Chapter - 14 (Part-I)

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Steve's POV:

"Hey, Steve." Nat comes in the room after Tony left and sit beside me but keeps some distance between us.

"Hey." I replied, not making eye contact with her.

"At least Steve, can you please look at me?" She begged, sounding desperate.

I sighed in defeat and take a look at her. Her eyes were all red and puffy due to her tears. I never saw Nat like this in our thirteen years of marriage.

I can no longer keep a distance from her. I cannot believe that I spent three whole months ignoring the love of my life.

Her eyes were begging me, longing for my touch. I never saw her this vulnerable. She needs me.

So, I hugged her and she wrapped her arms around my neck as I smelled her hair which is a habit of mine.

"Do you still love me?" She asked in a shaky voice, breaking the silence between us.

"Of course I do." I replied, kissing her hair.

"Oh, Steve." She cried and buried her head in my chest.

"Steve," She pulled away and cupped my face and asked,"Can I kiss you?"

"I'm all yours." I said as I lean in and took her lips with mine. I miss these plumpy lips. So soft and kissable.

"I miss this, Steve. Us." She said in between our kiss. I just hum in response as we pour all our desires in this kiss.

I pulled away as we ran out of our breaths. We lay down on Clara's bed and Natasha snuggled close to me.

"I love you, Steve." She breathed out and hug me tight.

"I love you too, Nat." I kissed her forehead and hug her back. I missed her so much. I love having her in my arms again.

"Steve?" She called me and I just hum in response.

"Do you think Clara will ever forgive me?" She asked looking up at me with hope.

I cringed at this question as I think about the time before the 'incident'.

Four months ago:

"Daddy!" Clara called as she runs into our room and slips in the bed between Nat and me.

"Good morning, cupcake." I kissed her cheeks.

"Mom's such a heavy sleeper." She grins at me as she laughed at a sleeping Natasha.

"I heard that!" Natasha said, still closing her eyes.

Clara covered her mouth with both her hands and looked at me with wide eyes.

I faked a surprise and did the same expression as I shook my head.

"Momma?" Clara said in her baby voice as she hugs her tight in the waist.

I could see Natasha's lips curling up but she hides it so well that Clara could not understand she is just faking her anger.

"Ma?" She called again as she thinks that she hurt her mother's feeling.

Natasha could no longer fake it that she hugs her tightly as she sits up and greeted, "Morning, sweetheart."

"Ma!" She exclaimed and looked at me as she mouthed 'She's not angry' to me.

"I love you, Mom." She whispered in Nat's ears as she wrapped her arms around Nat's shoulders and bury her head in her mother's chest.

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