Chapter - 9

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Natasha's POV:

We left the Stark Tower earlier than we planned to as Steve needs to meet with the President to discuss about the 'New Accords' which he, the President himself, has introduced. I hope this time, it really works.

Since Steve is leaving early, I have no other things to do. I also got a text from Fury that I am needed in D.C. as fast as possible.
I think it's about the girl.

I made my mind up to leave for D.C. as soon as I can because I can no longer bear any more second with Stark. He seriously annoys me. A lot.


"Romanoff, it's been too long." Fury greeted, with Maria trailing behind his back.

We met at a 'secret place' which we always used as a meeting place over the years.

"Hey." Hill greeted casually which I returned a smile. We took a seat and Hill ordered a cup of tea.

She seems a bit off. Fury also seems like he is about to tell me that the world is ending.

"So, what's up?" I awkwardly questioned, as I seriously don't know other things to say.

"Natasha," Fury speaks up. When Fury is on the first name basis with me, it always means that it is something serious.

"What's wrong?" I asked, now I am worried a little.

"Well, this seems to be odd but you got to trust us. We examined it over and over again. The person who ran this test is Dr. Cho, so I think we can trust her." Maria spoke up, handing me a file.

"What is this?" I asked, trying to keep my cool.

"You need to see it to know about it. But believe me, I don't really know how this can happen." She explained, giving me a weak smile.

What's the big deal about this file that Fury and Hill seems to be so aware of it. Or we can say, of me.
So, I opened the file and read the most surprising report.

"What the hell?!" Was the only word that left my mouth after I finished reading it.


"Romanoff, calm down." Fury ordered as I go through the pages again with panic.

"How could I? What would you do if you were in my place?" I asked, feeling a little irritated.

"Well, I'm not. So, I want you to calm down. At least, for 'her' sake." He gives me a stern look.

I sighed heavily. No, this can't be happening. How could I face Steve after this? No, he cannot know about this. At least, not yet.

"Does Steve know?" I asked. Please say no.

"No, but I think he has the right to know this as well since you are both involved in 'this'." He said in a matter of fact tone.

"No, he cannot know." I almost begged.

I eyed Maria for help. She sighs and she speaks up.

"Yes, Director. Cap has a lot going on at the moment and I don't think that it would be the best idea to let him know too." I mouthed her a 'thank you.'

Fury sighed in defeat. "Well, that might be right. But, we need to know more informations about her, or at least, how she ,um, 'exist'."

"But, how can this even happen?" Now, curiousity get the best of me.

"That is what we are going to figure out, Mom." Maria teased.

I give her the 'Seriously?' look and her smile fades immediately. "Just trying to lighten the mood." She mumbled.

"Anyway, what are you planning to do, now that you know she is yours?" Fury speaks up.

"Honestly, I don't know. I mean, it's very natural to find out that you have a ten year old daughter who you didn't even know exist. Isn't it?" I sarcastically questioned.

"Romanoff, sarcasm will not solve any problems." Fury stated.

I sighed in defeat. "Don't know. But, I think we need to tell Stark. He was the one she was closest to."

Meanwhile, Maria was drinking her tea and she spat out the whole tea after she heard what I was saying.

"Seriously!? Stark?" She looked at me with wide eyes.

"I know, right?" I agreed with her. I mean, of all the people in the world, my long lost daughter likes Stark the most. This can't get any better. That was sarcasm.

"What do you mean? Tony is just being, um, well 'Tony', but I knew that he is going to take good care of her." Fury defended Stark.

I dryly laughed. "If Stark can look after her, I surely can. So why not take her to live with me?" I joked.

The conversation is now light as I can now process what is going on around here.

Maybe God is trying to give me another chance. Maybe I was also made to be happy and have a family too. With Steve.

But I don't think I deserve someone like him. He is too good for me. But......Clara comes, and maybe, just maybe, there is a chance for 'us'.

The thought of us being together give me the chills. I mean, being a family and all.

"Hello? Earth to Natasha." Hill waved her hand in front of my face as I was so lost in my thoughts.

"What?!" I asked, trying to look annoyed.

"How do you feel? About the kid and all." She asked, getting serious.

"I don't know. I mean, I don't really like the news but I don't hate it as well. It's very difficult to explain." I sighed.

"Anyway, where are you staying?" Fury asked, changing the subject.

"Well, since you are the one who asked me to come here, I was hoping that I could stay with you." I replied with a smirk.

"I knew it. That is why I am also going to spend the night there." Maria butt in.

"And I'm the most luckiest man in the world." Fury sarcastically stated.

We just laughed at him. "Okay, let's get real for a minute." Fury speaks up.

"Tomorrow, we are leaving for New York. So, Agent Hill you also need to get ready. We are about to discuss about the future of the Avengers. So, it is going to be very important."

"And you are going to see your daughter and her 'daddy'." Maria whispered in my ears.

"You are so going to pay for it, Hill. Just wait and watch." I smirked at her.

"Hey! I was just teasing you. Natasha." Hill childishly complained.

Wait for me, Clara. I will come for you tomorrow. Mommy is coming.

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