Chapter - 36

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Tony's POV:

Dr. Stephen Strange. Yes, that's just the person who I have been searching for. But, how would I possibly find him? I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., give me all the details you can get about Dr. Stephen Strange." I told the AI while carelessly slouching on one of the couch of the lab.

"Yes, sir."

Rubbing my forehead one more time in frustration, I close my eyes just to think about how I am going to deal with all this shit.

Man, this situation is so fucked up.

What did you expect, Tony? You are trusting a ten year old girl for God's sake. My conscious reminds me.

Still, I believe her. Not only because I trust her, but also because all the results that we have about her DNA all makes sense with the things that she said.

"Tony? Are you asleep?" Without even opening my eyes, I can tell that it is Bruce.

I let out a sigh, partly annoyed. "What do you want, Bruce?"

I sit up a little to deal with him. He lets out a nervous laugh, as he quietly sat on the floor next to the couch. "I..... Tony, I don't know anymore." He shrugged, looking down at the floor.

Knowing exactly what he is referring to, I can't help but feel a little bad for him. "I'm sorry, man. I don't know what to say." I say, softly patting on his back.

He lets out a forced laugh while shaking his head. "Maybe coming here was wrong, Tony. I think that....... that I might be too late now. Maybe Nat is happier with Steve." I can hear the cracking of his voice, as he still stares at the floor; suddenly finding it interesting.

Honestly, I don't know how to console him. All the things he had mentioned before? They are all true.

Romanoff is really starting to become a different person when she is with Cap. I don't know how he does it; but he just knows how to keep her in check.

"I don't know, man. I can't say that she is not happy, because she is. And with Clara in the picture....... they're just....." I trailed behind, not really knowing what other word to use to indirectly tell him to 'fuck off' nicely, without getting his feelings hurt.

"Bonded stronger?" He finished for me, his tone hiding the pain he is feeling right now.

I just give him a nod. "I guess."

He lets out a heavy sigh as he rubs his forehead. "I know its not really my business but I have something to tell you. It's about the child." He says, getting serious as he, now, turns to the 'doctor mode'.

I can't help the frown forming in my face. "What about her?" I ask, rather defensively which, by the way, is not really my intention.

Ignoring my rather blunt question, he stood up and gives me a file.

"I don't know how to explain it, Tony. But she is way more than we think she is."

"Yeah?" I lazily leans back on the couch, as I watch him standing in front of me, not interested at all.

First, I have to deal with the broken hearted soldier. Next, the furious redheaded Russian who punched the life out of me. And now, this? A mad scientist who is too late for his damsel in distress?

Damsel in distress, really? Romanoff is anything but that. I know she is hot and all, but I don't see why these two idiotic men kept on chasing her.

Not really my type. As in the one who I would like to spend the rest of my life with. Like Pepper.

I shake away the thought once Bruce explains. "First of all, it is a mystery that she matches Cap's and Natasha's DNA. You know what is more interesting?" He raises his eyebrows expectantly, making me almost roll my eyes.

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