Chapter - 28

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Natasha's POV:

Bittersweet. That is what I would describe what I am feeling right now.

Steve and I were sitting beside Clara's bed without uttering any other word.

Then, a big warm hand, which I am too familiar with, caught mine and intertwine it with his.

I look at Steve's direction, who in turn give me a faint smile.

"I hope that she is going to get well soon." He mumbles, mostly to himself.

Lets hope that. But I am too down to talk right now.

I think that I am the worst mom ever existed. I am given a second chance but I ruined it all. I should've talk to her about how she was feeling.

"Nat? Why are you crying?" Steve's concern voice make me snap out of my thoughts.

"Huh?!" I raised my eyebrows, not getting any clue to what he is saying.

"Your eyes, Nat. You are crying." He states, looking at my eyes.

Touching my eyes, I feel something wet.

Holy shit! I fucking cried. In front of Steve.

Licking my lips nervously, I wipe the tears from my eyes. "I-I don't know I was.....uh, crying?" I tried so hard to stop the tears, but they keep flowing out from my eyes.

Pursing his lips, he gives me an unconvinced smile. "You know, I think that she takes after you." He states, changing the subject probably because he sensed that I am getting uncomfortable.

I can't help but smile at that. "You think so?" I ask, suddenly getting interested.

"Of course. Look at her nose, she takes yours. And, look at that pretty little face, from whom do you think that she would get her looks from?" He asks, placing a kiss on my hand which he had been holding the entire time.

"From you, of course." I confessed, biting my lips as I try so hard to hide my blush.

He laughs, but his smile was quickly replaced by a smirk. "So, you find this face handsome?" He asks, wriggling his eyebrows playfully, pointing his finger at his face.

Not wanting to get defeated by him, I decided to play along with him. "Correction. Pretty." I smirk to which he groans.

"You need to try harder, Rogers." I say, rolling my eyes at him.

"Well, then. I will keep on trying for the rest of my life." He says, smiling at me.

I can't help but blush at his words.

Then, his smile was instead replaced by a smirk. "That was easy."

Looking at the man who is smiling cheekily, I shake my head. Amused.

"You are so......urgh." I groan, punching him lightly on his arms.

I know that he is just trying to cheer me up to which he succeed, but if everyday would be like this, minus Clara being sick, I would not want this to just end.

"A heart attack?! Are you fucking kidding me, Cho?" Tony half-shouted, pissed at the beautiful Korean doctor.

"That's the only explanation I can give, Mr.Stark. Even though it is very rare, it still happens.  The heart attack would include a structural abnormality of the heart or arteries." She states patiently.

Steve squeezed my hand, trying to comfort me. But I pull away from his hold. I don't need this right now.

"So, are there any cure?" I ask, feeling numb.

"As I was saying earlier, it is a very rare disease. But, we are going to find a way." She replies, smiling apologetically.

"Who's we?" I ask, not trusting any other outsiders beside her.

Then, out of nowhere, Bruce walks in. "Me." He simply stated, looking right into my eyes.

Yes, it is really him. Bruce.

"What are you doing here, Bruce?" I question him.

Biting his lips, he heaves a sigh. "Well.......I kinda just come back, you know." He laughs uncomfortably.

Feeling unconvinced, I cock my eyebrows. "And?"

"I give him a call." Steve speaks up from behind me.

What the actual fuck is going on right now?

Unable to believe my ears,"You what?!" I raise my voice a little.

I know that Steve is just trying to help, but I don't like this whole 'Bruce getting near Clara' thing. I mean, it's just insane.

"Don't take this personal, Natasha. She needs all the help that she can get." Steve simply stated, acting like nothing is wrong at all.

Then, he just left me. Alone with Bruce.

How could he? What about all the 'I think I am falling in love with you, Natasha blah blah blah' and all the sweet stuffs?

All I can see now is his broad back and he is disappearing from my sight slowly.

"You like him." Bruce asks which comes out more like a statement, interrupting my thoughts.

Facing towards him, I give him a forced smile. "I do. So please, don't cross any line."

He looks down on the ground, probably feeling guilty which he should be.

Without uttering any other word, I left him and followed Steve.

"You okay, Cap?" Tony asks Steve who was sitting quietly beside Clara's bed.

I know that this is wrong. But I can't help my instincts. Like they used to say 'old habits die hard'.

So, instead of letting them know of my presence, I 'observe' them quietly from a distance which, by the way, other people would call 'eavesdropping'.

But I prefer the former.

"Yeah, I'm alright." He shrugs, but from the look of his face, he don't seem fine at all.

Sighing, Tony takes a seat beside him. "I know its been hard, Cap. But I know for a fact that you are going to make a great dad." He consoles, putting a hand on Steve's shoulder.

Well, these two are getting close all over again. Maybe Tony finally forgave Steve. Maybe he didn't. But that's not the point. The point is that they are finally at peace with each other. And I can't help but smile at the beautiful sight.

Just as I was trying to leave them alone, Tony speaks out the thought that had been bothering me for these past three days.

"Then, what about red?" He asks.

Stopping dead at my tracks, I move my ear closer trying to hear what Steve has been thinking about us.

"What about her?" His sharp voice sends shiver down my spine.

"Don't act like you don't know, Cap. I know something has been going on between the two of you." Tony states the obvious.

This is the exact thing that has been confusing me. What exactly are we?

Are we friends or are we more? I don't know either.

"She's my best friend who I, somehow, share a child with. Nothing more or less." His words were like knives cutting through my heart.

Love, huh?! Love is for children.

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