Chapter - 5

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Tony's POV:

It's been a week since Clara had been living with us. And to be quite honest, it was a great week.

She is starting to open up and I had noticed that inside the little quiet and shy girl, lies many secrets.

Today, like many other days, Pepper left for work and we are going to spend time together again.

"Okay, kid. It's going to be just you and me again. What will we do today?" I asked.

"I don't know. Do you,like, need to build some strange machines which will blow up again?" She asked, looking curious.

Yes, we have gotten quite close over the week. But, I don't get any important information from her.

I wonder why? I mean, we always talk, taunt and tease each other, but we never bring up the subject. I may enjoy her company way too much.

"Huh, Little Trouble, don't talk like that. You know that my inventions are awesome." I stand up from my seat and I, dramtically, pointed to my Iron Man suit .

"Speaking of inventions, uncle Tony, do you remember what I said yesterday? That you looked like someone I know but I can't exactly name it?" She asked.

"Go on." I encouraged.

"Well, I know it now." She said looking very excited. But there is also a mischevious glint in her eyes which means she is going to make fun of me.

I raised an eyebrow and she is now smirking at me. Yes, she is smirking!

"Well, did remember what we watch last night?" She smiled at me, trying to make her point clear.

"Phineas and Ferb? What does it have to do with -" I stopped talking as I now see what she is trying to say.

I am very amused by her sense of humour. She knows what to do and say. That little smartass.

Last night, Pepper suggested that we should watch some kids show as there is a kid living with us and she didn't want her to feel bored. And she chose Phineas and Ferb.

"Hey! I don't look anything like that evil scientist." I protested folding my arms childishly as I joined her game.

She also enjoys teasing me and making fun of me which I find it very cute.

"I don't say anything like that. In fact, you are the one who brings him up." She giggled.

"Don't you dare play innocent with me, young lady. I am nothing like him." I play along and act like I'm angry just to see her reaction.

She just smiled at me and looked at me innocently but I can see that she is not buying it.

"We are nothing alike. In fact, we are the exact opposite. You know why?" I asked.

"Do enlighten me." She raised an eyebrow while folding her arms.

Gosh, she is so adorable when she did that.

"Well, first of all, he ugly while I am the handsome, billionaire, genius, playboy, and philanthropist." She snorted in this sentence.

"And, second of all, he is an evil scientist while I am an Avenger who used to kick the asses of a person like him." I continued, now smirking as I know that I'm winning.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes.

"But you still remind me of that evil scientist." She mumbled lightly.

"Huh? How can you say that, little Trouble? I am way more handsomer." I protested.

"Is that even a word?" She laughed.

"I don't care. Take it back. Say that I'm not like him." I told her, trying to keep my face straight and look serious.

But I failed miserably.

"No way." She laughed.

"Then, you are going to face the consequences." I said as I walked to her and tickled her before she could escape.

"Hey! Uncle Tony, stop it."

"Not until you take it back." I continued to tickle her.

"Fine. I, uh, take it back." She laughed, trying to calm her breath.

I stop tickling her and sat beside her on the floor. When I look at her, just like she said earlier, she also reminds me of someone but I can't exactly name it.

She sure does look like someone I know. Her smile and all, it looks way too familiar.

"You know, it's rude to stare." She laughed, breaking the silence.

"Hey, kid. You also remind me of someone but I can't exactly name it. You look familiar." I stated.

Her face changed drastically. She was smiling a minute ago, but now she looks very worried.

There is something she is hiding and I am determind to find that out. One way or another.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She simply stated as she stands up.

"Kid, I never ask but I think I kind of deserve an answer. Don't you think?" I asked looking at her green orbs, now sounding serious.

She takes a deep breath and sigh,"Fine. Ask whatever you want. But only a few."

She didn't look very happy. But I need more information about her in order to help her. So, I need to push her a little bit.

But I will try to go step by step. This moment is like a baby step for me. And I told myself not to go very far with it.

"Why don't you sit down first?" I asked, motioning her to sit in front of me.

She sat in front of me and we are now face to face. Okay Tony, this is it. Just ask her the damn question. But I don't want to hurt her either.

"Okay. First question, where are you from?"

"New York."

"How did you just appear out of nowhere? Do you, like, have some, uh, abilities?" I sound very crazy asking this question.

She lightly laughed,"No way. Um, a friend of my parents dropped me there. He is the one who has, um, those abilities."

"Interesting, so, what did your parents do?" I feel like this is the right time to ask what was bothering me for a week.

"This is the final question for today, okay? Don't ask why, how, where or who they are for now. I will tell you later." She asked looking unsure whether to ttell me or not.

"Okay." I agreed.

She kept quiet for a minute and I know that in her mind, she is debating whether to tell me or not.

She opened her mouth and then answered."They work at S.H.I.E.L.D."

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