Chapter - 2

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Steve's POV:

"Gosh! The security was tight. But not tight enough for us." Natasha announced proudly.

I just laugh it off and took a glance at the little unconscious girl who she was holding in her arms and look back to the road as I continued driving towards Barton's home.

"When is she waking up?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Maybe after an hour or two. They injected her with a very high dose to keep her sleep." She answered.

"Why are they so merciless? Don't they know that she is just a little girl?" I angrily stated.

She looked at me and shoot me a smile,"She is gonna be okay. She is in good hands now."

I sighed,"I don't know. I'm just saying that I can relate to how she feels."

"What do you mean?" Nat asked, raising her eyebrows.

"I mean, losing your family." I stated. I rarely open up to anybody. But Natasha, she's just, I don't know how to describe it but I'm comfortable around her. Plus, I trust her.

Suddenly, her expression changed. "Yeah, me too." She replied.

"I'm sorry." I replied.

"When I was about her age," she said, taking a deep breath," I was a victim too. I was caught and put in the Red Room where they trained children like me who don't have families to be killers."

I just look at her. Then, she continued,"It was never my choice to be like this."

"It's not your fault." I mumbled.
She, then, take a deep breath,"Okay, enough of that shit. Let's talk about something else." She said, changing the subject.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked, looking at the road.

"Sharon!" She cheered.

"No. I don't want to talk about her." I said, trying to avoid the subject.

"Come on. It's not a big deal. You should have told me that you guys were a thing." She smirked.

"Correction. We are not a thing. We almost were. We only kissed once." I protested.

"You guys kissed?" She looked at me with wide eyes. She looked amused.

"Urgh. Fine. We shared a kiss. But, after all the fued was over, I met with her and I told her that I'm not ready for relationships. So, yeah, I guess we never were a thing." I blurt out.

"Sorry." She softly said.

"No, it's okay. What about you and Banner?" I asked casually. I knew that they were a 'thing'. I really feel bad for Nat after Banner just left. I knew deep down, she is still very hurt. So, I never really talk about him when she is around. Or ask her about him.

"Same as you. I met with him after the 'feud', and I told him that I don't want any relationship with him. We're still friends though." She shrugs.

"Yeah. Relationships are hard." I said, agreeing with her.

Then, she smirked and asked,"Since you seem very experienced about relationships, may I ask you how many have you been in? Pretty much to know about the hardness,eh?"

Urgh. I hate this woman. So sarcastic. She knew I've never had any relationships before.

"I hate you." I jokingly pouted.

Then, she laughed very hard.
"No offence Cap, but how many girls have you kissed?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. By the look on her face, I knew that she was holding back her laughter.

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