Chapter - 22

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Natasha's POV:

"Because I care about you." His voice rings in my ear, making my heart go wild. Very wild to be exact.

Act cool, Romanoff. Remember that you are mad at him. I thought to myself.

But, once I met with those baby blue eyes, all the walls that I have built so hard seem to crumble down.

I feel like a fool sometimes when I'm with him.

I huff and say,"Seriously, Rogers? What game are you playing?"

He looks at me sincerely with those innocent blue eyes. "I ain't playing no game, Romanoff. I am just trying to be a good friend."

His reply makes my heart clench. I mean, 'friend' huh? I thought that maybe he would, just maybe, having one tiny feeling for me.

But, guess that I was wrong all along. Dammit, Romanoff. You just make a fool out of yourself for ever thinking that Steve would ever like you more than a friend.

I don't really feel like fighting with him since I know that he would never give up before I agree with him. So, I just give up and agree. I mean, I don't have any safer place to go.

"Fine, it would be such an honour to live with my 'good friend'." I roll my eyes, my voice with a hint of sarcasm which I know he would definitely not get.

He frowned at my reply but he didn't make a big deal out of it as he just keeps quiet.

Silence surrounds us. We stare at each other without exchanging any words.

Steve suddenly coughed to lighten the mood a little making me smile at his poor, yet cute, attempt to get my attention.

Guess I'll just give him what he wants. "So......" I search for something to say and a thought pop in my mind,"how's Scott doing? He didn't cause any trouble, didn't he?" I asked, half-joking.

He chuckles, shaking his head in amusement, probably remembering about Scott and his 'ants'.

"Well, he visited me once in my new home." I smiled at him. "With his daughter." He adds, making me grin as I thought about Clara.

"How was she?" I ask, suddenly interested as I want to know more about how Steve is with kids, especially little girls.

He seems to be interested too as he smiles and says,"She's adorable and sweet. Her name was Cassie."

I laugh and sit beside him on the bed. I accidentally put my left hand above his, sending shivers everywhere in my body.

Oh my God, this is so embarrassing. What if he takes this in the wrong way? I would be doomed.

I didn't even dare to look up at him as I awkwardly remove my hands from his, slowly. But I was caught off guard when he, suddenly, takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles.

Oh my sweet mother of God! His lips are so warm and soft. I don't want this moment to ever end.

I look up at him, surprised by his unexpected actions.

"Wha-what......" I cannot talk anymore, all the English words that I have ever known were long forgotten. That mere action was so sweet that even the richest language in the world did not have any words to describe what I am feeling at the moment.

He looks at me intensely as I stare at him back shamelessly. "Oh! How I miss you, Nat!" He finally speaks up.

I am at loss of words right now and I look at him with mouth open. I didn't even know what to do. Or say.

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