Chapter - 25

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Clara's POV:

Aunt Sharon and my mom were practically having a staring contest all throughout dinner and even after dinner

I never knew that there is bad blood between my mom and aunt Sharon. It's so strange.

Speaking of strange...... I NEED TO FIND DR. STRANGE. Real quick.

How can I be so stupid? I really need to go back home.

Damn you, Clara Rogers. You are such a stupid piece of ****.

I really don't know how I end up with my mom in one room. I thought that I would have a room on my own.

This can't be good. I am so going to f**k up if I am any near my mom. She is just.....too observant and to top that, she is a freakin' 'kicking ass spy', as uncle Tony would call it.

And from my ten years experience, I know for a fact that she is going to ask me many twisted questions.

Urgh, just my luck!

I hear the loud banging of the wall and I can know that my mom is not really 'in the mood' which means only one thing: She is not really going to ask questions.

Phew! I am saved for the night. Thank you, aunt Sharon. I could even kiss you right now.

Snapping back into reality, I find my angry mother holding her knuckles, which is bruised, in pain.

"You know, walls are not for punching." I remark, giving her a smirk.

I know that taunting my mom when she is angry is wrong, but I cannot help it. It's just in my blood. Can't blame the instincts.

She snorts, acting as if it is not a big deal. "I was just testing my strength." She protests, and I cannot believe the woman standing in front of me.

I mean, that is the worst excuse ever. Even to a child. No one would buy that.

And she calls herself a good liar. I thought, shaking my head in disbelief.

"What?!" She asks as she sees that I am not buying it. And from her tone, I can tell that she is annoyed.

Shaking my head once again, I roll my eyes at her."Nothing." I shrugged.

Not knowing what to do further, she tries to hide her broken(?) knuckles on her back.

Oh, Mom!

I am also a little bit annoyed at her. I know she's angry but that doesn't mean that she should just punch a wall.

I mean, she could get hurt and all. And I have to admit it too, I don't like watching her get hurt.

"I am going to regret this." I mumbled to myself, as I stand up from the bed.

"Regret what?" She asks dumbfounded, still standing awkwardly in front of me.

I decide to ignore her question as I pass by her and I head to the bathroom to take first-aid box.

When I walk back to 'our' room, she raised her eyebrows and she looks as confused as ever.

"Sit on the bed." I instruct her and to my surprise, she complied.

I opened the first-aid kit and take out a bandage.

This is how they treat wounds, right? I don't really know how, but that's okay for now.

All the while when I bandaged her knuckles, I know that her eyes were fixed on me but I know better than to look up. So I just ignore.

She keeps quiet for the whole time, which I find really odd. Even after I returned to the room after I put the kit back, she didn't change her position.

Even though I prefer silence, I don't want this kind of silence to fill the room. I mean, it is awkward.

She still didn't speak up. Just hanging her head low, she just sits still on the bed.

Something is clearly wrong with her. I thought and decided on checking her.

Taking a seat beside her on the bed, I bend down to see her face which she was hiding the whole time.

Putting a strand of her red hair which covers her beautiful face behind her ear, I look at her.

I have noticed that her eyes were filled with........tears?

Seriously?! Is this woman really my mother? Are they the same person or my mom just change too much over the years?

"You're crying." My question comes out more like a statement and she shook her head immediately.

Biting her lips, she looks at me with her green teary eyes. "N-no. Adults don't just cry." She protests, wiping her tears away from her face.

I know she is lying but I don't want to push her further. It must really hurt to punch a wall that even my mom cries because of it.

I have to keep in my mind that even in the future, I should not just punch a wall.

"Okaaay." I say, not really buying it.

We just sit quietly on the bed, both of us lost in our own little world.

Deciding to break the silence, I speak up. "Uh....." I begin, not really knowing how to address her.

"Where is aunt Sharon staying?" I ask, and she flinched at the mention of her.

What is going on between them?
I thought they were friends.

Facing towards me, all her facial expressions earlier all gone. "A-aunt S-sharon?" She asks. Now, I cannot read her expressions.

I don't see any harm in calling her that. So, I give her a nod. "What's wrong? She says that her name is Sharon." I shrugged.

My mom gives me an annoyed look and she shakes her head 'no'.

" her?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

I give her a nod. "She's beautiful and she's seems nice too. So, I guess I like her."

Giving me a faint smile she faced the other side and she sighs.

After a while, she gets up and get under the covers."It's getting late. I think it's time for a little girl to sleep." She jokes.

I roll my eyes at her. "I am ten, you know. And, I ain't a little girl." I give her a wink and she laughs.

Yes, she really laughs. I have noticed that she never really laughs. She used to laugh a lot back in the days. And I miss the sound of her laugh.

Patting the empty space beside her, she smiles at me.

Oh, how I miss sleeping with my mom!

Reluctantly, I get under the covers and leave a certain space between us.

"Ooh! I don't think that little girls are supposed to sleep peacefully like that." She cooes.

Before I could even protest, she puts her hands around me and embrace me in a tight hug.

Much better. I smile to myself as it felt nice being at the arms of my mom again.

I don't remember falling into slumber and I hear her sweet voice saying,"доброй ночи, дорогой." (Good night, darling.)And she kissed me on my forehead.

I only remember saying,"доброй ночи,Мама."

Then, I went into slumber.

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