Chapter - 1 (Edited)

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Post Civil War : Tony Stark got involved with a little girl who he didn't even know. She might be the one to bring the Avengers together again.

Disclaimer: I do not own any character.

September, 2016
Stark Tower

Self-introspection. Seriously?

He laughed dryly. Since when did he ever need to think about the consequences of his actions?

Tony Stark did not know it.

Yet, he found himself more and more thinking or as Pepper put it - self 'introspecting'? Is that even a word?

Whatever this is, he did not like the feeling that it caused. This feeling of wanting to do or say something differently.

Pepper had called it regret.

And no, he also did not want to talk about it. Nor feel bad about it.

In other words, he did not want to feel anything at all.

And yet, here he was, pacing around his lab only in his worn out jeans, overthinking about things while the clock reads 3:23 in the morning.

And no, he is not thinking about science.

And no, this has nothing to do with his love life either. It is actually going very smooth at the moment.

The many hickeys present on his neck and chest are the proofs of how good his love life has been at the moment.

The problem was rather about the America's golden boy himself.

It had been a while since that incident at the airport. Months rather.

The fucking famous golden boy's stupid shield had been giving him some rather unwanted thoughts, as Pepper had put it, 'self introspection'.

It was still lying there, in the corner of his lab, with all its glorious shiny red and blue signature, always reminding him of the owner himself.

And tonight is no different either.

He had tried, many times, to just ignore it, like one of his many other weapons which he kept.

He didn't know why it kept catching his eye, reminding him of the golden boy, and his rendezvous with his so called best friend, Steel Freak.

But it did.

And now, he keeps remembering the honourable fool himself, and he couldn't help but wondering about what he would do.

Where he would hide.

He told himself many times that he did not care. That he did not want to care.

But he did.

And yet, the damage he had caused, the trust he had put on the old fool - which he had broken as well, was not something he could just forget and get over.

No, he was so very hurt.

As much as he did not want to admit it himself, Rogers' action had hurt him so deeply.

He was so lost in his thought that he almost did not hear the ringing of his phone.

Who the hell would call him at this early hour anyway?

Annoyed, he ignored the call.

Yet, it kept ringing again. And again.


He heard a chuckle coming off from whoever the fuck was on the other side of the call.

"Still not growing up, Stark?"

A pause.

"Fury?" He checked his watch to see the time. "Why the hell did you call me at three fucking thirty in the bloody morning?"

Another chuckle.

"Well, I find myself not able to sleep peacefully tonight. So, I was thinking 'why not call the most patient man I know' and here I am talking to you."

The corner of his lip quirks a bit. Well, he could say that the one eyed bastard does have a good sense of humor.

"What is it about this time?" He sighed. No point in arguing with this man.

"Hmm. . . What gives you the idea that I need anything?"

He just rolled his eyes and stayed silent, not wanting to rise to his bait.

"Ok, I might need your help. Or rather, your protection."

He could not help it. He snorted.

"My protection? Are you kidding me? I'm seriously starting to think that you're just bored and tried to piss me off or something."

"Just take a look at the file on your coffee table. And I thank you for your cooperation, Stark."

"What file on my cof-" There really was a file lying on the coffee table, as if it was always there.

His eyes went wide. "Stop breaking into my apartment without my permission, it's creepy. You hear me? You are so-" The line already went off, making him clench his jaw in anger.

That bastard.

His attention, however, was now drawn to the yellow file on his table.

Whatever the hell was so important that infamous Fury would ask for his 'protection'?

Also, when the hell was he at all good at those kind of things?

It was a boring job if he were to be honest. Something that Cap or someone else would be good at.

Hell, even Hulk would be better at 'protecting', that is.

Irritated, he opened the file and proceeds to read it.

His eyes went as wide as saucers, when he finished reading the files. In case he misread something, he even reread it again.

This was not going to be boring at all.

"I would never forgive you if this is a joke, Fury." He muttered to himself.

Yes, science was and never is boring.

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