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The jet landed and all three of us got out. Coulson, then me, then Steve. He let me go first being the gentleman that he is.

Some people never change.

We were met with a pretty red head, with emerald eyes and cherry red lips.

"Commandant (Y/l/n), Captain Rogers, may I introduce Agent Romanoff" Coulson stated, Romanoff shook both mine and Steve's hands before turning back to Coulson, "they need you on the bridge" he nodded and left.

"It was quite the buzz around here when they found you in the ice, thought Coulson was gonna swoon, did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?" She asked Steve, they were both walking ahead, whilst I was looking around.

There's got to be a different ship right? We can't hide out of the water!

"Trading cards?" Steve questioned, "vintage, he's very proud" we stopped at a man who looked very lost.

"Doctor Banner?" I called out to him, I recognise him from the papers I read of his.

"Oh yea hi, they said you guys would be coming" he shook both our hands.

"Word is you can find the cube" I stated, "is that the only word?" He looked really nervous. Steve butted in and replied, "only word we care about"

'Oh nice Steve, you speak for me then' I tutted in my mind

As Banner and Steve carried on to talk, Romanoff approached me.

"I'm sorry but who exactly are you?" She asked, giving me a suspecting look.

"I am minding my own business, I am trying to find a way to stop someone from attempting to vandalise something that is mine!" My voice getting louder and louder, causing both men to stop talking and look at me.

The agent goes to say something else, but I just turn and walk away.

Suddenly alarms went off and men were strapping the planes down.

The battle raft, starting lifting into the air.

'Now this is more like it!' I grinned.

Walking up to the entrance of the bridge, I heard someone running up behind me.

"Hey (Y/n) wait!" Of course it was Steve.
I vaguely turned to look at him at the corner of my eye and sighed.

"What Rogers?" He stood with his arms crossed at looked down on me.

"What was that?" He said with shock. "Look Steve, I don't like people who are distracting me from my job, I don't need to socialise, Fury needs my help tracking and stopping a criminal who is from another world, and that's what I'm going to do, once we got him, I'm leaving, making sure all connections to me are lost, okay!" I stormed off without another word, leaving a confused Captain behind.

Avengers x Reader Exiled {Book 1} -On hold-Where stories live. Discover now