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We are meant to be together, side by side. Every morning but not in every night. We are meant to be together, but not in the way I desire. I can't hold your hand whenever I want, stay up all night next you, run after the few cars that drive on the road in daylight to compete who's much crazier. Laugh and tell you I'm happy because of being with you, loop my arms around your neck, you make my legs leave the earth and I tell you I don't fear living anymore. Because I ain't lonely anymore

I'm near you, but it's not my right to offer me what I miss, To calm me, set off my stress and make me feel confident and beautiful for the first time. To make me feel that I'm a lady who any man would fight into a battle to reach and act like you won me despite I'm the one who let you approach.

I'm not the lucky one to be your only one. I like you and you like me, but there is still a difference in the definition of the word "like" for both of us. You like green and I like red, however, we can't combine a compatible relationship because we two hate brown, too.

Friendzoned? Nope, it's prisoner zone.

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