Chapter - 11

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Tony's POV:

"What do you want?" I asked Happy who was grinning like an idiot.

"I'm just so happy." He smiled at me, making me a bit uncomfortable.

"Yes, Happy is being 'happy'." I mocked him.

He just laugh it off. "You are starting to grow up, Tony. That is why I'm being happy."

I just snorted at his comment. I don't want to think about that. I just want to live in the moment.

"Me? Growing up?! You bet your ass I am." I laughed.

"No, Tony. Don't try to deny it. I saw how you took care of that girl. You are changing." He  began his speech.

"I am so proud of you." Blah blah blah. I just roll my eyes as I pay no attention to it. Once those words get into my ears,they get out again from the other.

"Pepper would be so proud of you," I don't care, she adores me already,"So does Natalie."

What?! Did he just say Natalie? No way in hell. I must've heard wrong since I didn't pay much attention to his blabbering.

"What did you just say?" I asked. Now I am very aware of what he is saying.

"That Natalie would be proud?" He asked, looking unsure because of my sudden reaction.

"Are you talking about the person who I'm thinking right now?" I asked.

"Well, I'm talking about Ms.Rushman. She called me up in the morning to check on what you are doing with the girl." Happy said. He seems unaware of it.

"What?!" I half shouted. "She can't know. Please tell me she didn't know." Now I'm begging.

"Why not? I already told her. In fact, she already sees the picture of you giving a piggyback to that girl." He shrugged his shoulders.

I mentally facepalmed. "You are getting me into trouble. Urgh, how can you be so.......naive."

"Tony, there is no need to be shy. Everyone has a soft side. And so do you. You don't have to be embarrassed. You just have to embrace it. You need to...." I rolled my eyes. "You don't get the point." I interrupted him.

"Red will make fun of me. She would be so happy that right now, she would be doing a little victory dance in her head." I blurted out.

"I don't think so. We will see today." He said, acting as if it's no big deal.

"Wait, did you just say 'today'? You can't be serious." I dryly laughed.

"Tony, you are overreacting. Yes, they will fly to New York to sign the New Accords the President had proposed. Don't you know? Even Cap is signing."

"Wow, welcome newest member of the Avengers. You sure know everything." I sarcastically said.

"Come on Tony. It will not be that bad."

"Whatever, but let me get some sleep first. Make yourself at home which I'm sure you will." And with that I went to my room to get some sleep.


"Tony? Wake up." Somebody was shaking me. The voice seems to belong to Happy.

"Just a sec." I covered my head with the pillow and closed my eyes tight.

"Tony, Captain is here." He said again.

"Whatever. He can wait. He would know the meaning of sleep since he was sleeping for seventy years." I replied, still keeping my eyes closed.

"Tony!" He keeps on shaking me. And to my annoyance, I get up.

"Did I ever tell you that I hate you?" I said, as I rubbed my eyes.

"I thought you were starting to grow up." He shook his head and head out of the room.


"Wow. The one and only Captain is here. The one who is very important that I was disturbed from my deep slumber." I sarcastically said as I head out of the room.

Cap just rolls his eyes and shook his head. "Just coming by to give you this." He said, handing me what I believed is the New Accords.

"What made you change your mind?" I asked. He was the one who was rebelling and against signing the contract.

"In my defense, it is not the same as the first one. It only demands that the Avengers are not going to do anything to harm the citizens and we would report ourselves after every mission in order for them to trust us. We can still stay as a private organization but it would be government recognized. And we can also keep a low profile." He stated.

"I can also no longer watch my team in pain. You were right, we need to go home. To where we belong." He smiled faintly. There was pain hidden in his eyes when he was saying it.

"What do you mean 'home'? The Avengers is your home and so is mine. We are family Cap." I tried my best to comfort him. I knew that he didn't have anyone since he is not from our time.

"Thank you Tony. But I've decided that I need to lay low. I have to really settle down and accept my fate." He tried to smile.

"You don't need to, Cap. The world needs you. The Avengers, we need you." I tried to convince him.

"No, they will be fine without me. Plus, it's not like I'm retiring. I'm just going to leave for a while. You know, finding myself."

He was very determined of what he was saying and it's not like I can convince him. The man is stubborn. He already makes up his mind and I don't think I can change it.

"So, where are you going to go?" I sighed because I am damn sure that he is going to leave even if I didn't want him to leave. Especially now. I am starting to heal again but he will disappear.

"Brooklyn." He replied.

"You know, you can give me more details." I rolled my eyes.

"Um, last month, I kinda make up my mind about, you know, my life. I saw how happy Clint was with his life since he has a 'home' and I started to have thoughts about it. So, I searched for a house in Brooklyn and there is a house on the outskirts of Brooklyn which I really like. So, I bought it and I would start to settle down." He stated.

"Did anyone knows? Beside me?" I asked. I really don't blame Cap for his decision because I have noticed that he is feeling very lonely. He didn't have a life.

"No. If they know, they would try to stop me. But I really need to go. I have figured that I always keep myself busy because I don't want to face the ugly truth. I think that now is the right time to start facing the truth." He gives me a pat on my back and said,"Take care, Tony."

And with that, he left.

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