Chapter - 18

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Natasha's POV:

After I get things straight with Stark, I have agreed that he can tag along to Clint's house. I was mad at him, like really mad, but once Clara asks for him, I can't help but let him come with us.

"So.......why would we go to the baby factory?" Stark joked, earning a chukle from Hill and Fury.

I was borrowing Clint's van and we all fit fine since this is their family van.

"Technically, you are the one who was begging to go there with us." I remarked slightly irritated.

"But I was not begging to ride in this sick and smelly car which, to worsen the situation, you are the one who is driving us." He childishly complained making me more irritated at him.

"Uncle Tony!" Clara warned him to make him shut his 'good for nothing' mouth.

"Little trouble, I am just stating the irony. Plus, I really want to show you my lifestyle. You might not really know how cool life can get if you're living with me." He stated egoistically making me clutch the steering wheel tighter as I am trying my best not to talk back to him.

Clara just laughed at him and shook her head at his childish behaviour.

"You know, kid. When we get back home, I will show you how cool your uncle Tony really is." He announced proudly making me scoff as there will be no going 'home' for Clara but I know better than to spill the beans to him so I just let it slide.

Clara just rolled her eyes at him reminding me of Steve when Tony became such a show off and he used to just stay silent letting him say whatever he wanted instead of putting a fight with him.

"So Red? What about Cap?" Tony asked, putting his leg up the dashboard as he makes himself comfortable.

"What about him?" I lightly question back acting as if nothing is wrong as I keep on driving.

"You know, he's probably going to fall for someone else and live happily ever after without you." He laughed at me as he make fun of me.

I cringed at the thought of him falling for someone else.

"I mean, have you ever not think about him going on a date? Think of him having a dinner with that hot chick and he's probably going to have 'dessert' with her. And she will be the one taking his 'flower'. You know what I'm talking about, right?" He smirked wiggling his eyebrows playfully while the others keep quiet as they sat on the backseat.

"Stop it, Stark." I growled at him as I make sure that Clara is not knowing what exactly he is talking about.

"She is right, Tony. At least, not in front of the kid." Fury butted just in time because I really want to throw him out right now.

"Ha! She will eventually find out about these things. Little trouble, do you want me to tell you what we're talkin' about?" He cocked his eyebrows as he faced backwards to look at her.

"Um.....I guess." She shrugged, not really knowing why I'm so pissed at her 'beloved cool uncle'.

"That's not needed, Stark. If you open that filthy mouth of yours again, I would cut your tongue and make sure that you would never talk again." I threatened but I want to take it back the moment those words slip from my mouth after I see Clara with widen eyes.

"Clara, you have to bring that up in front of a kid, Stark?" I asked in frustration because of his annoying behaviour.

"Since when do you care about other people's feelings?" He huffed.

"Nat, you don't want her to think bad of you, do you?" Maria whispered in my ear from the back making me to shut my mouth.

I just sigh and keep my mouth shut while Stark kept on insulting me throughout the ride.

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