Chapter - 15(Part-II)

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Still Steve's flashback:

"What do you mean?! A sorcerer and a deadly assassin working together? Moreover, they want a ten year old girl? Are you kidding me?" Tony dryly chuckled, his tone bitter.

"We are discussing something serious here, Mr.Stark. I am not just 'fooling' around. Unlike you." Dr.Strange said in a matter fact tone as he emphasized the word 'fooling' which made Tony huff in annoyance.

And, so far, by the looks of it, these two didn't seem to get along very well.

"Stark." Natasha warned as she glared at him which makes him shut his mouth.

"Please continue." Natasha quietly said, looking very concerned and somewhat tense.

"Okay. We all know that your little girl is no ordinary girl. Her existence is not possible, not even one in a billion which makes her very special." He started and Natasha squeezed my hand which she had been holding for a while now.

I squeezed back, to reassure her that everything will be alright. That's what I hope.

"So?" Tony seemed to be interested after he knew that it is not a joke since it concerns Clara's safety. He loves her very much as well and he makes a very good uncle which no one in the right mind would not believe.

"In short, her existence is against the laws of nature. And it would be a very great reward to have control of her since she herself is a mystery and nobody knows what she is capable of doing,mentally and physically. Who wouldn't want that big a fortune?" He replied showing no emotion.

"My daughter is not a fortune which one can just possess." Natasha said sternly, enunciating each and every word to make herself clear.

"Nat, he has a point." I said, trying to calm her.

"What are you trying to say exactly, Doctor?" I asked, trying to hide my shaky voice. I just feel numb just thinking about our present situation. I knew that one day, this would happen. Clara was too good to be true.

"As I say, your daughter is a very special human being." He said, looking at Natasha to let her know that he didn't mean to hurt her feelings.

Natasha nodded to assure him that she knew he didn't mean it that way.

"But, it would be a very hard job to take her away since you guys are always with her and everyone knows what you are capable of. Because of that, I think they teamed up." He continued.

"Speaking of 'them', how did they know each other? Considering that they are very different from each other." Tony asked as confused as ever.

"Ivan broke out of prison last year so I don't think that he and Norbu knew each other before since Norbu was once my fellow sorcerer. And, Norbu, he always wants more. He had a thirst for fame and greatness. So, he turned against us. I've been chasing him for months now, but there was no sign of him until today. So, I guess that since Ivan is after you, Mrs.Rogers," He looked at Natasha who looks very worried by now at the mention of Ivan.

I wonder who this Ivan guy is.

"He found out about your daughter and he wants her." He continued.

"And what about Norbu?" I asked.

How would he know about my daughter? This doesn't completely makes sense.

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