Chapter - 33

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Tony's POV:


"I am not who you think I am." She quietly mutters. I let out a small huff but her emerald green orbs says it all.

She was not kidding. She looks quite serious.

"O...kay?!" I raised my eyebrows, urging her to continue whatever she is going to say.

Taking a deep breath, she starts explaining. "Actually, my real name is Clara Maria 'Rogers'." She says, emphasizing 'Rogers' as if trying to knock some sense into me.

"I still don't know what you are trying to say, kid." I shook my head in confusion.

"I was born in the year 2021. Does it make any sense to you now?" She inquired, furrowing her eyebrows.

2021? But that's impossible.

"Is this supposed to be a joke, kid?" I raised my eyebrows at her, not really knowing what to believe.

She just let out an unamused chuckle. "Do you really think I am joking?"

From the look on her face, I can tell that she is pretty serious. But who in the world would believe such thing?

"I thought you know about science. But, guess I was wrong." She shrugs. I know that she is taunting me but it is so hard to just ignore that remark.

Damn, she really knows how to push your buttons, Tony. My subconscious remarks.

That's it. How did she just describe me?

"Look here, kid. I am Tony Stark. The genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist. No one's ever question about my intelligence."

I don't really know what else to say in order to make her believe me since she looks at me incredulously.

"Then, hear me out first. Ever heard about the name Doctor Strange?" She casually questions, raising her eyebrows at me.

I give her a nod. I've heard lots of information about him. He is like, the Harry Potter of this world, I guess.

Wait, if it's something concerned about him, I don't think that's science.

"In short, he saved my life. From my mother's enemies. But.....there are some consequences."

"Consequences?" I inquired, feeling myself getting some interest in 'her story'.

"Yeah. I am kinda......stuck here." She lets out a breath as she shrugs. "Anyway, what I am saying is that....didn't it make any sense? I mean, all my DNA's matched with both the Captain and Widow. And there is no way on earth that someone's creating some girl whose DNA 'accidentally' matched with two superheroes." She stated, as if it is the obvious.

Whoa. She got me there. But, how did she even know about the DNA thing? She is not supposed to find out about Cap and Red because they insist on waiting for the 'right time' to tell her that she is theirs.

"Come again?" I ask, still not believing my ears.

Rolling her eyes at me, she shook her head. "I was trying to prove a point, uncle Tony. As stupid as it sounds, I come from the future. Do you still don't know what I am talking about?"

My mouth dropped. That's not even possible. My conscious argued but my heart tells me to believe it.

"I knew it, uncle Tony. No one's ever gonna buy that. But that's the truth. I won't blame you if you didn't believe it." She hung her head low, keeping her focus on the floor.

"And I am never going back." She mumbled to herself in a shaky voice.

"Sorry, kid. I want to believe you, I really do. But the things you said, they're just...... impossible. Scientifically and technically. And it's just against the laws of physics. Even nature. So, I believe that......"

She cut me off. "Then, what can I do to make you believe it? Anything, uncle Tony. I am not lying."

I just let out a sigh. "Okay, let's say you are really from the future. Then, tell me about it." I rubbed my forehead, feeling somehow stupid for even trying to believe this girl.

She seems to be in deep thought. Then, she speaks up. "I guess you know my parents. And my uncle Tony who is also a genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist." She mocked me, earning an eye roll from me.

Can this girl not be sarcastic for a moment? I thought.

"So, what are you planning to do, kid? Don't you wanna go home?" I question, finally believing her as I don't have any other choice.

She looks at me like I have grown two heads as she opens her mouth. Overreacting again. I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't be here if everything could turn out like I want." She sarcastically retorts.

Deciding to ignore her last remark for at least one time which, to be honest, is actually very hard, I want to get more information from her since most of her answers were sarcasm.

"Then, how did you end up here?" I question.

Fiddling with her little fingers, she absentmindedly replies, "Dr. Strange said that this is the only way for me to survive. But, I've been going on circle ever since."

I shook my head. "I don't get what you are talking about, kid. But, I say that you are not only brave, but also smart." I compliment her.

"Well, I am raised by the Avengers. What else do you expect?" She gives me a smug smirk, making me chuckle.

This little girl sure knows how to get back at others. I know for a fact that she gets that from Red. But she is a lot nicer and funnier than her. Also more polite and cute.

I roll my eyes at my own thoughts. I sound like a woman.

"Okay, kid. I have a proposal. We are going to find a way to send you back and in return, you are going to tell me if I still look handsome in the future." I say half jokingly, trying to cheer her up.

She lets out a huff. "Is that all you care about even in the future?"

I give her a nod. "You are impossible, kid."

"Bug." She corrects me.

I raised my eyebrows at her. "You used to call me bug in the future." She states, making me smile at the familiar nickname.

Is she really telling the truth? I mean, an average ten year old girl would not know how to make up this big lie. But she isn't just a normal kid. And that is what made it so hard for me to believe.

But still, she wouldn't make up even the nickname. At least not that nickname.

"Bug? Why did I call you that?" I give her a raised eyebrow.

Please let it be correct. Please answer it correctly. I silently prayed, since I really want to believe her.

She lets out a soft chuckle. "I don't think this really make any sense, but you said that you used to call me 'bug' because I am your favourite person. Your first ever pet was a bug and you loved it. So, I guess that was your reason." She shrugs.

My mouth dropped to the floor. How did she even know that? That was ages ago and I never share it with anyone else.

"What kind of four year old were you that you had a bug as a pet?" She furrows her eyebrows.

I don't know how to reply since I am still too shocked.

She really is telling the truth!

End of flashback.

I still find it hard to believe it but I guess she is telling the truth.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., can you locate where Stephen Strange is? I need to have a talk with him." I ask my AI to find Strange as I head back to my lab.

Wait for a little while, little trouble. I am going to help you get back.

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