes they got out to see wolf gone and they completely lost…they see some small shelter hut type and gets in getting some woods from outside…
They light the fire and sits near it…now annika couldn’t help herself and her face expressions started reflecting her pain shivaay looks at her and understands that annika is hurt from her facial expressions…
Shivaay: annika are you fine?
Annika nodes…
Shivaay: I don’t think your face is saying something else…tell me are you hurt somewhere?
Annika looks at him in shock but nodes in NO…
Shivaay: please annika…tell me…
After much persuading annika tells him that while hiding in bushes a thorn pricked her back and that’s paining her a lot…
Shivaay: if you don’t mind may I see that?
Annika nodes and he moves near her and looks at thorn…
Shivaay: annika it is very thin and small…it’ll be hard to remove it from hand only and even if we try it would go inside your skin all the way more…
Annika: than now?
Shivaay: If you allow me I can somehow remove that…? Otherwise it’ll infect you…
Annika: okay…
Shivaay goes more close to her and shifting her all the hair on one side and tries removing it with the pin he had in his pocket which her got from annika’s hair…but it wasn’t that small to reach the perfect grip on the thorn…so he decided to remove it by his own way…
All the while annika was feeling nervous with his touch … soon he leaned toward the thorn and leaning toward that he holds it in his teeth perfectly his lips touched her bare back and shivers ran through her body and she clutched her jeans tightly…closing her eyes tightly …and finally he pulled that out with the help of his mouth but now annika was not able to meet eyes with him…after removing the thorn little blood oozes out from there and he cleans it with his handkerchief while cleaning it again his fingers touches her back and again she gets nervous…but then (adding fuel to fire) to sooth her pain he blows on that and shivers travel through her body…shivaay takes out ointment from his bag and applies it there gently…even he could feel her shivers but he smiled at her state of nervousness and soon gets in front of her and she turns her face to other side…shivaay hold her hand and she looks at him…
Shivaay: let me dress it…
Annika nodes and looks to other side while he dresses her hand blowing it giving her all the shivers she looks at him and he smiles: it’s done…
Annika: thank-you billu…
She said that deliberately…just to make the environment normal again and their fight over that starts again…
They both running gets near the camp while tia and robin gets scared seeing bushes and leaves moving…and hugs eachother but seeing ruvya they get happy and runs to them as they both fell but on time tia and robin hold them…
Tia: what happened to you both?
Bhavya: paani (water)
And they sit on the cushions having water while robin brings the first aid box…
Robin: how this happened rudra?
Bhavya: it’s a long story where are rest?
Tia: they haven’t come yet…
And soon they see bushes moving again tia hugs bhavya and rudra hugs robin…and rikara appeared fully out of breathes…
Robin holds om and tia get gauri and make them sit…and gives water…
Tia: what’s this om what happened to you why you weren’t walking properly?
Gauri: long story…where is annika and shivaay bhaiya?
Robin: they haven’t come yet…even you all just came…
Om: they should have been back by now…
Tia: even we are thinking same they went first but haven’t returned yet…
Rudra: I don’t want to ever go there again…
Om: *hugs him* don’t be scared rudra we will never go there ever again…

They both were shivering so annika took out her shawl and asked him to come and they both sitting beside eachother and covering themselves with annika’s shawl started talking…soon annika slipped into sleep in the warmth of him placing her head on his shoulder…shivaay kept on looking at her while caressing her face…
So this is the 6th Episode of this FF…HAPPY READING GUYS
{{do comment weather positive or negative both are welcome…}}
Annie signing off see you soon stay tuned to know what happens next...Tc till then bye…

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