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(Y/n)'s POV

My eyes flutter open, as I wake to yet another day on Earth.

Sighing, I crawl out of bed and check the time. 06:37......

06:37! Shit I over slept!

Running into my bathroom, I take a quick shower.....a little longer to get the soap out of my eyes.

Putting my "uniform" on, it's not my proper military uniform, it's just what I wear.

Skipping breakfast, since food if more of a luxury to me than a need.

Perks of being a God.....you still get hungry though.

I ran out the door and got to my jeep, speeding off to the army base.
"Commandant, a man is her  to see you" a private came running up to me once I stepped out the car.

"Did he scheduled to speak to me" he shook his head. Turning my back I started to walk away. Looking over my shoulder I shouted, "Then it ain't my problem!"

Once again the private shouted out to me, a word I haven't heard in a long time...

"He says he's from SHIELD"

Quickly walking to the meeting room, I was met with none other than Director Fury.

"Good morning Nick" I smiled at him, yet he didn't return it.

"Geez who pulled your eyepatch" he just glared at me, and I knew that this was serious.

"Miss (y/l/n) {your last name}, I'm here under certain circumstances, we have worrying signals coming from an energy source" he explained, standing still whilst I pace around him.

"That makes no sense why come to me?" I snort, "This isn't of my concern, we come from different areas, is there no one in France that can help" I wince at my last sentence, I really shouldn't have spent years with the Starks.

"It's the Tesseract, I believe you are familiar with it" the Tesseract......

"That was lost at sea" I seethed through grit teeth.

That was one of the blasted stones that sent me here!

"Ah yes, but a certain Stark found it whilst searching for a friend of yours" he handed me a file with a picture tesseract and Howard Stark in it.

Suddenly a beeping came from his watch.

"Forgot to turn your alarm clock off" damnit stark!

Before I knew it, I was being dragged by the director to the jet.

"We need to move. Now!"

I begrudgingly sat down in the jet. Shaking slightly as it took off

"I know what the Tesseract is capable off, that is the only reason I'm coming with you"

Avengers x Reader Exiled {Book 1} -On hold-Where stories live. Discover now