Chapter - 40

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Natasha's POV:

"I love you more." His husky voice sends chills down my spine as he gives me another kiss on the forehead.

Man, I just realised how much I missed him.

I shook my head. "Steve, you don't need to say it back if you don't.....", but I was cut off by Tony clearing his throat to catch our attention.

Did he always have to ruin my moment?

"Uh, well, we are all happy right? Cap is back and boom, little Natashalie is also getting some fondue and.....", he nervously laughs as he lightly smacks Clara behind her head to help him out.

"Yeah, uncle Tony and I might have a confession to make."

I give her a nod to let her continue on whatever she is trying to say. She nervously bites her lips as she nudges Tony with her shoulder.

Okay, what the hell is going on?

"Well, we kinda thought that....." she begins but was cut off by Tony pointing fingers at her as he says, "It's all her ideas."

Steve lets out a chuckle, probably finding Clara's unamused face funny as she scrunches her nose upon hearing Tony. Yet, she didn't make any comment about it.

"It's actually very hard to say. I mean, you are probably going to find it out anyways. So, we feel like we need to tell you the truth." Her tone was serious, making me to raise my eyebrows at her.

"First, please don't be angry at us. We were just trying to help that.....". Again, she was cut off by Tony. "We lied about Cap leaving New York."


Blinking my eyes a few more times, I let his words to clearly sink in my brain.

"What does that even mean, Tony?" It was Steve's turn to question.

Hesitantly, he looks down the floor, putting the most innocent face as he confesses, "We made up a lie and told little red here that you left New York because of her."

My eyes widen in realization. That son of a bitch! How dare he lied to me by making up some stupid shit about Steve leaving me?

Everything makes sense now. Steve wouldn't just leave me because of some stupid argument. Why did I even forget to think that he was the one staying by my side the whole time even when everybody, even Clint, left?

You are so stupid, Natasha. For ever thinking that low of Steve.

"You what? Is that why Natasha was getting so emotional? God, I will never leave you, Natasha." He turned towards me in order to convince me.

I give him a small smile. "I know, Steve. Now, you must be hungry. I think there must be some leftovers from last night." I tell him as I softly pat his fine chiselled chest.

He gives me another peck on the cheek. "Don't be too hard on them." He whispers as he pulls away from me.

I just give him a smile as he left. "Cap?! Don't leave us with this sadist!" Tony called after him, but Steve just puts his hands up.

"Sorry, man. I am starving." And with that, he left us.

I turn to face both of them, Tony was giving me a fake smile while Clara silently stares at the floor, probably feeling bad. I rolled my eyes at their attempt to make me feel bad for them.

"Well, well, well, what have we got here?" Both of them swallowed hard, as I give them a smirk.

"It was all her plan, Nat. I was not doing anything other than her orders." I rolled my eyes yet another time at his poor attempt of getting out.

"Really?" I knowingly raise my eyebrows at Clara, who now avoided any eye contact with me.

She kept her mouth shut the whole time, as she suddenly found new interest on the tiles of the floor.

Diverting my attention from her, I give a hard glare to Tony. "You are going way too far this time, Stark. And stop putting the blame on someone else."

He lets out a huff. "She's ten. She's not stupid. Plus, you and Cap are good now. So, just let us go."

"Whatever. But I don't want anymore lies from you two. Are we clear?"

He lets out a nervous chuckle. "We're not kids anymore, geez."

I give him a stern look. "I'm serious, Tony. I am not letting you get away this easily if there is any second time. You get me?"

He lets out a sigh. "Fine, whatever. I'm going. C'mon kid, you and I have something to discuss."

I stopped Clara from following him. "Not so fast, young lady."

"You're not angry?" I hear her quietly sob, as she buries her face in my chest.

A small smile tugged across my lips as I rub small circles around her back. "No way. At least not at you, of course. Plus, I can never be angry at you."

She leans back a little, to see my face as if to check if I am serious or not. "Really?" She asks, her eyes look hopeful although some tears moist her face.

I give her a nod, like she always does to me. I take her little hands in mine, as I placed a kiss on it. "But I can't help but wonder why you asked him to help you."

"I was sad to see you like that." She mumbles under her breath, making me to chuckle in amusement.

She really did care for me too.

"You do?" She gives me a nod, causing yet another smile to appear on my face.

"Why?" I can't help but ask her why she would feel that bad for me thats he asked Tony to help us get back together.

She shyly looks at me as she scrunches her nose.

"I don't know. It's just...... maybe I kinda love you." She gives me a shrug.

I can feel my heart melt upon her words. "I do kinda love you too, kiddo."

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