Phase 2

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Me and Steve stormed out the storage unit. He managed to grab the weapon for evidence.

"Where's Fury?" I glared at a passing agent who looked at me with fear.
"He went down to the labs ma'am" he pointed down the hall with a slightly shaky hand.

"Thank you" The ever do polite Rogers replies. Following my path down to the labs.

"What is Phase 2?" We heard Tony ask when we walked in.

"Phase 2 is SHIELD uses the Tesseract to make weapons" Steve slams the weapon down on a table.

"Sorry, computer was a bit slow for us"

Fury decides to move towards us.

"Guys we gathered everything that was related to the Tesseract, this does not mean-" he was quickly cut off by Tony who turned a screen to show some sort of nuclear weapon design.

"I'm sorry Nick, what were you lying?"

"I was wrong Director this world hasn't changed a bit" Steve snarls as Natasha and Thor walk in.

"Did you know about this?" Banner asked, shifting his gaze from Natasha to me.

"You might want to think about removing yourself from this area Doctor" she steps cautiously towards him.

He laughs bitterly, "I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed!"

"Loki's been manipulating you" Loki, could he have something to do with the rising tension of the group?

"I'd like to know why SHIELD is planning to use to Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction!" This caught my attention.

"Because of him!" Fury points directly at Thor.

Oh yea, they don't know about me yet.

"Me?" Thor asked confusedly.

Fury started to advance towards him.

"Last year, Earth had a visitor from another planet, who had a grudge match that levelled a small town, we learnt that...not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously outgunned" Fury states in what seems to be a bitter tone.

He's not wrong though, Earth isn't one of the most powerful worlds.

"My people want nothing but peace with your planet!" Thor argued, defending his home.

I wish I could do that.

"But you are not the only people out there are you?"

Ok this needs to stop!

"No they aren't the only people out there, there is so much more, your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki and his allies to it! This is a sign to the other realms that Earth is ready for a higher form of war!"

"A higher form?" I heard Steve mutter from behind me.

"Our hand was forced! We had to come up with-" Fury was once again interrupted by Stark.

"Nuclear deterrents? Cause that always fixes everything!"

Has he forgotten?

"Remind me again how you made your fortune Stark?" Fury didn't.

"I'm sure that if Stark still made weapons he's be neck deep in-"

I decided to stick up for Tony as this isn't about him.

"Why is everything suddenly about Tony?"
Steve was the one to rudely reply.

"I'm sorry isn't everything?" It's clear that he really doesn't like him at this point.

"I thought humans were more evolved than this" Thor sneers.

Well you thought wrong Thor, the only think that evolved here is the technology.

"Excuse me, did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?" Fury asks with offence.

Everyone begins to argue.

My head began to pound as the stone in Loki's sceptre glows brighter than before, but everyone is oblivious to it.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" I shouted making everyone stop and stare at me with shock.

"Can't you all see that something is going on here!" I huff.

"Loki didn't run away when he had the chance when Thor turned up right? Yet we brought him here, we brought him to the headquarters of this supposedly heroic team!" I ranted quickly passing the floor.

The vibe in this room is setting off every nerve in my body. I have to fight it because it's what Loki wants.

"Team? No, we're a chemical mixture that creates chaos...we're a time bomb!" Banner sneers.

"You need to step away!" I point at him, if he looses it, everyone on this ship could get hurt.

"Come on, why shouldn't the guy let off some steam!" Tony says casually placing his hand on Cap's shoulders, who quickly shrugs him off.

"You know damn well why, back off!" He barks at the smart man and half circles him with a joyless laugh.

"Yeah, big man in a suit of armour, take that off then what are ya?"

Stark turns to smirk at the old solider.

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist"

Steve just glared at the man and continues.

"I know guys who are none of that, that are worth 10 of you!"

They are letting it get to them!

"Knew Steve," they both turned to look at me, "in this day and age Tony does come out big man on campus, people your referring too are gone, people don't make the sacrifice play anymore!"

His face softened a bit before glaring back at Tony.

"You may not be a threat but you better stop pretending to be a hero!"

Did he listen to a word I have said!?

"A hero? Like you, your a laboratory experiment Rogers! Everything special about you came out of a bottle!"

I can feel the darkness growing in their minds, spreading like a sickness all because of this trickster.

My hearing gets blocked out as a new sense approaches. One of danger. Somethings not right.

Apart from the arguing, it's been quiet. Too quiet...

Oh no! This was a distraction.

A beeping brought me back.

"Sorry kids, guess you don't get too see my party trick after all" Banner mutters as he puts down Loki's sceptre and walks towards a screen- Wait When did he pick it up.

"Hey guys, every hear the saying, 'Peaceful times are what make us blind'? Apart from the arguing it's been quiet, far too quiet! This is a distraction! If we are all in here, we are an easy target!" Everyone's eyes widen in realisation.

"Oh my god!" Banner mumbles.

Suddenly an explosion hits the room sending everyone flying back.

Me and Thor landed next to each other a few floors down from the lab.

I turned to look at him with panic.

"It's started!"

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