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Annika...gauri...bhavya enters the glass room and smiles seeing 2 girls tied up to chairs...

Annika: well girls I hope you're enjoying here?

Gauri: I think enjoying more than we can even imagine...

Romi: who the hell you people are?

Ridzi: and why the hell you have tied us up here?

Bhavya: no hurry darling's you'll know soon...

Romi: shutup the hell up and leave us we will file harassment case against you...

Annika laughs: do you really think so you people can still do something like that against us?

Ridzi: yes...

Gauri: how?

Romi: we can run from here...

Bhavya laughs: di see how much confidence they have...I think you people don't know where you are?

Ridzi: we know in jail...

Annika laughs: let them imagining this we don't have much time go sugar plum get the things...

Gauri nodes and leaves while annika and bhavya sits on chair in front of them and gauri comes back with a tool box...and starts taking out various kind of tools from it...

Romi: what the hell are you going to do?

Annika: nothing we will do nothing if you tell us whatever we ask otherwise...

Ridzi: otherwise what?

Bhavya: than we will not be responsible for anything happen with you...

Romi gets scare seeing gauri arranging electric wires: ask us we will answer...

Annika: good so 1st where is king?

Romi: we don't know that only mom knows...

Bhavya: fine...what he is planning?

Ridzi: why should we tell you? Who the hell are you?

Annika shakes her head in disbelief and slaps her hard...

Ridzi starts crying: still I will not tell...

Annika: are you sure?

Ridzi nodes and bhavya slaps her this time...

And blood starts oozing out from her mouth while romi is looking all shocked at her...

Romi: di have you gone crazy? Dammit answer them...

Ridzi: no way...they will just beat us but king will kill us...

Bhavya pulls her hair and make her face her: even we will kill you riddhima...

Ridzi: I know you'll not kill us because if you do this...than human rights officers will not leave you...

Now the trio laughs out hard...

Romi and ridzi looks at eachother...

Gauri: awww you both are so innocent let us show you people something

She takes out her mobile and shows her the news of riddhima Kapoor and romi Kapoor escaping from jail...

Romi: but we never escaped...

Annika: only you and we know this...now tell us the plan...

Ridzi: no still I will not tell you...

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